Anybody notice any changes to epic scrolls yet? I skimmed the release notes but didnt see anything. Or is this a change to look for with the rest of the crafting update?
Anybody notice any changes to epic scrolls yet? I skimmed the release notes but didnt see anything. Or is this a change to look for with the rest of the crafting update?
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
bumping this. anyone see generic scrolls?
is this the whole U9? I know that crafting isn't here yet, but is there more that's being held back?
Two scrolls dropped for me both item specific.
I carried my big epic bag of useless scrolls with me over to Lama Land... Didn't notice any generic Scrolls, so I'm sure it's not a retroactive change. As for fresh drops, it'll be interesting to see. Remember, screen shot or it didn't happen. :P
|| Arari - Cleric Rogue || Athyria - Satanic Mechanic || Ethirial - Arcane Archer || Tiarinlasa - Spell Singer || Zirron - Divine Avenger ||
If you don't trust me get your own tail end over to lamannia and farm for em. Personally we have no confirmation or a dev stating this is how it would work anyways. I wasn't there to test scroll drops so never took a screenie but like i said feel free to go do it yourself.
All I've seen about generic scrolls is a few forum users saying that they would be nice.
Has there been any dev posts on this subject or are people just going crazy for no reason?
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
Hi, McPhail here.
Chronoscope - Scroll for the Helm of Frost, farmed on Lammania today.
Sands - Scroll for the Adherent's Pendant, farmed on Lammania today.
Sentinels - Visbane's Folly now handles the Epic Crafting for Sentinel's items, still lists in its description needing item-specific scrolls.
Good enough?
IMO this change should at least be attempted for U9. This is one of the few things I've heard many friends at the endgame talk excitedly about.
It will be a bit depressing if it is pushed to another update considering how long these updates take to develop.
... Really? I did say I was on Lama Land, just haven't had a chance to farm for them myself yet. Your right, we've no had no confirmation from a Dev, I believe the 'rumor' or whatever you'd like to call it was started by people who were told at PAX.
You didn't need to take my 'Screen Shot or it never happened' post so personally... It'd just be nice to see them, and was a reminder to anyone else who's going to go out and test the system. Though, from the looks of things generic scrolls haven't even been implemented in the Sands, which was said to be the testbed for it. Maybe, Generic Scrolls are not going to be released on the preview server, but added as a surprise on the live server. (You know, like those surprise parties your annoying little brother or sister would ruin for you when you were younger by telling you about them. :P)
|| Arari - Cleric Rogue || Athyria - Satanic Mechanic || Ethirial - Arcane Archer || Tiarinlasa - Spell Singer || Zirron - Divine Avenger ||
I thought the interview said that it was specific to the sands only as a test to see how it went and the rest of the areas to follow.
My recollection (from Ironclan's post, I believe?) is that they said it will not apply to current epics, at least not for a while. If it is implemented, it will only apply to new epic packs.
So the collection of marilith chain scrolls you've been hoarding is safe.
Sounds likely that this has just not made it into the build yet. The word from PAX seemed pretty clear to me....
Newly generated scrolls would be generic (including from existing packs)
Existing scrolls would not be upgraded to the generic ones
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I agree I'm not a fan, but I am also very much not a fan of the current scroll mechanics which I find to encourage the most mind numbing and unfun thing in DDO killing mobs with an arcane solo and then leaving a quest to do it over again...and again...and again.
20th completion lists with scrolls on them, tokens for scrolls, and x random scrolls from a pack for a specific scroll all seemed like better solutions to me. IDK, maybe they are debating this in house right now as at least the last two are pretty easy to implement so it shouldn't slow down the release.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
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And farming endlessly is more fun? What about people who don't have an arcane to grind scrolls with?
Personally I'm in the process of leveling a caster just to farm epic scrolls for my other characters, who I can't really use in epics anymore, because the time:reward ratio is so out of whack for scroll drops.
Terrible design, just terrible. Any change is for the better.
the way i understood it.
generic scrolls will exist for new content, and the old pack will be left as is so they can measure the impact of the new system.
in the future they will look at similar mechanics for the seals and shards.
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