Or, rather, looking for guild.
I'm Xeriah, pure fighter intimi/AC tank. You probably know me. If not, I was that zombie elf rgr/rog/ftr who wore full plate DT and had madstones and still managed to out-dps the barbs once or twice. It was rare, but it happened. xD I pug a lot, so you've probably seen me around in my TR form. DW GS khopeshes ftw. I've been in a few guilds in my time on DDO. Intel Req'd, Epic Fail, Paper Street Soap Company (oh man back in the day.. *sigh*), Amaranth, Death Culture BBQ.. all awesome guilds with awesome people I miss dearly.
I'm looking for a guild with values that mesh with mine, first of all.
-I will always help the newbie if they want or ask for it. Zerging is only acceptable if everyone knows what they're doing. If someone gets left behind, unless the timer is almost up, or they're afk, don't just leave them in the dust.
-If an item drops that someone needs, if it's only one person, it goes to them, obviously. But if more than one person needs it, it goes up for roll. I will not tolerate people claiming items they haven't rolled on, or being promised something, or promising someone something. That's bollocks. Private quests are another matter.
-This whole mess about red dragonscales? If you pull a dragonscale, it's yours, unless you wanna give it to someone else, in which case it goes up for roll. That's the way it should be. Same goes for ToD trophies. Screw this business of promising someone the trophies. You'll all get them eventually. Don't screw someone out of their reward just because you're impatient.
-DRAMA. Oh my GOD. I seem to have a bad track record with guilds and drama with other members. I have a tweaked sense of humor. I use racial slurs. I call people said racial slurs. It doesn't mean I look down upon those races. I embrace other races and styles of living. It is ONLY a JOKE. And I only do it with people I trust. If you have an issue with me, or anything I do, do not wait until the last minute to tell me, when you have me on the spot, or going behind my back to tattle on me for something inane. Every guild I've quit/been dropped from, the issues people had with me either came up at the last minute, or after the fact. Please, for the love of god, call me on my bs when it happens so we can deal with it like adults.
-Raids. I like raids. Sometimes I don't feel like raiding. If I'm the only toon of my skillset online, I'll suck it up. But don't get mad at me if I don't feel like raiding. Or grouping at all. Sometimes I just wanna group with my friends outside the guild.
Secondly, I'd like to be in a guild that won't discriminate based on class spread. Some people with weird multiclasses are actually really ballin'.
Third, the guild mustn't be elitist. Meaning I don't care about being the best whatever on the server. I just care about having fun with my guildies. Yeah, that means I have to gear myself out to raid with them, and I will take criticism when I ask for it, but don't just come right up in my **** and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I have fun making weird builds. If I want your advice, I'll ask for it.
Anything else I'll probably be able to glean from your guild's webpage if applicable.
Well.. I guess that's it. Please feel free to rip me apart too, I've never posted anything like this before.