You guys don't seem to understand how this is supposed to work.
You take a group of mobs. You intimidate, get the buff, and use your threat bonuses and target the main target.
Your intimidate gives you permanent threat with all the targets. Everything will stay on you. The party dpss the one you are building threat on, and the rest stay on you without further intimidating because no one is hitting them yet. When the first mob dies, you continue onto the next and the dps switch to the next.
If you want to be able to intimidate and let people hit 4 mobs at the same time instead of properly killing them one at a time, well, ddo just coded out your ****** play.
The buffer isn't intended to give you enoug hthreat to hold the mob until you intimidate again - its intended to give you enough threat to hold the mob until the intimidate animation ends!
You have to generate your own threat (with huge bonuses, 150% from stance and intimidate alone!) after that. If ytou can't hold aggro with a 150% threat bonus, try having more than 25 strength.
I don't make a lot of post but this particular subject really bothers me. I do not like the changes Turbine is makeing to intimidate. I don't care if the cooldown is 6 seconds, 18 seconds or 60 seconds, if the duration of the effect is LOWER than the cooldown, it kills intimitanking - period!
Turbine, I do NOT like this. Please change it. Make the duration and cooldown the same.
Thelanis Server
Guild Leader - Knights of the Silver Dragon
Brockson, Lanford, Marsalle, Vars & Opel
I tend to need a 10second head start for the -very- highest dpsers out there (like say, Fantazmal). I suspect that I would need one (sans intimidate buff) for a DPS like Shade.
Give me another 100% threat bonus from intimidate and I dont need a head start from anyone ever. I probably won't use divine righteousness anymore, as 185% will be enough (right now I run 135% on live), and 235% would surely be overkill. I look forward to having more turn undeads for other stuff.
The advantage here is that you'll be able to do what I'm doing without having nearly every item in the game, especially without having the various threat-boosting sets which are quite hard (epic claw, defender sets as the rings are the rarest rings in tower) to acquire.
Right now, to threat tank with a shield you have to be about as well geared as the best person in your group. If you have roughly equivalent quality gear, you can keep up with a dps with existing threat bonuses. With this intimidate change, they can massively outgear you and you can still hold aggro. A freshly capped paladin with a holy sword and swashbuckler will be able to hold away from perfectly-geared dps characters.
In fact, in quests like VOD youll probably be able t build threat on the mob until its at 50% and then switch to the next monster because you'll be so far ahead on the first one that the party won't pull from you before the mob dies, and start building threat on the next target. This is how tanks play in other MMOs.
So what about AOE damage (Spells/Melee)? So the right way to play is to not use those when someone is using the new and "improved" intimidate? Please let me know what the right way to play is, I need to be educated with all the changes coming as my old style is obviously wrong.
Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
| Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |
Is it worth training and equipping though to save 10 seconds in a raid?
Remember each use of intimidate gives you threat equal to the highest presently on the mob plus a buffer. For example, you could have some air savant blast the vod orthons 2-3 times with chainlightning before you intimidate the first time - and then your threat on those mobs will be equal to his chains plus the buffer, or in other words, you'd have a comfortable edge over everyone who hasn't hit it yet.
The purpose of the 200-300 buffer is to make it so you don't lose the mobs to a glancing blow or a fog spell. If someone's going to blast chainlightnings into there, its probably not going to work any better than it would if you had 4 dps and they all attacked a different mob (which is already a bad strategy, as its better to kill one faster than kill 4 slower).
You have a lot of opportunity to -do- things after intimidating. Those things are the factor in how you hold aggro. I doubt guards alone will be enough to let people really spam hardcore aoe nukage, but that's actually rarely a factor in a quest that requires 'tanking'.
Exactly. With the new way:
- You cannot Mass Hold (generates threat, pulls mobs away from the "new intim")
- You cannot Web, Solid Fog, Acid Cloud, Cloudkill, Hypnotize, Fascinate, or any other spell which would gain you some hate.
- You cannot Wall of Fire, Ice Storm, Meteor Swarm, Arcane Blast, or any other AOE Damage either.
- You cannot use Two-handed weapons, or Dwarf Axe/Bastard Sword with a shield, as the splash damage will wreck the "new intim".
- You cannot use Mass Heal or other mass cure spells when there are lots of intim-able undead, because you'll be generating too much hate for the "new intim"
Basically, Junts plays in a make-pretend version of DDO where all players share a hive mind, and act perfectly at all times, allowing the "new intim" to always work properly with groups of mobs.
I don't see how making hate tanking soo much easier improves the game in any fashion. People should have to be geared and well built too tank and the DPS should have to have hate mitigation if their DPS is so ******** that they can pull aggro from a well geared hate tank. This just takes the thinking out of hate tanking and invalidates the only other form of tanking. Were is the positive side? Aside from you being able to hold aggro without a lead in?
In regards to hate tanking a crowd. even if the party was coordinated enough to attack the "main target" if any of the dps are THFs intim will only allow you too hold the main target.
Last edited by Tirisha; 03-29-2011 at 03:00 PM.
Real life is a worse grind than any MMO.
Tirisha 25 FVS, Aierian 25 MNK, Girltank 18 FTR/ 2PALLY/5 EPIC, Seidra 25 SORC, Wikka 20 WIZ, Kylexi 20 PALLY, Stephony 20 Bard
The same int 6 that was attacking the city full of adventurers? And if you are doing it right they never see you. The second you turn, you hide behind someone else that still has their weapon out and you cower.
The way diplo works in this game you might as well call it bluff as in real life you could convince them to possibly walk away. Diplo... bribes work wonders afterall. (then of course you kill it from behind and retake your money.)
i didn't bring up the int argument because lets face it a lot of mobs have more int just going along with your absurd line of thinking about a person cowering behind a shield.
In that same line of thought +hate gear shouldn't work just because your pretending to do more dps doesn't mean you actually are.
Sorry man but your talking about the same group of people who after 5 years still dont understand the concept of "Dont hit the fascinated/hypnoed/etc...mobs".
Love the wishful thinking i truely do, but if your expecting anyone else to care about you threat it just dont think its gonna happen out side of guild only runs.
To err is human, to forgive is divine. Neither of which is Marine Corps policyJinger~Docholiday~Fritobandito~Bandshee~Grudock~Seigeengine
I can already do that. The people who benefit aren't just the lesser geared, though.
My character is built in part to optimize sword and board dps (this sounds silly, but bear with me). I have Khopesh, paladin capstone, and make sure to build all the dps gear available to me into my ac setup (eg claw set, etc) in order to maximize my base damage before the threat bonuses. This allows my character to threat tank with the present threat modifiers, but only barely and with a lot of my character expended on boosting threat in a style i use for one fight in the entire game (elite horoth).
This change isn't to heop me. It will primarily help people who want to make a truly defensive oriented paladin - one that foregoes khopesh and power attack for shield mastery's damage reduction, for more intimidate feats to go above my measly 69 intimidate, etc. Those characters, right now, have no prayer of holding aggro even with the bonuses. But they will be able to find a way to do that with this intimidate buff. This is the new generation of pointless, no-offense intimtank: you can make a threat tank with no offensive ability, and focus allyour feats on defensive abilities, and they even gave you more defensive feats (like shield mastery) to help you do that.
I won't be taking shield mastery because I do a lot of my tanking with a sword of shadow (84 ac in ce with the sword) so its just not a big enough help for me. But someone out there is gonna make a turtle build for it, and for improved shield bash, and a paladin using a silver epic chimaera's fang with all 3 denieth dragonmarks, and his dps is going to be abominable, but he will still be able to hold aggro, and right now, he couldn't do that.
Also, fighters will be able to shield tank, which they presently can't do very well because they don't have enoug hthreat modifier available. paladins have 50% extra, in addition to having better s/b dps in general. Fighters needed this help a lot more, as threat-tanking, shield-using fighters are basically nonexistent right now. Fighter threat tanks are twfing with mediumm-high ac, not fortresses. Those huge-ac builds are intimiblockers because they have no prayer of holding aggro with a weapon.
Now they do. Now a lot of my dps is overkill except for the fact that its great when I run epics with my SoS, becuase its not needed to tank.
That's a good thing, because I'm spending alot of feats on it on a feat-starved class that don't make a lot of sense with an objective of 'tanking'.