Recently I had a few negative experiences with saving spots on sarlona groups at a rate I havnt really had on other servers.

Out of 8 saved places requested over the last 24hrs, I have been replaced in all of them. In some cases it was 15min (evon6) and in some it was 30 seconds (CC).

I have no problem with being told that the leader will not save spots. I have an issue with people saying they will, only to not really give a ****.

Here are some general rules that I believe should be accepted in relation to saving spots.

- Dont ask for a save if you wont join
- State the time you will take, and dont exceed it. If you do, it is reasonable for the leader to replace.
- Both players should agree on the terms of the save immediatly.
- Leaders should hold saved spots for players that they have promised regardless of situations that follow (ie another character hits lfm)

I dont care if everyone just says they wont save spots any more, I just dont want to rush to leave a group, only to find out that I dont even get in to the quest.



p.s. tarny, I still dont forgive you.