Hey, OK i started an 18/2 Halfling Rogue/Monk... currently I am 3/2 and about to level... So a couple things

1) My current stats are: (This is in flame stance)
STR 15
DEX 22
CON 14
INT 16

2) I completely forgot that longswords aren't finessable and my earlier feats lead up to me taking whirling steel strike. (So i took longsword proficiency and Weapon spec: slash)

3) I dual weild so have twf right now... but i layed it out so i could get gtwf later on

4) I was going to take the assassin PrE

5) I can disable mostly everything due to gear.

I figured i had 3 options...

Either Stick with this and dont take weapon finesse but otwf...
Take weapon finesse and switch to kamas...
Scrap the build and start over...

P.S I would like to stay centered due to ac bonus and save bonuses
P.P.S My ac is 28 with my current gear too

Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated! THANKS!!