Seriously get rid of this 10% bonus that when people loose it they feel as penalty...
BUT in exchange lets promote team play...
Let people give scores to other team mates. After quest you receive tab and can give 0% / 5% / 10% xp bonuss from quest (on tabs shouldn't appear people who reached cap, or get 0% base XP from quest), tab should have max of 5 last quests, and if you don't make judgement person will receive 5%. After that bonus XP is calculated as MEAN score recived from other players. To not make "YOU HAVE TO GIVE 10%" treats this XP will be recived following day (just info that you recived bonuss xp, not even how may xp you received, or info who did you get it from).
- You will get your bonus xp
- Promotes being nice to other people (people won't score high people who grive or swear)
- you can evaluate other peoples ablities.
- No one will know how did you
- You will not loose XP even when dieing
- Xp recived leater (to avoid)
- Mostly promotes groups that you know others (you can count on others).
- No one can score you when you solo (maybe some ajustments for hierlings -> you die 0%, you let hierling die 5%, no deaths 10%)
- People can be 4$$ and give everyone 0%, because he feel like it.
Additionla bonus idea:
Bonus for grouping more than once...
IF in party is at least 1 person that was in your group in earlier quest THAT PROVIDE XP you will receive:
2% bonus if it is second quest in the row
3% for third
4% for fourth
5% for fifth and every quest after