Yeah, I already tried to warn people specifically about this very issue. but those that responded seemed to want Pale Masters to be gimp compared to Archmage and Elemental Savant for some inexplicable reason. They cited reasons like "But clerics can still cast harm on you" or "Deathward is being removed as an issue" to explain why I was wrong. explains why the gimp healing and no SLA damage abilities of the Pale Master are really hurting the prestige for balance in U9.
The point is half of the PM abilities are simply lesser versions of what Warforged already gets for free racially, yet the very design intention of the PM prestige was for players to pick races besides Warforged to encourage arcane race variety. Now that all arcane prestige lines have free SLA's for damage except for Pale master and these balance concerns haven't been addressed at all, it is even more one sided then it was before.
The whole situation feels like someone offered a suggestion to try a different model of their product just for the sake of uniqueness compared to what everyone else was using. Then that same dealer turned around and decided that your version of the product wasn't worthy of any aftermarket support or upgrade options to make it still desirable when they decided to update their main products functionality. Leaving you wondering why you even tried to struggle to keep your unique model working in the first place.
In U9 pale masters received a Wail cooldown nerf, FoD cooldown nerf, Dreamspitter + Autocrit hold spells nerf, Charm spells getting an overall duration nerf, Mob saves going up nerf, Extends usefulness was nerfed, and Lich being moved to tier 3 PM for no reason is also a nerf. A few of those nerfs hit all arcane players but PM's don't have a set of damage spells to fall back on to make up the difference like all of the other builds do. PM's dont have the free SLA's to make use of the new helpless mechanic increased spell damage with mass hold. There are no new healing spells that even remotely compare with divine/repair based healing and now we take double or sometimes even quadruple damage from light spells and we got nothing in return for it. The two new shrouds are far less powerful then what we already had and the only thing that got fixed for the class was a deathward preventing self healing bug that isn't even related to class balance and has been a rampant issue for over a year. PM's really are getting the short end of the stick here in U9. Making the single main PM feature we have finally work in end game content is not fixing a prestige balance issue, its getting around to fixing a bug that should have worked that way from day one.
A decent self-heal spell and some SLA negative energy damage spells that everyone else already gets is NOT that much to ask for.