Ok, I have a lvl 14 Wizard pale master wizard, and I was wondering if I could get some advice on whether I should keep it or re-roll it. It is a Horc, which I know is one of the worst races for a wizard.
Str 10
Dex 8
Con 25 (base 18, a +1 tome, and +6 item)
Int 30 (base 19, a +2 tome, and a +6 item)
Wis 11 (base 8, +3 item)
Cha 8
SP: 1090 w/out item, 1263 with
HP: 230
Extend, Empower, Maximize, Mental Toughness, Spell Focus Necromancy, Greater Spell Focus Necromancy, and Toughness
Again, any help would be appreciated, along with any advice on what kind of feats to take next, or advice on playing a wizard in general. It's my first Arcane, and most of my friends either play multiclass wizards with rogue, or they play Sorcerers. Thanks in advance.