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  1. #1
    Community Member paraplegic's Avatar
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    Sep 2010

    Default Between DPS and Fun!

    hiya guys.
    As always im having issues deciding my next build should i follow

    right now i have check out some cool builds

    (WF can use Magenta and still be a MACHO

    now you might wonder. why he dosent trow a coin? after all those builds are rock solid (specially those WF [joke])..

    well after building the The ravager i had some fun! and also good DPS, now i want the same.. FUN AND DPS.

    Disclaimer: yes fun is a subjective word, but i bet even a brocolli can get what i mean.
    in case u are a brocolli this is what i think is fun:
    • Not weak (roguish HP)
    • Can solo but
    • can PUG (sometimes a lot)
    • like to Live in the highway
    • eat candy
    • do not depend on ENDLESS farming
    • fullfill his roll in the party

    And lastly the two most important things
    • the build must have a stedy progresion while leveling.
    • the update dont Break the Build

    SO can you help you and your country?

    i has thinking. about some form of degree to each of the builds
    like 1 to 10

    being the most important aspects

    Solo ability
    Farming/newb friendly (im not saying i dont have tomes, or high lvl stuff but i haaaaate to run 200 for a Bloodstone and then farm for scrolls to make epic etc)
    fullfill his role, sure he can split his path. no wrong in that but keep him focused (meaning a wiz doing CC a Rogue traps and dps, a Fighter doing DPS/tanking.. etc)

    Remember the builds are

  2. #2


    Not sure...

    I have a ravager like build... honestly part of what I like is its lack of HP :P Keeps me on my toes and makes me pay attention to what I'm doing.

    If you haven't done a monk, give that a shot, they are lots of fun and pretty different than more straight up fighter/rogue/barbarian sorts of DPSers. So that's my first pick for you.

    Archon looks like fun int that your always working on some new goal as it levels up and keeps getting goodies all the way to 20.

    Shade's builds are always super solid... but dare I say... kind of boring.

    Rock is great but its a tank.. I don't always think of tanks as fun, though they certainly can be.

    Stick looks great, though I've never played a build like that so I can't speak to it. It has a hell of an impressive thread though and I don't often actually see it played so it would be pretty unique.
    Former Host of DDOcast
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  3. #3
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    The stick is a lot of fun but sometimes squishy... that being said i have no problems soloing stuff when i have to with my big efng stick. Staff of Nat Gann, Soulstealer, and Staff of Shadow are your friends while your leveling up. Mine's lvl 11 so far so can't tell you what it's like end game. Not too familiar with the other ones but Archon sounds interesting so I'm going to go read that thread now.

    Upon reading up on the other builds i think i like the metaru build the most it looks fun. Whatever you choose i wish you luck, fun, and success
    Last edited by Havok.cry; 03-26-2011 at 06:47 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Persiflage's Avatar
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    Oct 2010


    I've just taken a *similar* build to Metaru to (enough XP for) L15 since the Cove event started and it Rocks My World. No kidding. I was straight in the Vale doing slayer at L12, kicking Orthons in the nuts until they died from it and laughing as I went. GH is stupidly easy and fun, the Sands likewise. My guild-mates are having a blast running with this toon and are sending me into deliberately-provoked ridiculous situations just to see whether I can survive it, and so far, I have! I tanked the Momma Dragon yesterday (from Mired in Kobolds) at L14, no sweat. Took a while to take her down (there were only 3 of us and the others were a L10 caster and a L13 spellsinger bard from my guild) but it never looked like we weren't going to succeed.

    I wish I had more reports to give you, but right now I don't. The Cove is such a great levelling tool, I'm at enough XP for L15 having done only 60 quests (counting all parts of chains individually, even the no-actual-stuff bits) and 441 total favor!

    A word of warning though... I haven't followed the Metaru build exactly as written, or rather I'm not playing it exactly as intended. I'm expecting sneers of derision here and to be told what a wrong-headed muppet I am, but I am levelling this character mostly in Mountain stance and my gear setup is almost entirely designed to take advantage of it. And yes, I still kill exactly the proportion of mobs when in a party that you'd expect from a Str-based monk ToD and a single AP into WF Brute Fighting means I hold aggro just fine, and on the rare occasions I'm grouping with either an arcane or cleric who's on healing duties I can switch to Fire stance if I want to and do scary amounts of damage. I do intend to post my gear setup at some point when I can give a more complete report on how well it works in places other than Crystal Cove, Shadow Crypt, Cursed Crypt and GH quests!

    If anyone's on Khyber and has read this, please say "hi" to Robobjorn on your way through

    Now... I do have a Big F'n Stick build toon (Bjornscary) but he's another really new creation and currently only L10. Like Havok, I've found that he's sometimes a little squishy, but I'm just about to fix that. So far it has been tremendous fun, and I've had plenty of positive comments from PuGs about how well he copes with traps whilst out-killing almost everyone. Time will tell whether it'll remain viable to end-game, but I have no doubts about the continued usefulness of my toaster monk; make of that what you will.

    Robobjorn will undoubtedly be my first TR; if it's this much fun to play without the past life feats, I can only imagine how good it will be when I've got them!

  5. #5
    Uber Completionist
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    Aug 2010


    My vote for Shades THF

    I have the WF variant and its great.

    Dishes out lots of damage, has a mountain of HPs and is extremely survivable.

    Another bonus (for me at least) is the small amount of hot keys needed as I tend to get in a muddle with my FvS

    Shades THF ftw

    The Spellswords - formerly Ghallanda now Orien

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