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I'm glad I didn't invest any time into making the perfect DR based shield-blocking intimitank. Phew, dodged that bullet.
Kinda sad though. Shield-blocking DR-focused intimitanks are not useful at all with these changes, and although I don't have one myself, I really like that they have a niche in the current game. Even if you made the buffer 10x modified intimidate score, there are many DPS focused builds that would crush through that buffer in 2-3 seconds, maybe less with a rapid string of crits. Perhaps a buffer of 100x modified intimidate score would help retain some kind of viability. Either way, the buffer needs to be significant!
If the objective of the intimidate change was to prevent people from shield blocking bosses while holding agro and not contributing directly to DPS, thus trashing some very interesting niche builds, then CONGRATULATIONS! Mission accomplished.