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  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    Which is precisely why I dont use myddo, even if it was accurate. Honestly Id rather have someone with 0 fort who listens and trys to learn/work as a team then someone with 100% fort slotted on one of their many epic items who does otherwise. One is a very easy, very quick fix, the other cant be fixed at all.
    70% of my epics being in groups lead by Tobril I can tell you he doesn't screen via myddo very often. What I have seen him do is look up a guy as we are raising and rebuffing him for the 3 or 4 time or when we are talking them to the quest. And pass information on to us via channel so we all can try to cover for the pugger.

  2. #62
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illiain View Post
    You *do* know X-Ray specs don't really work, right?
    only if the skirt is made of lead.

  3. #63
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samiusbot View Post
    70% of my epics being in groups lead by Tobril I can tell you he doesn't screen via myddo very often. What I have seen him do is look up a guy as we are raising and rebuffing him for the 3 or 4 time or when we are talking them to the quest. And pass information on to us via channel so we all can try to cover for the pugger.
    Yeah, and? what exactly is your point.

    Ive run with him before. I know who he is, and what hes like for the most part. I also know hes been discriminated against getting into end game groups/channels. So it doesnt surprise me at all that hes halfway intelligent (maybe more I dont know ) and understand that myddo offers a very limited picture of a player.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  4. #64
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    Holy hell this one got a little wild…


    You’ve made a lot of excellent points.

    You’ve also done your part and more in game. Every run with you
    has been extremely professional and pleasant.

    I’ve given back to the community as well, ingredients, ice wand training,
    showing bizarre raid/quest configurations can work fine, etc.

    God help you if you end up in one of my 4 caster, 3 healer, 2 bard,
    whaterver slobs hit the lfm etc shroud runs and learn something
    interesting about a sheep.

    Sometimes, however, I just wanna slice through some stuff really
    fast and flawless. No training wheels, just a bunch of seasoned killers.

    @Pirate gear

    Many of the pieces are top-notch primary or swap items.

    @What happened that I posted this…

    Over the last week I noticed a lot of people applying or starting
    LFM’s for epics like EDA or “any epic” and not having a clue.

    This is not to say they simply hadn’t run a particular epic, it’s
    more a “I’m uber because I’ve got epic pirate gear and I don’t
    need you telling me what to do” attitude that is causing me

    We accepted a lot of people that said “I haven’t done this epic but I’m a good listener/learner/team-player”.

    Every single time these people did just fine.

    My problem is that certain people feel I should bow down to
    their non-slotted pirate toys. They also seem to think that
    because of their new gear they can do anything they want
    and ignore comments/suggestions of people who have run
    certain content into the ground.

    This isn’t a new phenomenon, just like people who thought
    the only way to survive shroud part 4 after they fixed harry
    was via an intimitank.


    Yeah it’s kinda broke. My 20 barbarian shows up as a 1/1 wiz/thief.

    I only used to use it as a post-mortem tool when someone was
    inordinately fragile/ineffective or if I was curious about an extremely
    potent character’s general gear layout.

    As a frequent pugger I know the pain of not getting into groups
    due to not being in a large/high-profile guild.

    Perhaps I need to start a one-gimp-per-run policy and be a little
    more helpful. Problem though is that a lot of people don’t readily
    want or accept suggestions. (I’m one of them sometimes)

    @Large and/or well known guilds

    Please take some time to get your little kids in order before
    letting them out the guild doors looking like their mother
    dressed them using stuff out of the dumpster in the back alley.

    Many of the people of questionable epic ability I ran into recently
    were from some the of big names with way bigger boats than me.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

    YouTube | Twitch

  5. #65
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobril View Post
    Holy hell this one got a little wild…


    You’ve made a lot of excellent points.

    You’ve also done your part and more in game. Every run with you
    has been extremely professional and pleasant.

    I’ve given back to the community as well, ingredients, ice wand training,
    showing bizarre raid/quest configurations can work fine, etc.

    God help you if you end up in one of my 4 caster, 3 healer, 2 bard,

    Done plenty of these. I specifially remember a run when the cap was 16 with 5 casters and a guildie said if we 1 round harry he would eat a panda bear. It was so close. He was 1 shotted in round 2 unfortunately he never ever mad that bet again, and also unfortunately he has left the game for quite a while now.
    whaterver slobs hit the lfm etc shroud runs and learn something
    interesting about a sheep.

    Sometimes, however, I just wanna slice through some stuff really
    fast and flawless. No training wheels, just a bunch of seasoned killers.

    I totally understand. 90% of the time I play I feel like this now due to rl issues and limited play time. That said, myddo wont give you the info you need to slice through stuff.

    @Pirate gear

    Many of the pieces are top-notch primary or swap items.

    @What happened that I posted this…

    Over the last week I noticed a lot of people applying or starting
    LFM’s for epics like EDA or “any epic” and not having a clue.

    This is very likely a side effect of people needing a ton of tokens to slot their shiny new gear.
    This is not to say they simply hadn’t run a particular epic, it’s
    more a “I’m uber because I’ve got epic pirate gear and I don’t
    need you telling me what to do” attitude that is causing me

    Sometimes the problem is presentation. Continue to kick arse and take names and people will come to you for help. Usually these people listen. If youre really worth your salt you will help them achieve thier goals instead of "change their minds" because their goals will make them gimp.

    We accepted a lot of people that said “I haven’t done this epic but I’m a good listener/learner/team-player”.

    Every single time these people did just fine.

    Which is kinda the point in my ranting about myddo. Maybe it spans a few threads so it doesnt come across here as well.

    My problem is that certain people feel I should bow down to
    their non-slotted pirate toys. They also seem to think that
    because of their new gear they can do anything they want
    and ignore comments/suggestions of people who have run
    certain content into the ground.

    This isn’t a new phenomenon, just like people who thought
    the only way to survive shroud part 4 after they fixed harry
    was via an intimitank.


    Yeah it’s kinda broke. My 20 barbarian shows up as a 1/1 wiz/thief.

    I only used to use it as a post-mortem tool when someone was
    inordinately fragile/ineffective or if I was curious about an extremely
    potent character’s general gear layout.

    As a frequent pugger I know the pain of not getting into groups
    due to not being in a large/high-profile guild.

    Perhaps I need to start a one-gimp-per-run policy and be a little
    more helpful. Problem though is that a lot of people don’t readily
    want or accept suggestions. (I’m one of them sometimes)

    @Large and/or well known guilds

    Please take some time to get your little kids in order before
    letting them out the guild doors looking like their mother
    dressed them using stuff out of the dumpster in the back alley.

    Many of the people of questionable epic ability I ran into recently
    were from some the of big names with way bigger boats than me.

    This is nothing new either. People/guilds run to end game and arent taught game mechanics anymore. Give em time, they will eventually get did
    in lime
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  6. #66
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    i wish more epic pugs showed up.... i'm getting all my tokens from epic chrono...

  7. #67
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    You see not everyone in DDO reads the forums here. And it would be nice if some of the people around here that have easy access to a huge resource would share it when they come in contact with others in game, instead of just....MYDDO......./point........../laugh.........../run to forums and make a funny post about some nub who though he could ambush my pug in an epic quest and ruin my day.

    Look, im not saying everyone needs to run out and teach the world about the game. But I see posts every three or four days here about "gimp tries to get into epic/raid group....not in my run he doesnt! HAHAHA isnt that funny"

    No. Its not funny. Everyone of us has been nub one way or another at some point in time in our lives. It sucks being nub. Help some of these people out when your pugging spots. If your so **** uber you have to come here and make fun of nubs out there, to show us how freaking superior you are, a nub or two in your shroud wont make any difference at all. So gtf over yourselves, and stop being so elitist, because you dont deserve that title.

    I've always said, "You can't really be that uber if you have to screen who gets in your group"
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  8. #68
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doubledge View Post
    i wish more epic pugs showed up.... i'm getting all my tokens from epic chrono...
    Be happy about that. When I first went to gear out my defender raid tokens =/= dungeon tokens. I needed something like 200 tokens to slot my gear. Was a huge PITA lol.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by doubledge View Post
    i wish more epic pugs showed up.... i'm getting all my tokens from epic chrono...

    Hey man, we’re running the hell out of sentinals, fens, and big top for tokens ‘n stuff
    and usually have an LFM for a few slots…just gotta click quick cause we fill pretty fast.
    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

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  10. #70
    Community Member mws2970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doubledge View Post
    i wish more epic pugs showed up.... i'm getting all my tokens from epic chrono...
    I see epic pugs quite a bit. Most of them don't seem to be newb friendly, though. I understand people wanting to get completions, but it would be nice to see some that will take inexperienced players and teach them the quests. Juggernautte (sp?) is one who takes newbs, but I haven't seen him around lately.
    Main: Castagir (completionist), officer of the Fighting Clowns of Sarlona. Alts: Modric, Modrich, Kristna and others.

  11. #71
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    I tried looking up stats of my bard,but it shows my old paladin/sorc with same first name. How can I get rid of deleted toons from MyDDO to show the right ones?

  12. #72
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letrii View Post
    I tried looking up stats of my bard,but it shows my old paladin/sorc with same first name. How can I get rid of deleted toons from MyDDO to show the right ones?
    You dont.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by B0ltdrag0n View Post
    This is why MyDDO is great in theory, but lousy in practice.
    not really... it tells you alot. if someone got mintus, bloodstone and other sweet stuff but have an haggle hat equipped and 0% fort. What does that tell you? If leader rejects that person = very low understanding on how the game mechanics works and u should be happy.

    rant on >

    The other day I saw a 14b/6f and I thought "**** cool! awesome DPS! a Govno Governor!".. When I myddo'd him and saw to my huge disappointment how he raped the 14/6 concept; low str and high charisma, with poor gear. I knew exactly how and what he will do in that shroud (or anything else for that matter)... yeah, thats right piking "sing n stare"... no your "spot" healing isnt needed, step up n take a role please.

    lvl14+ paladins w semi poor gear who haven't found the holy sword spell.. yes u know exactly how he is going to play:no smites, DS, zeal or DF. Have seen tons of em lately...

    Rangers with extreme dex and low str. Usually pretty well equiped. but meh! 33% efficiancy, and 99% chance of annoying, un-wanted kiting will occour....

    rant off>
    Camp Naughty Bad Fun
    Jichael Mackson

  14. #74
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 78mackson View Post
    not really... it tells you alot. if someone got mintus, bloodstone and other sweet stuff but have an haggle hat equipped and 0% fort. What does that tell you? If leader rejects that person = very low understanding on how the game mechanics works and u should be happy.

    rant on >

    The other day I saw a 14b/6f and I thought "**** cool! awesome DPS! a Govno Governor!".. When I myddo'd him and saw to my huge disappointment how he raped the 14/6 concept; low str and high charisma, with poor gear. I knew exactly how and what he will do in that shroud (or anything else for that matter)... yeah, thats right piking "sing n stare"... no your "spot" healing isnt needed, step up n take a role please.

    lvl14+ paladins w semi poor gear who haven't found the holy sword spell.. yes u know exactly how he is going to play:no smites, DS, zeal or DF. Have seen tons of em lately...

    Rangers with extreme dex and low str. Usually pretty well equiped. but meh! 33% efficiancy, and 99% chance of annoying, un-wanted kiting will occour....

    rant off>
    /sigh myddo for shroud :shakes head:
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    /sigh myddo for shroud :shakes head:
    I wasn't in that shroud. but some times I myddo ppl with interesting builds.
    Camp Naughty Bad Fun
    Jichael Mackson

  16. #76
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 78mackson View Post
    I wasn't in that shroud. but some times I myddo ppl with interesting builds.
    And I dont blame you. I dont think myddo should be shut down. I like it for several things. I also dont mind using it as a tool for screening, but it is so not the final be all end all.

    Myddo doesnt show the most important things that lead to raid/epic/party success, and leaders that dont realize that likely arent that good. (and im not talking about learning to tell if they might have their heavy fort item switched, or if it hasnt been updated. Not having heavy fort is really such an easy fix im not sure why so many people complain about it)
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  17. #77
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mws2970 View Post
    I see epic pugs quite a bit. Most of them don't seem to be newb friendly, though. I understand people wanting to get completions, but it would be nice to see some that will take inexperienced players and teach them the quests. Juggernautte (sp?) is one who takes newbs, but I haven't seen him around lately.
    Juggernautte's still around, just works odd hours. He also usually has far fewer PUG spots in his epics these days due to more people he's helped train being on his friends list.

    Ben/Sayid/Mase/etc from Soul Stone Recovery Inc used to do a lot of House P chain training epics, including Small Problem. He just hasn't been doing it as much lately.

    Dekh's eOOB's are usually pretty good runs too, as long as the caster is able to CC.

    I personally do most of my epic runs either with High Lords groups or with Maelstrom. I'll join some PUG's, but since I'm a cleric, I'm a bit hesitant to join when certain people are involved.

  18. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    Yeah, and? what exactly is your point.
    My point is after 5-6 of the same handful of epics over the day/night/weekend, pugging 2 or 3 slots and running into the same list problems he turned to a tool in hope to smooth out some speed bumps. That doesn't mean he is a bad guy. He was tired of hammering rusty nail in to his naughty parts.

    For some reason the idea of looking someone up on myddo offends you. Thats cool. I don't/wouldn't do it. But I trust Tobril to make the call when he is the leader. If it was your LFM I would do the same for you. That said I know he doesn't make the call on allowing someone into a group based on myddo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    So it doesnt surprise me at all that hes halfway intelligent..
    Hey when you say something good about him be sure to kick him. His head can get real big!

    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    understand that myddo offers a very limited picture of a player.
    And I hope we all understand this ^^
    But Myddo is still a tool at one's disposal, if one decides to use it. No more evil then a screw driver/hammer/gun it is all about how you use said tool.

  19. #79
    Community Member mws2970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    Juggernautte's still around, just works odd hours. He also usually has far fewer PUG spots in his epics these days due to more people he's helped train being on his friends list.

    Ben/Sayid/Mase/etc from Soul Stone Recovery Inc used to do a lot of House P chain training epics, including Small Problem. He just hasn't been doing it as much lately.

    Dekh's eOOB's are usually pretty good runs too, as long as the caster is able to CC.

    I personally do most of my epic runs either with High Lords groups or with Maelstrom. I'll join some PUG's, but since I'm a cleric, I'm a bit hesitant to join when certain people are involved.
    My guild has done some of easy House P ones like PC, Snitch, and Big Top. I'll have to keep a closer eye out for some of the others to learn them. Part of my issue lately is I have been TRing my toons, and not been watching the LFM's that closely either because we're constantly running the lower level quests.

    I'd love to run more with QE, but my play times seem to be different than theirs.

    Thanks for the info. I'll look up those people!
    Main: Castagir (completionist), officer of the Fighting Clowns of Sarlona. Alts: Modric, Modrich, Kristna and others.

  20. #80
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    Juggernautte's still around, just works odd hours. He also usually has far fewer PUG spots in his epics these days due to more people he's helped train being on his friends list.

    Ben/Sayid/Mase/etc from Soul Stone Recovery Inc used to do a lot of House P chain training epics, including Small Problem. He just hasn't been doing it as much lately.

    Dekh's eOOB's are usually pretty good runs too, as long as the caster is able to CC.

    I personally do most of my epic runs either with High Lords groups or with Maelstrom. I'll join some PUG's, but since I'm a cleric, I'm a bit hesitant to join when certain people are involved.
    Ben's been grinding cove, he put epics on hold until after he was done (at least that was his indication the other day when I was running with him).

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