Today I was doing stormcleave outpost (the quest in annvil fire inn, house D) with a melee and a cleric.
The melee said: haste and blur on me.
Me, the f2p wizard, responded: I'm not a buff mage, a good melee shouldn't NEED any buff here or should have some clickies or pots to make up for it.
Melee: You are not an offensive mage either.
Haha.... seriously, I stopped playing clerics because of those people that think the whole DDO universe depend and turn around them.
A wizard, not an offensive class??? That idiot almost died 3 times and yelled for the cleric while I never needed any of his heals (I kept a mark of healing, it's more than enough self-heals 99% of the runs) and I ended up with only a single kill behind him (Around 80 kills. He was desperately trying to keep the lead of course by zerging..)
Then, we all know how it work: I throw a max+emp firewall on a pack of mobs he's running away from while he yelled :''heals and haste!!'' and then said it was stupid to do that because of a single fire giant which was in the pack of mobs ..(he had to say something as his ego was kinda wounded since I'm a buff caster after all..) Later, the other melee that joined since the quest was In Progress told him to stop being so careless. Our hero responded by insulting him, posting his strength and telling him to pvp later, he wouldn't stand a single chance against him etc etc..
For the rest of the quest, I was sending and recieving tells to the second melee and cleric about how I'm sorry for having such a moron in the party since I try to spot them before we start (it's almost impossible, I know).
So yea, sorry spellcasters but *flash news* we only are buff mages now; the clerics, they are healbots only. I bet rogues are only trapmonkeys and bards are poets.
I don't meet that kind of people often but when I do they are so ridiculous that it is not funny anymore.. I'm not really following what the next so-called spellcasting nerfs will be but the vision some melees have about clerics and wiz/sorcs is really unbelievable..
Our buff spells are a curse somehow. Please, let me out-dps those melees whenever I feel like it with my arcane spells, don't nerf us to some sad buff-only bags of mana.