Fire savant can really burn! Check out the damage done to a Frost Giant.
Fire savant can really burn! Check out the damage done to a Frost Giant.
Draz in all forms of the Prophets of the New Republic and Lava Divers / Khyber Original / R.I.P. E. Gary Gygax 03/04/08 / Supporter of the AEA / Owner of 4 birthday cupcakesThank you Cupcake /Drazell Bergost leader of the Khyberian Ham Authority / Support your local Qwijymart!
Hmm... Seems like the incoming elemental damage amplification curse is granting 45% instead of 15%, and is stacking multiplicatively instead of additively.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
All I can say is that is some really sick damage.
Draz in all forms of the Prophets of the New Republic and Lava Divers / Khyber Original / R.I.P. E. Gary Gygax 03/04/08 / Supporter of the AEA / Owner of 4 birthday cupcakesThank you Cupcake /Drazell Bergost leader of the Khyberian Ham Authority / Support your local Qwijymart!
Can you test numbers with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 curses on something that takes just regular damage from fire? Perhaps the trash at the start of VON1?
Interested to see exact numbers so we can see where the damage is coming from. Pretty sure you should have seen 7000, not the huge number you got.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
*jaw drops*
25,875 damage??? When demon battlefield comes out, who is going to be the nuker? Hmmmm....
My Builds: Tempest Kensai of Zen
Go burn a crystal inMired in Kobolds.
Air Savant pic has that at around 65k damage ;-) curious what heat death can do
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
Nice! 38k+ Crit with polar ray on This Giant in eClaw.
These curses are pretty sick.
Ok granted that was with a frost giant fire weak any way but here are some more stats didn't ss them cause of size but i will if need be. This was against pirates in Searing Heights.
0-(Combat): You hit Blood Tide Skulker for 3,000 points of fire damage.
1-(Combat): You hit Blood Tide Skirmisher for 3,450 points of fire damage.
2-(Combat): You hit Blood Tide Skirmisher for 6,900 points of fire damage.
3-(Combat): You hit Blood Tide Skirmisher for 10,349 points of fire damage.
4-(Combat): You hit Blood Tide Skulker for 13,800 points of fire damage.
5-(Combat): You hit Blood Tide Skirmisher for 17,250 points of fire damage.
I was wondering if the last one was a crit or something but was able to recreate it flawlessly 3 times after that one.
Draz in all forms of the Prophets of the New Republic and Lava Divers / Khyber Original / R.I.P. E. Gary Gygax 03/04/08 / Supporter of the AEA / Owner of 4 birthday cupcakesThank you Cupcake /Drazell Bergost leader of the Khyberian Ham Authority / Support your local Qwijymart!
25K is that all :P
(Sorry just noticed this was heatdeath. Mine is DBF, still thought it was worth sharing though)
It was hard work kiting the crystal around while I cursed it, it was a close call, but it payed off in the end.
Last edited by Illarvan; 03-27-2011 at 11:43 AM. Reason: Mine wasn't heatdead
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Is it just me or does something look extremely broken there?
25k damage to a fire giant?
Apparently heat death can crit. And are the 15%'s adding up right?
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Ah, had to check out Mires Crystal, here is 130k+ crit on a crystal.
I just can't wait either.![]()
:: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::
Thinking it is broke, as mentioned in another post the math is wrong. Each curse is supposed to add 15% (1.15, 1.30, 1.45, 1.60, 1.75); however, what I think is happening is (1.15, 2.30, 3.45, 4.60, 5.75) or something along those lines.
Yeah, each time I test crit polar rays I'm half expecting a Vegata come out yelling, "It's over 9000!" while snapping his little viewer in twain.