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  1. #1
    Community Member TechnicallyZero's Avatar
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    Jan 2011

    Default Re-nubbed and does has question(s)

    Ok little background.... first off, I am not completely new to the game. I created my guild in the headstart and played for a few years. I seem to recall dungeon alert being announced just before I left for <cringe> WoW. After that I meandered about the mmo world, looking for something to catch my attention for more than a week.

    I returned about 5 weeks ago and decided that, rather than attempt to recover my old accounts, I would start fresh to get a better idea of the changes that have occurred since my departure.

    I now have a 15 ranger and a 14 mage (actually, 14rgr/1ftr and 12wiz/2rog) cause those were builds I enjoyed "back in the day". I have access to vets, 32points and of course drow. I find that my wizy (illusionist atm) is a bit weaker than I remembered the build being and my rgr seems about the same.

    So, questions....

    Epics, I've read a few threads indicating that things like the pirate gear isnt good enuff (good cause i gots none... hate that event) and ppl r stoopid for tryin... in my group. What sorts of gear should I be striving for to START epics? I realize that I have a few levels before they are even an option, but why not start working toward a goal now?

    Green Steel, I've seen/heard people IG talk about their bazillion pieces of GS and how great they were. Is GS viable at end-game, at all?

    Location, Location, Location.... telling ppl to farm "item x" is all well and good and I certainly know about ddowiki and recently saw mention of another wiki (itemwiki or gear wiki or some **** like that), however would it be too much trouble to put a tag on an item to give a hint? or perhaps to use its actual name instead of the super-dood acronym that means nothing to anyone who hasnt seen the item before? LitII comes to mind right off... w t f is this??? (from another post)

    Changes.. I read about the WoP changes and that almost made me cry. I thought the Devs were caving to the elitiest crowd before I left and apparently I was right. They caved and then made the worst mistake in game development.... try to fix a decision, via "nerf". <you might not agree and thats fine, but if you were here in the beginning you might know what i'm talking about> what other serious/significant/omfgbbq changes are out there, in a nut shell?

    yes its a long post and if you're still here, thanks for suffering my long-windedness. I will end this one now, because its early and I hasta get mah rugrat to school.

  2. #2
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    First off, don't let them tell you its 'not good enough'

    The event gear IS good enough, its not 'as awesome' as some gear out there, but it FAR exceeds much that does. No this does not mean that if you have a 'epic cutlass' that your ready for epics, but its a start.

    For the most part, if your a caster and can maintain 100% fort and 450hp with CC(Crowd control) DC's of around 37-42, your prob fine for some of the 'harder' epics(Not the hardest maybe, but most of the regular ones and defiantly the easier -house p - ones.)

    As a melee, 450 hp, 100% fort, and some 'defensive' ability you should be fine. Truth is, right now, most epics are pretty much hold + beat down or (of boss) beat down and heal though it.(exceptions as always, but this is 'generally' what you will see)

    With the upcoming changes, epics will prob get a real nublet wash, so it will both be easier(for those who are just 'stepping' into epics) and 'different' (For those of us who are used to epics) Give it a week or so after the change goes live to see how it will really affect the playerbase.

    Also about things like 'litII' or 'MinII' etc, you will eventuayl catch on, litII is lighting II, greensteel, so called because it is a 3rd tiered item, made with aspect of lighting. Reason its called 'Lighting II' is because the first tier u choose good(or air) and the 2nd u choose air(or good) which makes the greensteel labled 'aspect of lighting', going a third tier and choosing to go air/holy makes it 'lighting II' (Best i can use to describe it, trust me, after a little bit of hearing it you will catch on)

    Lit = lighting
    Min = mineral
    Rad = Radiance
    Last edited by AMDarkwolf; 03-28-2011 at 07:25 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member TechnicallyZero's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Thanks wolf, those things are good targets. I did a bit of the event, but really was terribly bored with it in just a few hours. So I dont have any of the newfangled pirate doodads, but that doesnt bother me cause I know I can hit the 100% fort and 450 HP relatively easily. The hardest thing for me will be the save dc's as I've always had a hard time remembering what stacks with what... but that's another post entirely.

    I appreciate the info, thanks for taking the time to post.

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