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  1. #1
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    Thumbs down It's all about the melees.

    Today I was doing stormcleave outpost (the quest in annvil fire inn, house D) with a melee and a cleric.
    The melee said: haste and blur on me.
    Me, the f2p wizard, responded: I'm not a buff mage, a good melee shouldn't NEED any buff here or should have some clickies or pots to make up for it.
    Melee: You are not an offensive mage either.

    Haha.... seriously, I stopped playing clerics because of those people that think the whole DDO universe depend and turn around them.
    A wizard, not an offensive class??? That idiot almost died 3 times and yelled for the cleric while I never needed any of his heals (I kept a mark of healing, it's more than enough self-heals 99% of the runs) and I ended up with only a single kill behind him (Around 80 kills. He was desperately trying to keep the lead of course by zerging..)
    Then, we all know how it work: I throw a max+emp firewall on a pack of mobs he's running away from while he yelled :''heals and haste!!'' and then said it was stupid to do that because of a single fire giant which was in the pack of mobs ..(he had to say something as his ego was kinda wounded since I'm a buff caster after all..) Later, the other melee that joined since the quest was In Progress told him to stop being so careless. Our hero responded by insulting him, posting his strength and telling him to pvp later, he wouldn't stand a single chance against him etc etc..
    For the rest of the quest, I was sending and recieving tells to the second melee and cleric about how I'm sorry for having such a moron in the party since I try to spot them before we start (it's almost impossible, I know).

    So yea, sorry spellcasters but *flash news* we only are buff mages now; the clerics, they are healbots only. I bet rogues are only trapmonkeys and bards are poets.
    I don't meet that kind of people often but when I do they are so ridiculous that it is not funny anymore.. I'm not really following what the next so-called spellcasting nerfs will be but the vision some melees have about clerics and wiz/sorcs is really unbelievable..

    Our buff spells are a curse somehow. Please, let me out-dps those melees whenever I feel like it with my arcane spells, don't nerf us to some sad buff-only bags of mana.

  2. #2
    Community Member Lleren's Avatar
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    you may want to check out this Dev preview of some upcoming changes

    Looks like the Devs want you to be more active then a backpack carried buffbot too.
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  3. #3


    Stormcleave? Why aren't you zerging ahead of the melees, soloing it while they cry about you not leaving anything for them to fight?
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  4. #4
    Community Member Thorzian's Avatar
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    i agree with ghoste. behind by 1 kill with that moron? you should have doubled him.

    on a side note, if you do want to play friendly to the party and stick together like.. then you should be throwing at least haste. it's 25% more melee dps for one simple spell. I've been in way too many groups lately where the caster just doesnt throw haste and i don't understand it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
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  5. #5
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    I was in the Sovereign Host relic sword quest (which I can't remember now), and the melee told my bard to, "just keep Haste and Displace on me".

    I was immediately annoyed, but told him it's not "cost effective cos i don't have a lot of SP". His reply, "I soloed this with a wizard yesterday doing this."

    My reply, "Good for you then, but I'm not doing that today."

  6. #6
    Community Member jcTharin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h3r3tiqu3 View Post
    The melee said: haste and blur on me.
    Me, the f2p wizard, responded: I'm not a buff mage, a good melee shouldn't NEED any buff here or should have some clickies or pots to make up for it.
    Everyone that can cast should share buffs. It is very efficient in the long run. That blur you refused to cast would have reduced the amount of damage that the poor cleric would have had to heal and the haste you didn't want to cast would have indirectly caused plenty of damage.

    That idiot almost died 3 times and yelled for the cleric while I never needed any of his heals (I kept a mark of healing, it's more than enough self-heals 99% of the runs) and I ended up with only a single kill behind him (Around 80 kills. He was desperately trying to keep the lead of course by zerging..)
    Maybe if you had expended a small amount of sp supporting him with buffs he wouldn't have had so much trouble. It would have been easier on that poor cleric at least.

    The death by zerg is his own fault though. You shouldn't zerg when you are getting your ass kicked.

    Later, the other melee that joined since the quest was In Progress told him to stop being so careless. Our hero responded by insulting him, posting his strength and telling him to pvp later, he wouldn't stand a single chance against him etc etc..

    So yea, sorry spellcasters but *flash news* we only are buff mages now; the clerics, they are healbots only. I bet rogues are only trapmonkeys and bards are poets.
    I don't meet that kind of people often but when I do they are so ridiculous that it is not funny anymore.. I'm not really following what the next so-called spellcasting nerfs will be but the vision some melees have about clerics and wiz/sorcs is really unbelievable..

    Our buff spells are a curse somehow. Please, let me out-dps those melees whenever I feel like it with my arcane spells, don't nerf us to some sad buff-only bags of mana.
    You are not only limited to buffs, true. But buffs indirectly cause a lot of damage by increasing the DPS of melees and prevent a lot of damage from defensive spells and from ending the fight faster.

    You know, for someone who is complaining about people who think the world revolves around them the attitude in you post make you sound like your not much of a team player. Even on my melee barb I do the most I can to help other party members. I grab argo for the rogue to get his sneak attacks in because I know his extra damage will more than make up for what damage I lost from going out of my way. I keep the mobs of the casters and I pull the mobs into the CC and firewalls. And during all this I murder mobs faster and take less damage because of the support of the casters.


    Yes I know he should have been spearheading the quest and getting twice the kills of everyone else combined and whatnot but I'm speaking in a more general sense. Plus he should have buffed a little at least for the clerics sake.
    Last edited by jcTharin; 03-26-2011 at 01:38 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    Stormcleave? Why aren't you zerging ahead of the melees, soloing it while they cry about you not leaving anything for them to fight?
    This. If you play an offensive caster (divine or arcane) then play one. Set the pace and spear-head the run. If you are not comfortable doing so then yes buff the ones that are.
    Git off mah lawn!

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  8. #8
    Community Member Xenostrata's Avatar
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    I find it more annoying when someone sends me 20 tells to cast blur on him, then accuses me of wasting my sp on damage spells instead of giving him buffs. The healer was much more forgiving, and threw the idiot random buffs whenever he asked for them, but raised no objections when the uber-fighter inevitably died and I casually picked up his soul stone and dropped it in the nearest lava pool.
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  9. #9
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    Wizards not DPS? Nonsense.

    Not keeping the party hastes and blurred, not necessarily through the whole quest mind you but at least in the larger fights, also nonsense.

    Obviously straight melee types have one basic function, swing away. Casters, healers, bards and rogues have several areas of responsibility they need to fill in order to make any quest run as effeciently as possible. I caster who does not buff is like a rogue who does not trap, or does trap but doesn't DPS worth a lick. For those players who don't want to focus on multiple aspects of a character, by all means build a barb or fighter and run crazy. For those who choose these other classes there should be a basic acceptance of the need to do more than one thing. Casters shouldn't be offense only just like healers should not be heals only.

    That said, if your reason to not buff the guy was because he was an annoying jerk, well that is understood and I can't blame you. I may have "accidentially" run a fighter or 2 through a trap I had not disabled yet by "mistakenly" telling them the trap was down to teach a lesson. From reading the OP it was tough to discern if his non buffing was because he isn't carrying the spells or was annoyed and refused to pass them out. There are plenty of powerful spells that can be taken that leave room for the key party buffs like haste, blur, displacement, GH.
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  10. #10
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    If a melee is zerging ahead then they don't get haste unless they cast it. I play a couple melees. They both carry a pair of clickies and stock up on pots.

    They're also rangers that can self heal, can UMD Heal scrolls (one of them can), and carry wands and pots. You don't get healed zerging ahead either.

    Now if everyone's staying together though. Why wouldn't he at least be in the radius of the arcanes haste that he casts on himself?

  11. #11
    Community Member Feithlin's Avatar
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    The player you played with was certainly a total idiot. One of those who think the game is for him alone, taking, as you say, healers for his personal heal bots, casters for his buffers and rogues as a convenience to get more loots (and perhaps not to die stupidly on a trap).
    That being said, I see that less and less wizards buffing the group, which is also counter productive. Of course, they can do much more than that, but that doesn't mean they can't do that. A simple haste is a big help: 15% more dps for all melees! Much more efficient than most damaging spells. Blur equals 10% less heals for the cleric, who would also like to do something else than just cast healing spells. Resists also bring important damage mitigation.
    Let's just bring, everybody, the best for the sake of the group: buffs, CC and those damaging spells that make us happy (and are also sometimes very useful too ).
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  12. #12
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h3r3tiqu3 View Post
    Today I was doing stormcleave outpost (the quest in annvil fire inn, house D) with a melee and a cleric.
    The melee said: haste and blur on me.
    Me, the f2p wizard, responded: I'm not a buff mage, a good melee shouldn't NEED any buff here or should have some clickies or pots to make up for it.
    Melee: You are not an offensive mage either.

    Haha.... seriously, I stopped playing clerics because of those people that think the whole DDO universe depend and turn around them.
    A wizard, not an offensive class??? That idiot almost died 3 times and yelled for the cleric while I never needed any of his heals (I kept a mark of healing, it's more than enough self-heals 99% of the runs) and I ended up with only a single kill behind him (Around 80 kills. He was desperately trying to keep the lead of course by zerging..)
    Then, we all know how it work: I throw a max+emp firewall on a pack of mobs he's running away from while he yelled :''heals and haste!!'' and then said it was stupid to do that because of a single fire giant which was in the pack of mobs ..(he had to say something as his ego was kinda wounded since I'm a buff caster after all..) Later, the other melee that joined since the quest was In Progress told him to stop being so careless. Our hero responded by insulting him, posting his strength and telling him to pvp later, he wouldn't stand a single chance against him etc etc..
    For the rest of the quest, I was sending and recieving tells to the second melee and cleric about how I'm sorry for having such a moron in the party since I try to spot them before we start (it's almost impossible, I know).

    So yea, sorry spellcasters but *flash news* we only are buff mages now; the clerics, they are healbots only. I bet rogues are only trapmonkeys and bards are poets.
    I don't meet that kind of people often but when I do they are so ridiculous that it is not funny anymore.. I'm not really following what the next so-called spellcasting nerfs will be but the vision some melees have about clerics and wiz/sorcs is really unbelievable..

    Our buff spells are a curse somehow. Please, let me out-dps those melees whenever I feel like it with my arcane spells, don't nerf us to some sad buff-only bags of mana.
    Hmmm, may be some truth here? O' course you know just have to tease you a tad.

    Typically it is with FW and the mid levels that arcane start to come into their own right... what is more is that caster power grows more exponential come the higher levels and the melee eventual become a tote along to keep dps on the boss... only in epic are melee trash cleaners to an extent but that is soon to be changed to be like the rest of the game.
    Last edited by Emili; 03-26-2011 at 01:45 AM.
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  13. #13
    Community Member jcTharin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoolZ View Post
    Why wouldn't he at least be in the radius of the arcanes haste that he casts on himself?
    arcanes haste themselves?

    Quote Originally Posted by Feithlin View Post
    Blur equals 10% less heals for the cleric
    20% IIRC

    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post
    Hmmm, may be some truth here?
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  14. #14
    Community Member Kreaper's Avatar
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    Sounded like Amateur Night at the Stormpollo.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Xenostrata's Avatar
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    As a caster, I've made it a habit not to buff anyone who runs ahead the minute they step in the quest. I might throw him a blur as a he shoots ahead, but if it gets interrupted by distance or a pillar or something I'm not going to recast it just for him. In particular, haste is called a "group buff" for a reason, and that reason is that it is cast on a group of people. If the melee decided to exclude himself from that group of people, too bad. The ONLY times I recast a haste or rage is when everyone is grouped closely enough to make it worth it.

    In short: if you think you are too good for the group, then you are obviously too good for the group's buffs. Have fun fighting that fire elemental without any resist spell.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Xenostrata's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcTharin View Post
    arcanes haste themselves?
    Oh yes. An arcane's best skill is the ability to run away very, very quickly.
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  17. #17
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xenostrata View Post
    As a caster, I've made it a habit not to buff anyone who runs ahead the minute they step in the quest. I might throw him a blur as a he shoots ahead, but if it gets interrupted by distance or a pillar or something I'm not going to recast it just for him. In particular, haste is called a "group buff" for a reason, and that reason is that it is cast on a group of people. If the melee decided to exclude himself from that group of people, too bad. The ONLY times I recast a haste or rage is when everyone is grouped closely enough to make it worth it.

    In short: if you think you are too good for the group, then you are obviously too good for the group's buffs. Have fun fighting that fire elemental without any resist spell.
    Bloody hell, I hate that ... I'd be in the midst of buffing up the group and one goes shooting forth half buffed and screams for blur and haste seconds later - I often feel like telling them well you should have been at the buffet table with the rest of us, ask the cleric maybe he's some of his haste buff timer left to share with you.

    Last edited by Emili; 03-26-2011 at 01:53 AM.
    A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes.
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  18. #18
    Community Member taurean430's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h3r3tiqu3 View Post
    Today I was doing stormcleave outpost (the quest in annvil fire inn, house D) with a melee and a cleric.
    The melee said: haste and blur on me.
    Me, the f2p wizard, responded: I'm not a buff mage, a good melee shouldn't NEED any buff here or should have some clickies or pots to make up for it.
    Melee: You are not an offensive mage either.

    Haha.... seriously, I stopped playing clerics because of those people that think the whole DDO universe depend and turn around them.
    A wizard, not an offensive class??? That idiot almost died 3 times and yelled for the cleric while I never needed any of his heals (I kept a mark of healing, it's more than enough self-heals 99% of the runs) and I ended up with only a single kill behind him (Around 80 kills. He was desperately trying to keep the lead of course by zerging..)
    Then, we all know how it work: I throw a max+emp firewall on a pack of mobs he's running away from while he yelled :''heals and haste!!'' and then said it was stupid to do that because of a single fire giant which was in the pack of mobs ..(he had to say something as his ego was kinda wounded since I'm a buff caster after all..) Later, the other melee that joined since the quest was In Progress told him to stop being so careless. Our hero responded by insulting him, posting his strength and telling him to pvp later, he wouldn't stand a single chance against him etc etc..
    For the rest of the quest, I was sending and recieving tells to the second melee and cleric about how I'm sorry for having such a moron in the party since I try to spot them before we start (it's almost impossible, I know).

    So yea, sorry spellcasters but *flash news* we only are buff mages now; the clerics, they are healbots only. I bet rogues are only trapmonkeys and bards are poets.
    I don't meet that kind of people often but when I do they are so ridiculous that it is not funny anymore.. I'm not really following what the next so-called spellcasting nerfs will be but the vision some melees have about clerics and wiz/sorcs is really unbelievable..

    Our buff spells are a curse somehow. Please, let me out-dps those melees whenever I feel like it with my arcane spells, don't nerf us to some sad buff-only bags of mana.
    Okay here is something to consider:

    Giving out buffs helps things run more smoothly and with less problems. Giving the guy blur wouldn't have cost you much compared to your mana pool really. Now I admit that the guy was a total tool in way of behavior. The problem with the attitude of witholding reasonable buffs is that by doing so you have transferred a considerable workload onto the designated party healer. Try to look at it more like you are helping out the party healer and less like being some sort of buffbot.

    I have experienced the frustration that you speak of on my arcane. Typically, I'll give them what they ask for and grossly outkill them. It shuts up windbags like that very quickly. Even at this juncture in the game, arcane have some nice advantages over melee at that level. It's not hard to outkill them, as I do it often the time on my divine builds. The gap widens when the PrC's for melee start coming into play at or around level 12. Even then it takes a player that has some skill to stay significantly ahead of the group in kills.

    The advent of the update 9 changes will create some marked change regarding what roles arcane take in party composition. Even with all of that however, it's good to try to help out the party as a whole. An arcane that will not assist with buffing the party is not looked upon as harshly as a party healer who chooses not to heal... for whatever reason. Don't be 'that' guy. When I run into people like you describe while leveling toons I give them all the buffs they want. Then I outkill them and ask what the problem is. It leaves players like that feeling like they chose to behave: like a horse's backside.

  19. #19
    Community Member jcTharin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xenostrata View Post
    Oh yes. An arcane's best skill is the ability to run away very, very quickly.
    extended expeditious retreat FTW.

    what else are you going to use a level 1 spell slot for?
    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcTharin View Post
    arcanes haste themselves?
    Really, I don't know. I stopped my arcane at 8 when for the life of me I couldn't put down my great axe. I cast haste on myself with him. I've been 'gather for haste'-ed. It does make you run faster, gives a bit of AC, and reflex. They don't?

    Screw it. They should. And beat on things with their clubs and daggers and tails of newt or lizard eyelash. What ever that makes that pretty wall of fire I want to fight in appear.

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