Welcome one and most!!
I formally announce the Anti Paladin League is open for business and recruiting!
We are currently a small guild, with a casual game play attitudes, great conversation and helpful attitudes.
We believe in a no-stress game environment, and put players before the game. Only real requirements we have is:
1. you talk. it ain't no fun talk to ourselves, and dang if you don't wanna join a conversation then feel free to go. We wanna talk with you, not at you.
2. Join in and play. Going solo artist is good -n- all... But if your not part of us then....
3. Must Not be Those of which We do not Speak. (paladin) LOL!!
4. Mocking Paladins at every opportunity.
5. We Game for fun! An Therefore we do not Cause Stress, Despair (pallys excluded- its a class granted feat), or dread to guldies or non-guildies.
If any of this sounds like fun, look us up. We are east coasters, and welcome people to spread the word why pally is a class best left forgotten.
An APL a day keeps Pallys away!!
Leader StupidPally Aka Furby
Successor Eldraw