How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!
What kind of timetable is there for the crafting in u9? Is it not making it in time for u9? I can imagine it could become something that is left out because how wide of a scope it covers... But I didn't see anything in the rel notes denoting it.
Because getting it now, even when broken, leads to faster bug reporting and more focused fixing.
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Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
No, your rings are broken, the new ones are fixed. They could have changed the name and left everyone in the dust, instead the appologized for the bug and fixed the error. Unfortunately, everyone who has a ring will have to earn another one. But that is almost nothing to do in cc. You have to earn say 2800 green shards? @ 300 per run, you can do that in 5 solid runs... @ 20 minutes a piece, that is what, an hour and 40 minutes of your time to recoupe each ring you lost.
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
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Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
Adumbrate, Sienn, Selket, Synaxis, Ognwe-, Halpin, Sivva, Bigstick, Jemus, ColichemardeOriginally Posted by Gunga
Aside what you think is doing nothing or something in ddo i can list two good options for developers:
1) give all the rings +5 protection as it was advertised by them in the first place.
2) give all the players that possess a ring the option to get another item of the same tier type. Since the item they have is not what they worked for in the first place, they have all the rights to have it changed. (e.g. ring tier 2 becomes ratkiller tier 2). This could be done simply by let ring possessors access the euphonia boxes for the time needed to craft another item with the returned stuff used to craft the ring.
The option to create another same but new ring of the buccaneer when we'll have the chance is (an idiocy... and) like saying that our time has no value. Not so relevant how much time is spent if they consider it that way. Don't you agree?
Last edited by Phemt81; 03-29-2011 at 09:46 PM.
How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!
All right, here is proof.
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First of all, was looking for concrete feedback from Lammania players about the update, but.......
The changes will bring more diversity to casters, and to melee (who knows, maybe see some Sub slayer groups form)
Crafting seems really cool as well.
No auto-Crit sounds more like real DnD.
The spell combo style, while eating alot more SP with certain spells, will force creativity(which is also a real DnD thing) and the action point stuff looks awesome( i always wanted to use all those useless spells taking up my spellbook)
So, everything looks pretty neat.
The players will adapt, and the Devs will try to challenge us, ( the point of a DM/Creator, yet another DnD thing)
Kudos to Dev team, thumbs down to whiners who just to number crunch and zerg everything.
Lets all have some fun and support the creativity of the Game Designers, as long as they keep events to a minimum when i am trying to flag for end game quersts' !!
As sorceror DCs seem usually to depend on charisma, I'm wondering whether the DCs of Earth Grab, Heat Death and Icy prison are correct (DC: 10 + Constitution modifier + sorceror level).
This is just a request for confirmation, not a criticism. While sorceror DCs usually depend on force of personality (charisma), I can see some argument for a toughness of body (constitution) element. Posted by Turbine
I love how so many people are saying X got nerfed or my class got jacked up, failing to consider it was overpowered to begin with. Just because you have had it easy before and now it's much more balanced, doesn't mean it got nerfed. You are just more in line with everyone else. Min/maxers played the system and got caught, boo hoo. Your fun couldn't last for ever. Deal with it. From an open minded standpoint I don't see a thing wrong. As a matter of fact, I welcome the changes. No, none of my characters got nerfed, I just now have to play a little differently. Then again no one else got their characters nerfed either, you just have to play differently. Change is inevitable. So thank you Thoon, there are still those of us who like to play the game, despite the "nerfing" the system got. I like it and hope to see it soon on the live servers.
I like what I see, this will create some new dynamics and revitalize some old spells.
One comment though, if some spells cost less mana than others, shouldn't the spell like ability equivalent of the prestige enhancements be proportionate? For example: the water savant frost lance ability costs 6 mana (not much of a benefit vs 8 normal). And the fire savant has fireball for 6 mana (vs 15 normal).
Something to consider.
Glad to see less griping here. In all honesty, I think this is great; Wall of Fire has been so overpowered for so long. Of course, Ice Storm will likely take its place, but at least more tactics are viable. I for one will be using Deep Slumber at some point.
Of particular note are DOTs stacking, probably very useful to have on bosses. Acid Fog, Acid Rain, Melf's Acid Arrow, Burning Blood, Niac's Biting Cold, and Eladar's Electric Surge all at once would probably rack up enough damage between them to kill a red named boss.
we really apreciate this early look into the new update even though the devs have decided not released the crafting yet....we will wait patently at times for the sneak peek...other times we will be spectulating as to how it wil actually turn out once its released.