Alright, so this is a pretty substantial system update. I'm impressed, over all, however there seem to be some things that have been over looked. I'll start with the yawning chasm first...

Druids -- There've been enough outcries for these guys, and several of their spells have been implimented, but still no sign of the wizened, grey haired, tree-huggers.

Off-caster Spells -- Divine and Arcane spells got a HUGE rework, for which I am thankful because they needed it... but the off casters kinda got the shaft here. Bards, rangers and pally's all got left-overs from the primary casters' feast, even though they all fall into either Arcane OR Divine, but their class specific spells got screwed.

State of the Game -- So, Fernando mentioned this would be rolling out in 'A Few Weeks', and that was what... two weeks prior to PAX East? Here it is nearly a month later, and still not a word. I feel like this is kind of a tease.

Ranged Viability -- I see a few MINOR adjustments to how range specc'd toons can be played, but no update to the viability of Ranged fighting as a whole. It seems like the adjustment to DWS should've been put on hold (since no one is using that PrE at the moment) until the whole PrE could be fleshed out, fixed up, finished and fine tuned into something some one might actually play.

I'm not going to winge and whine and cry over 1 and 3. These things happen, and I expect an executive producer to be STUPID busy during a release cycle of this size and Druids have some funky specifics that are likely holding them up (hopefully not having to do with Devs grinding out completionist toons as was suggested about a year ago on another thread), but really? Animations for special combat actions were more important than making a whole line of combat into something that no longer resembled a vaccuum? All that work on spell improvements and not word one regarding a dozen or so Off Caster specific spells?

What gives?