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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default SOLVED!! HTTP status 417 Error!

    Recently had an UGLY battle with an HTTP status 417 error whenever I would launch the client. When the launcher attempted to connect to the datacenter I would encounter this problem. After two days involving untold hours of Googling, personal troubleshooting, and hours on the phone with my ISP I finally found a solution that worked for me. By and large, this seems to be an unanswered problem in the forums. So, I wanted to offer my findings to those fellow gamers in need.

    Solution 1: Check your LAN settings
    Open internet exporer. Go to Tools -> Options -> Connections Tab, then click the LAN settings at the bottom of that dialog window. Long story short: make sure that everything is unchecked (specially, NOT running through a proxy).
    Note: Some malware can set itself up as a proxy, as can some routers, so make sure your antivirus is up to date and has recently scanned. If you hadn't had this problem with your current router and are just now experiencing these difficulties, then the router is likely not the culprit (at least, in this respect, but more on that later).

    Solution 2: Bypass your router
    There's a lot of technical stuff happening in that little magic box called a router that your computer and model are plugged into. That means that there are a lot of opportunities for things to go wrong in there. Try taking it completely out of the equation & see what happens. If you plug your computer directly into the modem & no longer experience the HTTP 417 error, then you know what you need to fix.

    Solution 3: Call your ISP
    There is always the potential that your ISP is either doing some sort of maintenance or has made some recent changes to something like their protocols or firewall settings that are causing you to rip your hair out. Spend a few minutes with them on the phone. It could be that simple.

    Solution 4: Check your router settings
    There's all sorts of things to look at here, but what finally worked for me is disabling MAC address cloning. I think the problem here all goes back to when ISP's used to HATE routers. So, router manufacturers came up with a cute work around: MAC cloning. Long story short, if your router is using MAC cloning you'll receive the same IP address from your ISP whether or not you're running your computer through a router. So, if you disable MAC cloning you will suddenly get a new IP address (may need to contact your ISP to release/renew the lease on your IP address).

    Hopefully this helps some of you out there. It's a tough problem that probably still have 6 or 7 other possible solutions not listed here. Just remember that there is ALWAYS a way.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Exclamation Unsolved...

    Thanks for the helpful tips, however, this issue is far from solved - hopefully a Dev doesn't see the title of your message and assume they no longer need to look into the issue.

    If you play from a computer behind a transparent proxy server that you have no control over, you will never be able to connect unless you do some serious trickery with tunneling or something. Bottom line is, the game client doesn't adhere to the HTTP protocol specification and a properly configured transparent proxy server will not allow it to connect for this reason. If the client can be fixed to adhere to the specification, this issue will go away for good. I submitted a bug report last week, but have received nothing to indicate it has been looked at yet.

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