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  1. #101
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    I'ma flip this around.

    Where are the Quantum Entropy-hosted "Learner Shroud/HoX/VoD/Epic [Insert Name Here] LFMs"?

    I don't see you guys nearly as often as I used to, and I've been lurking my way into pugs incognito lately. That leads me to speculate that:

    1. The Guild has shrunk.
    2. The Guild runs in-house quests and raids, and would rather short-man than pull a Pug in.
    3. Blind chance preventing me from coming across any LFMs.

    I'm guessing the middle option. And *say* that's the case - well, its easy to preach when looking at the problem from a third-person perspective.

    Me and MsE just spent half an hour after a failed HoX working with a cleric who had 202 HP & 0% Fort @ level 19. We would've spent longer, we were actually going to run Sins for him to get the Con +6/GFL belt, but the unnamed cleric had to log. Hopefully we'll hook up with him/her later and keep helping him out.
    Both him and I went into our "goodies bags" and pulled out some gear to help him out with, including the taps necessary to go grab himself a Minos - I wanted to walk him there, but he said he would handle it on his own later, that he knew where to go.

    But that's one guy. And there will be five more like him tomorrow, and the next day. And two of the five won't want to hear a word of your advice. Because spend any appreciable amount of time Pugging, and you'll realize that its either spend a couple of hours nightly playing babysitter, or declining them and short-manning, or waiting until someone more qualified comes along.

    And while we're at it, these unnamed people have guilds - some of them fairly large. Where's the guild support, huh?
    Me and a Guildie pug at least 3 spots, sometimes 4 in the EPic Red Fens series jsut about everyday,as well as Devil assault and we did pug 3 spots in a run of the Desert LASt week too ( we dont run these anymore), We all still run raids, but since we take first comers to LFMS, they tend to fill quite fast you are prob missing them, as well as we play mostly West Coast time.

    I wouldnt say QE has shrunk--no one has ever left QE knock on wood-- but that our play time hours have shrunk, or in my case have changed since I work 3- 4 nights a week. We have quite a few people who used to play everyday who only log on a few times a week, and only for an hour or so--New Jobs, New Babies--tired of the content.
    Last edited by moops; 03-28-2011 at 08:49 PM.
    Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels

  2. #102
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moops View Post
    Me and a Guildie pug at least 3 spots, sometimes 4 in the EPic Red Fens series jsut about everyday,as well as Devil assault and we did pug 3 spots in a run of the Desert LASt week too ( we dont run these anymore), We all still run raids, but since we take first comers to LFMS, they tend to fill quite fast you are prob missing them, as well as we play mostly West Coast time.

    I wouldnt say QE has shrunk--no one has ever left QE knock on wood-- but that our play time hours have shrunk, or in my case have changed since I work 3- 4 nights a week. We have quite a few people who used to play everyday who only log on a few times a week, and only for an hour or so--New Jobs, New Babies--tired of the content.
    I don't have any new babies but I'm trying! Does that count?

    Hope to see you all soon once I get this school situation sorted. All I have time for now is on the go posting and a few hours a week leveling
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
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  3. #103
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moops View Post
    Me and a Guildie pug at least 3 spots, sometimes 4 in the EPic Red Fens series jsut about everyday,as well as Devil assault and we did pug 3 spots in a run of the Desert LASt week too ( we dont run these anymore), We all still run raids, but since we take first comers to LFMS, they tend to fill quite fast you are prob missing them, as well as we play mostly West Coast time.

    I wouldnt say QE has shrunk--no one has ever left QE knock on wood-- but that our play time hours have shrunk, or in my case have changed since I work 3- 4 nights a week. We have quite a few people who used to play everyday who only log on a few times a week, and only for an hour or so--New Jobs, New Babies--tired of the content.
    Glad to hear it - guess its just poor timing on my part, then.

  4. #104
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Glad to hear it - guess its just poor timing on my part, then.
    Might be good timing on your part. Have you seen hex try to play a caster???
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
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  5. #105
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moops View Post
    LOL I don't even MYDDO when I pug Epics. . .I ended up with a Non Stunning Monk, and a QUARTER STAFF using Ranger for EPic Claw last week--we kill everything--and we still finished--it took us 10 mins longer but we did it. . .even with my GIMP Low SP non TR caster.
    I pull out my Qstaff in epics sometimes on Alyesia. Mainly when no one is doing level draining (especially on held casters). Luckily most of the time the Arcanes and Divines are woo woo ing, but sometimes not.

    My gimp ass has run with QE from time to time, so that can't be all that picky.

  6. #106
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordPiglet View Post
    I pull out my Qstaff in epics sometimes on Alyesia. Mainly when no one is doing level draining (especially on held casters). Luckily most of the time the Arcanes and Divines are woo woo ing, but sometimes not.

    My gimp ass has run with QE from time to time, so that can't be all that picky.
    Honestly we aren't picky at all when it comes to gimps. Some of us have some real gimps on this server or others. For us it's more about what you bring to the team and if you're cool or a prick.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
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  7. #107
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    Honestly we aren't picky at all when it comes to gimps. Some of us have some real gimps on this server or others. For us it's more about what you bring to the team and if you're cool or a prick.
    Actually, I'm not that gimp, except on my FvS and that's more about play skill. But i'm trying to improve that on everyone character I play right now. I run with pretty much anyone and have run with a lot of the different guilds (including EW and QE which are both guilds I'll run without hesitation).

    I just like to bring some smartass around.

  8. #108
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordPiglet View Post
    Actually, I'm not that gimp, except on my FvS and that's more about play skill. But i'm trying to improve that on everyone character I play right now. I run with pretty much anyone and have run with a lot of the different guilds (including EW and QE which are both guilds I'll run without hesitation).

    I just like to bring some smartass around.
    I just like to debug the myth that we are some super elitist group and nobody is good enough to run with us. We are just a group that likes to play together, run our raids and keep drama out of the game. Most of us have been playing for 4 years or more so of course we are decent players and have a lot of gear. Really not much more then that.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
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  9. #109
    Community Member Towrn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letrii View Post
    I tried looking up stats of my bard,but it shows my old paladin/sorc with same first name. How can I get rid of deleted toons from MyDDO to show the right ones?
    When you figure this out, let me know. I haven't been able to look up my main on my other account since the day I built him.
    Knorgh (triple triple completionist) Currently 12 Wizard/6 Ranger/2 Monk

  10. #110
    Community Member freshlysnipes's Avatar
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    I was in that run and I am happy to say I was not the quarterstaff wielding ranger. I am noob, but not that bad. I will say that the time that you all spent running the one epic fathoms to get me flagged for depths was awesome. Some folks would have said screw it. its runs like those and a Caffeine run a few years ago that has made me a patient player and willing to help out whenever I can. Though Quick yelled at me for holding onto **** scrolls that no one will ever use.

    Quote Originally Posted by moops View Post
    LOL I don't even MYDDO when I pug Epics. . .I ended up with a Non Stunning Monk, and a QUARTER STAFF using Ranger for EPic Claw last week--we kill everything--and we still finished--it took us 10 mins longer but we did it. . .even with my GIMP Low SP non TR caster.
    The Thread Killer...
    Sarlona~ Gasolinia~Mozdef~Seagate~Delaa Soul~Freshley Snipes~FoxiiBrown~Kwestluv~Inspectah Deck~Seelow

  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobril View Post

    Pirate Armor
    Pirate Ring
    Pirate Hat

    You are not ready for epics.
    Or arrrrr you?
    "What? Where?" *clunk, thud* :-)

  12. #112
    Community Member Kronik's Avatar
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    So I guess what the OP is saying is that a Noob should not try or even think about trying to run an Epic quest?

    Now that they upgraded their gear a bit with CC gear, which is apparently less than Raid/Epic gear, they should still realize that they cannot run EPIC quests?

    Are you telling people not to try the hard stuff because they suck and experience will not help them either?

    Is the point to let people know that just because they have upgraded their gear in an attempt to be better, they should not try to learn from others who may

    know the quest well and might be able to help them get better?

    I think maybe you should just start a post telling Noobs to stay clear of your EPIC groups. Its more to the point , whereas assuming that people

    suddenly feel like they are uber because they were able to upgrade their gear seems a bit farfetched!
    Last edited by Kronik; 03-29-2011 at 01:12 PM.
    Big Cash Mercs / Sarlona / Leader


  13. #113
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kronik View Post
    So I guess what the OP is saying is that a Noob should not try or even think about trying to run an Epic quest?

    Now that they upgraded their gear a bit with CC gear, which is apparently less than Raid/Epic gear, they should still realize that they cannot run EPIC quests?

    Are you telling people not to try the hard stuff because they suck and experience will not help them either?

    Is the point to let people know that just because they have upgraded their gear in an attempt to be better, they should not try to learn from others who may

    know the quest well and might be able to help them get better?

    I think maybe you should just start a post telling Noobs to stay clear of your EPIC groups. Its more to the point , whereas assuming that people suddenly feel like they are uber

    because they were able to upgrade gear seems a bit farfetched!
    0% Fort and less than 300 HPs on Epic isn't a noob - its a liability. An archer in TTT could one-shot them... and there's like 6 archers and a caster at the front door!

    Now imagine an entire dungeon like that.

    Sometimes, I'll stop and help that guy out. Get them hit points, get them heavy fort, etc.

    But sometimes, I want to run the Epic I put in the LFM. And like the OP, I believe, Cove gear aside, that those two stats (Fortification and HP) are not sufficient to survive in Epic reliably.

    It's not snobbishness, or an Elitist attitude. If I put up an LFM, it's because I want help, assistance, contributors. And a Soul Stone contributes nothing.

    Just because you hit level 20 does not mean you are ready for Epic. Heavy Fort and additional Hit Points can be found via Minos Legens, a Level 11 Item obtained by farming in a level 10-19 Explorer Area. It is also an attribute that can be found at a mininmum of level 11 (9 if Race Required) on Rings and Belts.

    Getting to level 20 without it means that either one is willfully disregarding the ability, or that their guild-mates and running partners that help them make it to 20 are failing them.

    And as said above, and repeated for emphasis, some days I just feeling like running the **** quest without playing Soul Stone keeper. I'm sure OP feels the same way.

  14. #114
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    0% Fort and less than 300 HPs on Epic isn't a noob - its a liability. An archer in TTT could one-shot them... and there's like 6 archers and a caster at the front door!

    Now imagine an entire dungeon like that.

    Sometimes, I'll stop and help that guy out. Get them hit points, get them heavy fort, etc.

    But sometimes, I want to run the Epic I put in the LFM. And like the OP, I believe, Cove gear aside, that those two stats (Fortification and HP) are not sufficient to survive in Epic reliably.

    It's not snobbishness, or an Elitist attitude. If I put up an LFM, it's because I want help, assistance, contributors. And a Soul Stone contributes nothing.

    Just because you hit level 20 does not mean you are ready for Epic. Heavy Fort and additional Hit Points can be found via Minos Legens, a Level 11 Item obtained by farming in a level 10-19 Explorer Area. It is also an attribute that can be found at a mininmum of level 11 (9 if Race Required) on Rings and Belts.

    Getting to level 20 without it means that either one is willfully disregarding the ability, or that their guild-mates and running partners that help them make it to 20 are failing them.

    And as said above, and repeated for emphasis, some days I just feeling like running the **** quest without playing Soul Stone keeper. I'm sure OP feels the same way.
    It's also on a level 11 item that you can get from a f2p quest (apparently it's currently bugged but will be fixed soon).

    I expect everyone in a quest with me to contribute in a meaningful way. I try to build characters with multiple abilities to make a quest go smoother. Now, sometimes I violate this rule when questing and it bites me in the tail because I get in over my head and maybe I should have let a more specialized individual handle it, but I also believe that some diversity is key and that I should push myself.
    Last edited by LordPiglet; 03-29-2011 at 02:14 PM.

  15. #115
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordPiglet View Post
    It's also on a level 11 item that you can get from a f2p quest (apparently it's currently bugged but will be fixed soon).

    I expect everyone in a quest with me to contribute in a meaningful way. I try to build characters with multiple abilities to make a quest go smoother. Now, sometimes I violate this rule when questing and it bites me in the tail because I get in over my head and maybe I should have let a more specialized individual handle it, but I also believe that some diversity is key.
    It's also available in the necklace slot for ML:9 from Adamantine Ore turn in from A Relic of a Sovereign Past. The ways to get Heavy Fort in this game are easy and far-spread.

  16. #116
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by freshlysnipes View Post
    I was in that run and I am happy to say I was not the quarterstaff wielding ranger. I am noob, but not that bad. I will say that the time that you all spent running the one epic fathoms to get me flagged for depths was awesome. Some folks would have said screw it. its runs like those and a Caffeine run a few years ago that has made me a patient player and willing to help out whenever I can. Though Quick yelled at me for holding onto **** scrolls that no one will ever use.
    We wanted to say screw it, but you had heavy fort and myddo was down, we didnt really have a choice. How could we pick up another pug without myddo?

    I think what I said was (or what I meant anyway), "These dirty pugs are taking all our scrolls! Why do we bother inviting them if we cant even ensure they have heavy fort or more than 300 hitpoints" Though maybe it didnt come out like that
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  17. #117
    Community Member Beethoven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobril View Post
    Epic Pirate Armor
    Epic Pirate Ring
    Pirate Hat
    Bold Trinket
    This is less a problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tobril View Post
    Complete NON EPIC Abishai set
    0% Fortification
    < 300 HP
    This is. Like others pointed out, the event items aren't bad and there may be ways to set up your gear where these items are actually extremely useful. I am pretty sure though Tobril did not mean if /one/ of the above points holds true you are not epic ready, but if /all/ (or at least /most/) of it holds true. Seriously, just because a toon has some items that were ultimately as hard to acquire as a set of muckbanes does not make up for lack of hitpoints or fortification.

    Also, nine out of ten cases players like the OP described apply to an epic quest/raid they don't turn out to be the reasonable/mature kind who simply have a bit to learn still. More commonly they are the first to rant at the healer because even though they got one-shotted it still somehow was the hjeals faul the 600 damage dbf killed their 300 HP toon, or the caster because a mob broke and managed to sneak a single swing in before it was held again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kronik View Post
    Is the point to let people know that just because they have upgraded their gear in an attempt to be better, they should not try to learn from others who may know the quest well and might be able to help them get better?
    No it's not the point. They had /any/ willingness to actually learn they wouldn't try get into an epic quest with subpar hitpoints and without a fortification item. Most likely they were told latest by Gianthold that this just doesn't work. The first impression is that you are dealing with a person who apparently so far refused to listen to any advice. So, I do understand why some people start doubt these players will start listen now.

    I have no problems grouping with new people. I am always glad to help anyone who shares the same hobby and enjoys the same games I do. However, you try to explain that if someone wants to get into epics they need to have more than 300 hitpoints just to be called names in three different languages is funny only so long. There comes a point where it just gets annoying. It's when and why people become elitists. It's not because they are bad folks, it's because they simply got plain tired of having the same argument over and over.

    People want to get into epics. Great. We always can use more epic players. Common courtesy goes both ways though. There is nothing wrong with asking for a little patience and some help. There is nothing wrong of more seasoned players ask for people to get their basics covered (ie: get some hitpoints on the toon, get a heavy fort item and maybe get a weapon that actually does something to those mobs).
    Last edited by Beethoven; 03-29-2011 at 02:14 PM.
    Characters on Sarlona: Ungnad (Morninglord, Wizard 17 / Favored Soul 2 / Fighter 1) -- Baerktghar (Dwarf, Paladin 18 / Fighter 2) -- Simulacruhm (Bladeforged, Artificer 16 / Paladin 3 / Wizard 1)

    No matter what side of the argument you are on, you always find people on your side that you wish were on the other.
    -- Jascha Heifetz

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beethoven View Post
    Buncha stuff worded much better than my initial rant...

    That's it, I'm having this guy write my posts from this point forward.

    I never meant to come off as elitist of discriminatory.

    It's the clueless mofo's I that are causing me trouble because up until now I

    took whoever clicked the LFM unless they were:

    Known griefer
    Previous bad experience
    Really dumb split like 6/4/10 sorc/wiz/fvs

    Sometimes I would get some real killers and things would go well,
    other times people were less than optimal. Regardless we always
    got the job done, even if it got a little ugly sometimes. (like me forgetting left from right in bargain…oops! )
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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  19. #119
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordPiglet View Post
    It's also on a level 11 item that you can get from a f2p quest (apparently it's currently bugged but will be fixed soon).
    The bug with the Nightforge Gorget is just that it has the wrong material type. It can still be obtained, it still provides heavy fort. It just has lower hardness and durability than it should.

  20. #120
    Community Member Vyrn's Avatar
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    Didnt really read the thread, so apologies if its already mentioned. But looking at HP from myDDO is a bad idea. If you ASKED the person and they said so, yes, I agree completely. Just don't go off of myDDO alone.
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rocking_Dead View Post
    It's simply a matter of catering to a larger audience.

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