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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Ninjabow (AA Burst/Melee DPS)

    I would like to have some feedback on another AA Burst/Melee DPS Build. Instead of going 12 Levels of Fighter
    like the Helves Angel this build goes for 12 levels of Monk and has a more flexible approach.
    The build is giving up the more static dps of the fighter for a more burst like dps approach using Touch of Death.

    My appologies if a similar build was already posted, I couldnt find one though my search fu is weak

    The build assumes a first TR Character as it needs some tomes to get the feats
    (+1 Dex, Wis, Con at 3 , +2 Int Tome at 7 at a +3 Dex Tome at 11)
    I havent included the PL in here, though the best PL's would be either Pali for his active PL feat
    (dropping IC Blunt) or Ranger for more Ranged dmg.

    Ninjabow H-Elf 12 Monk/ 6 Ranger/ 2 Fighter

    Build Highlights
    AA Slaying Arrows (500 dmg on Vorpal Crits) combined with Manyshot and Bow Strength
    Touch of Death
    Improved Evasion combined with a high Reflex Save
    Abundand Step
    8d6 Sneak Dice + Tharnes
    Improved Precise Shot
    Monk Fast Movement
    Ram's Might
    Unarmed Attack Speed

    Level Breakdown and Feats
    Level 1 Ranger (1)
    Selected: Point Blank Shot
    Ranger Fav Enemy Undead; Bow Strength
    Level 2 Ranger (2)
    Ranger Rapid Shot, TWF
    Level 3 Monk (1)
    Selected Precise Shot
    Monk Bonus Toughness
    Level 4 Monk (2)
    Monk Bonus Zen Archery (to keep stance/Ki)
    Monk Evasion
    Level 5 Ranger (3)
    Ranger Die Hard
    Level 6 Ranger (4)
    Selected Power Attack
    Level 7 Ranger (5)
    Ranger Fav Enemy Evil Outsiders
    Level 8 Ranger (6)
    Ranger ITWF, Manyshot
    Level 9 Fighter (1)
    Selected Mental Toughness (Needed for AA)
    Fighter Bonus WF: Ranged Weapons (Needed for AA)
    Level 10 Fighter (2)
    Fighter Bonus IC: Ranged
    Level 11 Monk (3)
    Monk Path Dominion
    Monk Fast Movement
    Level 12 Monk (4)
    Selected GTWF
    Monk Slow Fall
    Level 13 Monk (5)
    Level 14 Monk (6)
    Monk Bonus Dodge (Needed for Ninja Spy)
    Level 15 Monk (7)
    Selected Improved Precise Shot
    Level 16 Monk (8)
    Level 17 Monk (9)
    Monk Improved Evasion
    Level 18 Monk (10)
    Selected IC: Blungeon/Quick Draw
    Level 19 Monk (11)
    Level 20 Monk (12)
    Monk Abundant Step

    Str 16 + 5 Level + 3 Tome + 1 Fighter + 1 Human + 6 Item + +1 Ex + 2 Rams + 2 Rage Pot
    + 2 Ship + 2 Yugo + 3 eChrono +2 Madstone = 46 (52 for bursts with Titan Gloves)
    Dex 16 +3 Tome + 2 Ranger +7 Item (Green Slot eCorrosion Boots) +2 Stance = 30
    (32 Situational with AA Ring +2 Ex)
    Con 15 + 1 Human + 2 Tome + 7 Item + 1 Ex +2 Ex +2 Rage Pot +2 Ship -2 Stance = 30
    (34 with Madstone, 32 while Ranged)
    Int 10 + 2 Tome = 12
    Wis 10 +2 Tome = 14
    Cha 8 +2 Tome + 2 Ship = 12
    Enough for Silver Flame Pots

    +5 Arrows
    Slaying Arrows (500 dmg on Vorpals)
    Arcane Archer I

    Touch of Death
    Static Charge
    Porous Soul
    All-Consuming Flame
    Winters Touch
    Touch of Death

    Imp Rogue Dilettante II (5d6 Sneak)

    Ninja Spy II (3d6 stacking Sneak Dice)
    Imp Jump II
    Imp Tumble II

    Other dmg
    Ranger Fav dmg II

    Human Adaptability I (Str)
    Human Adaptability II (Con)
    Ranger Dex II
    Fighter Str I

    Hit Points
    Racial Toughness III
    Way of Patient Tortoise II (also needed for Ninja Spy)

    Monk Stance
    Adept of Wind
    Master of Thunder (7.5% Double Strike Chance)

    Fighter Haste Boost I
    Ranger Sprint Boost I

    This leaves 5 Enhancements points you can spend the way you like.
    I prefer the Mountain Stance for 6 DR though there are for sure other options.

    maxed Concentration, Move Silently and Hide Shadows, one more up to you

    Equipment (Rough selection, leaves room for improvements I guess)

    Head GS HP Item (Earthgrab or Guard)
    Neck Shintao Cord/AA Necklace
    Trinket Bloodstone
    Googles Tharnes
    Cloak epic Envenomed (Green Slot)
    Chest DT
    Belt Ravager
    Gloves Epic Charged Gauntlets (Yellow Slot)
    Bracers Epic Bracers of the Claw / Wind Howlers
    Boots Epic Corrosion Boots (Green, CL) / Madstone / Anchor
    Ring 1 Ravager (Holy) / AA Ring (+2 Dex)
    Ring 2 Kyoshos (Lightning)

    Ranged Dmg
    Wpn +12
    Strength +18
    Shintao +2
    Rams +2
    Windhowler +1
    Ship +2
    (Titan Grip Burst +3)
    37 (40)
    Bard +9
    46 (49)
    Favored Enemy +6
    52 (55)
    Sneak 8d6+8 (8x3.5 = 28 +8 = 36)
    88 (91)
    Wpn 2d8 (2x4.5 = 9)
    97 (100)

    Sneak only works if you are within 30 Feets of your target.
    This dmg does not include your Slaying Arrow (25 dmg broken down on per shot)
    or Wind Howlers Proc dmg (18 if always resisted per shot).
    Crits are about (including Bloodstone) 200 dmg + Sneak Dice ending up at around
    236 dmg (61 Base + 6 Bloodstone x3 = 201 + Sneak)
    Crit Rate with a Epic Thornlord is (including IC Ranged) 17-20
    With Haste (Pots), Fighter Haste Boost 1 and Manyshot you will see some Vorpal Strikes
    and will have a more than solid Burst DPS

    Melee DPS (With Metaline Handwraps and both ToD Rings)
    Wpn +5
    Str +18
    Power Attack +5
    Shintao's +2
    Rams +2
    Ship +2
    Bard +9
    Fav Enemy +6
    Sneak +36 (see Ranged above)

    Non Static
    Monk Level 12 2d6 (7)
    2d6 Holy Burst (7)
    1D6 Shocking Burst (3.5)

    Melee dmg will be around 100 dmg per swing, not including Touch of Death and
    Fists of Darkness. You got umarmed attack speed and (being in Wind Stance) a 7.5% to
    Doublestrike. While you wont see high crit numbers you got a more than solid dps with
    nice bursts

    Please give me your oppinion.

    Edit: Just noticed someone has posted a similar build; feel free to comment anyways
    Last edited by TanulsReturn; 03-25-2011 at 06:13 AM. Reason: Hmm to slow to post :)

  2. #2
    Community Member Dark-Star's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    Solid variant.

    The pros I see vs. the Helves Angel are Abudant Step, improved evasion and Touch of Death.

    The cons will be that feats are very tight (ic:bludgeon is almost a must next update); no stunnning fist and no Oremis necklace means Ki generation will be a major issue with the U9 changes; a good bit less strength, no kensai II, no weapon focus/specialization and no extended pali past life means to-hit (and damage to a lesser extent) will be lower; no haste boost 4.

    It can work no question about it, but I'd take a hard look at what you give up over the 12ftr/6ranger/2monk before I spent the time gearing and leveling this build, to make sure it was worth it over other options.
    Guilds: Prophets of the New Republic & Revenents Khyber
    Clean 18barb/2ftr Cleen 20arti Kleaner 20monk Darkstaar Dark Knight Psyborg 20sorc Warrwitch 20wiz Roque 19rog/1mnk Killeric 18fvs/2monk AA Duality Helves Angel
    Builds: Helves Angel Hurtlocker Dark Knight Riddle of Steel

  3. #3
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    May 2006


    Yes, this works very well...

    I ran this build up to cap once... decided instead of grinding out raid ingrediants, I would just TR my paladin (who I don't play much anymore), and do the same build again with the paladin past life feat (and most of the raid items already done).

    I think it's a ton of fun... very easy to solo... wraps most of the time... switch to manyshot when it's appropriate. Zen Archery is the key. You can go Wisdom based with that feat.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  4. #4
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    I capped a build like this a couple of weeks or so ago. It's a lot of fun. Good comments above.

    I went WIS-based for Stunning Fist. It's great for the current metagame. As a side effect, it makes Unbalancing Strike and using monk finishers (most notably Curse of the Void) usable in a lot of content, which I think adds a lot of versatility and fun factor. However, this might all change with U9. We'll see. I would be sad to see this, as I thoroughly enjoy being able to use the monk side fully, and not just facerolling ki strikes.

    Dark-Star is on point as always. Not only feats are tight though, but AP's, base stats, gear fitting... My main gripe is that the build is spread so thin it feels a little strained sometimes. It's hard to pump HP's to good levels. To-hit can be a very real issue in end game content. No matter how many points of WIS you squeeze out, you still might find your DCs too low sometimes. And every time I open the enhancements tab I cringe a little since there are so many good ones to get that just wont fit.

    The damage is there though, no question about it. With Wind Howlers and a LitII bow, your Hasteboosted Manyshots with Human Versatility: Damage and 6D6 Sneak Attack will be brutal....

    ...BUT. They'll be just as brutal - if not more, actually - when being put out by a Helves Angel. Which, after MS ends, will likely be a more solid overall melee character.

    Personally I think if you have a min/max mindset there are better options than the NinjAA split if your only goal is pure burst DPS. But a real comparison is hard. The sacrifices compared to a 12fighter type are easily quantifiable. The gains more subtle, more playstyle and fun oriented. The selling point for me is all about "feel" and gameplay. Giving up some durability and DPS performance for that is a fair trade to me, but it comes with a big YMMV sign.

    Also, levelling can be a bit boring and frustrating since everything is so back-loaded. Things didn't really start coming together for me until after level 15. This kinda sucks.

  5. #5
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    Thanks all for your replies.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoreIdiotThanSavant View Post
    I went WIS-based for Stunning Fist. It's great for the current metagame. As a side effect, it makes Unbalancing Strike and using monk finishers (most notably Curse of the Void) usable in a lot of content, which I think adds a lot of versatility and fun factor. However, this might all change with U9. We'll see. I would be sad to see this, as I thoroughly enjoy being able to use the monk side fully, and not just facerolling ki strikes.
    I'd like to know how the wisdom based builds of you More and Thrudh look like. How high do you get your wisdom? I didnt came high enough for a relevant stunning fist DC. Sacrificing more strength isnt an option and I really want to have improved precise shot meaning I need to reach 19 Dex

    Quote Originally Posted by MoreIdiotThanSavant View Post
    Dark-Star is on point as always. Not only feats are tight though, but AP's, base stats, gear fitting... My main gripe is that the build is spread so thin it feels a little strained sometimes. It's hard to pump HP's to good levels. To-hit can be a very real issue in end game content. No matter how many points of WIS you squeeze out, you still might find your DCs too low sometimes. And every time I open the enhancements tab I cringe a little since there are so many good ones to get that just wont fit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark-Star View Post
    The cons will be that feats are very tight (ic:bludgeon is almost a must next update); no stunnning fist and no Oremis necklace means Ki generation will be a major issue with the U9 changes; a good bit less strength, no kensai II, no weapon focus/specialization and no extended pali past life means to-hit (and damage to a lesser extent) will be lower; no haste boost 4.
    I didnt take a deep look into the U9 changes yet so cant comment on them. Though of want I did read, I assume U9 will change alot.

    Feats are tight though there aint much room for nice to have goodies like the Pali PL sadly. This is imo one of the biggest tradeoffs for not having 12 levels of fighter

    About the to hit issue - BaB 20 + 18 Str + 2 Shintao + 5 Weapon + 2 Ship +5 Tharnes (asuming you dont have aggro) = 52, with GH 56, with a non warchanter Bard 59. Thats not good or even outstanding but its solid enough imo. As long as improved destruction is used on epic Reds like Lailat (which always should be done ) you can safely turn on PA

    Quote Originally Posted by MoreIdiotThanSavant View Post
    Personally I think if you have a min/max mindset there are better options than the NinjAA split if your only goal is pure burst DPS. But a real comparison is hard. The sacrifices compared to a 12fighter type are easily quantifiable. The gains more subtle, more playstyle and fun oriented. The selling point for me is all about "feel" and gameplay.
    I totally agree with you

    Sure Kensai II and Haste Boost IV are just plain good and this build wont have them. Thats what you have to keep in mind.

  6. #6
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoreIdiotThanSavant View Post
    Also, levelling can be a bit boring and frustrating since everything is so back-loaded. Things didn't really start coming together for me until after level 15. This kinda sucks.
    Yeah, it's very back-loaded... You don't get AA until level 9, and you don't get touch of death until level 17, and you don't get abundant leap until level 20...

    But it works, and it's very different. That's a huge plus if you've played this game a lot...

    For me, I had yet to roll up an AA, and had yet to roll up a monk, so doing both at the same time was a blast because it was all new playstyle for me...
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  7. #7
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    A few comments. I rolled a Helves Angel, but haven't been leveling it yet (playing my Ninja I/Assassin II more)

    First, a correction, Rogue Dilletante III only gives 3D6 SA dmg, not 5, which stacks with Ninja Spy II for 6d6.

    Also, there is a bit of ranged love in U9:

    Ranged Sneak Attacks and Point Blank Shots have had their maximum range increased from 10 meters to a base of 15 meters. The Deepwood Sniper enhancement increases this range to 25 meters.

    So this gives you a bit more ranged oomph.

    My only major recommendation (late now) is if your doing Epics, I hope you made a pair of the Epic Cut Throats small blades from Crystal Cove. The base version are 2d6+5/18-20/x2 Slicing+Bleed 3% doublestrike centered weaps for Ninja Spy. (I made pair of Tier3's for my Ninja Assassin, they're great, and several sets beside.) Only downside is that ToD only works while unarmed. So you'd have to switch after you get the ki built up.

    With the loss of auto crit/auto-burst dps with the U9 helpless change, monk DPS has gone down (along with everyone's elses) So the 30% crit chance with IC:Piercing would significantly help up your DPS versus held/helpless mobs, not to to mention the huge base damage (for a light 1-h weap) multiplied by the blanket 50% damage vulnerability applied to helpless mobs in U9.

    Currently, it looks like monks in wind stance may have harder time building up ki as well, do to the helplessness nerf (no auto-crit = no bonus ki on crits) Wish would make getting a ToD off slower.

    Other than the monk unarmed auto-crit/ki gen nerf pulling down your unarmed DPS a bit, looks like a solid build. The longer SA dmg with bow and massive burst DPS will help. Definitely take IC: bludgeon, and see if you can fit in crane stance instead for ki gen.

    I'd also see about taking Master of Stone if you can fit it in, the tier 3 earthstrike makes for bigger hits and bigger crits, and works with your melee attacks. +12 base damage plus 2d6 acid on crits. Tier 2 is +8 base dmg. Also the earth finisher can make a big boost while using the cove shortswords
    Ki Cost: 10 - Earth:Earth:Earth Finisher - The force of the earth is behind your attacks, increasing your critical attack multiplyer by 2 and partially bewildering your foe, preventing them from casting spells. A successfull Fortitude ends this effect. Lasts 30 seconds.
    making for a x4 crit with 30% crit chance makes it wortwhile. Also Fist of Iron, gives you a 30% x3 crit shot in the rotation with the cove shortswords.

    Other than that, is workable build especially if you snagged a set of the Epic cutthroats smallblades.

    Quote Originally Posted by TanulsReturn View Post
    I would like to have some feedback on another AA Burst/Melee DPS Build. Instead of going 12 Levels of Fighter
    like the Helves Angel this build goes for 12 levels of Monk and has a more flexible approach.
    The build is giving up the more static dps of the fighter for a more burst like dps approach using Touch of Death.

    My appologies if a similar build was already posted, I couldnt find one though my search fu is weak

    The build assumes a first TR Character as it needs some tomes to get the feats
    (+1 Dex, Wis, Con at 3 , +2 Int Tome at 7 at a +3 Dex Tome at 11)
    I havent included the PL in here, though the best PL's would be either Pali for his active PL feat
    (dropping IC Blunt) or Ranger for more Ranged dmg.

    Ninjabow H-Elf 12 Monk/ 6 Ranger/ 2 Fighter

    Build Highlights
    AA Slaying Arrows (500 dmg on Vorpal Crits) combined with Manyshot and Bow Strength
    Touch of Death
    Improved Evasion combined with a high Reflex Save
    Abundand Step
    8d6 Sneak Dice + Tharnes
    Improved Precise Shot
    Monk Fast Movement
    Ram's Might
    Unarmed Attack Speed

    Level Breakdown and Feats
    Level 1 Ranger (1)
    Selected: Point Blank Shot
    Ranger Fav Enemy Undead; Bow Strength
    Level 2 Ranger (2)
    Ranger Rapid Shot, TWF
    Level 3 Monk (1)
    Selected Precise Shot
    Monk Bonus Toughness
    Level 4 Monk (2)
    Monk Bonus Zen Archery (to keep stance/Ki)
    Monk Evasion
    Level 5 Ranger (3)
    Ranger Die Hard
    Level 6 Ranger (4)
    Selected Power Attack
    Level 7 Ranger (5)
    Ranger Fav Enemy Evil Outsiders
    Level 8 Ranger (6)
    Ranger ITWF, Manyshot
    Level 9 Fighter (1)
    Selected Mental Toughness (Needed for AA)
    Fighter Bonus WF: Ranged Weapons (Needed for AA)
    Level 10 Fighter (2)
    Fighter Bonus IC: Ranged
    Level 11 Monk (3)
    Monk Path Dominion
    Monk Fast Movement
    Level 12 Monk (4)
    Selected GTWF
    Monk Slow Fall
    Level 13 Monk (5)
    Level 14 Monk (6)
    Monk Bonus Dodge (Needed for Ninja Spy)
    Level 15 Monk (7)
    Selected Improved Precise Shot
    Level 16 Monk (8)
    Level 17 Monk (9)
    Monk Improved Evasion
    Level 18 Monk (10)
    Selected IC: Blungeon/Quick Draw
    Level 19 Monk (11)
    Level 20 Monk (12)
    Monk Abundant Step

    Str 16 + 5 Level + 3 Tome + 1 Fighter + 1 Human + 6 Item + +1 Ex + 2 Rams + 2 Rage Pot
    + 2 Ship + 2 Yugo + 3 eChrono +2 Madstone = 46 (52 for bursts with Titan Gloves)
    Dex 16 +3 Tome + 2 Ranger +7 Item (Green Slot eCorrosion Boots) +2 Stance = 30
    (32 Situational with AA Ring +2 Ex)
    Con 15 + 1 Human + 2 Tome + 7 Item + 1 Ex +2 Ex +2 Rage Pot +2 Ship -2 Stance = 30
    (34 with Madstone, 32 while Ranged)
    Int 10 + 2 Tome = 12
    Wis 10 +2 Tome = 14
    Cha 8 +2 Tome + 2 Ship = 12
    Enough for Silver Flame Pots

    +5 Arrows
    Slaying Arrows (500 dmg on Vorpals)
    Arcane Archer I

    Touch of Death
    Static Charge
    Porous Soul
    All-Consuming Flame
    Winters Touch
    Touch of Death

    Imp Rogue Dilettante II (5d6 Sneak)

    Ninja Spy II (3d6 stacking Sneak Dice)
    Imp Jump II
    Imp Tumble II

    Other dmg
    Ranger Fav dmg II

    Human Adaptability I (Str)
    Human Adaptability II (Con)
    Ranger Dex II
    Fighter Str I

    Hit Points
    Racial Toughness III
    Way of Patient Tortoise II (also needed for Ninja Spy)

    Monk Stance
    Adept of Wind
    Master of Thunder (7.5% Double Strike Chance)

    Fighter Haste Boost I
    Ranger Sprint Boost I

    This leaves 5 Enhancements points you can spend the way you like.
    I prefer the Mountain Stance for 6 DR though there are for sure other options.

    maxed Concentration, Move Silently and Hide Shadows, one more up to you

    Equipment (Rough selection, leaves room for improvements I guess)

    Head GS HP Item (Earthgrab or Guard)
    Neck Shintao Cord/AA Necklace
    Trinket Bloodstone
    Googles Tharnes
    Cloak epic Envenomed (Green Slot)
    Chest DT
    Belt Ravager
    Gloves Epic Charged Gauntlets (Yellow Slot)
    Bracers Epic Bracers of the Claw / Wind Howlers
    Boots Epic Corrosion Boots (Green, CL) / Madstone / Anchor
    Ring 1 Ravager (Holy) / AA Ring (+2 Dex)
    Ring 2 Kyoshos (Lightning)

    Ranged Dmg
    Wpn +12
    Strength +18
    Shintao +2
    Rams +2
    Windhowler +1
    Ship +2
    (Titan Grip Burst +3)
    37 (40)
    Bard +9
    46 (49)
    Favored Enemy +6
    52 (55)
    Sneak 8d6+8 (8x3.5 = 28 +8 = 36)
    88 (91)
    Wpn 2d8 (2x4.5 = 9)
    97 (100)

    Sneak only works if you are within 30 Feets of your target.
    This dmg does not include your Slaying Arrow (25 dmg broken down on per shot)
    or Wind Howlers Proc dmg (18 if always resisted per shot).
    Crits are about (including Bloodstone) 200 dmg + Sneak Dice ending up at around
    236 dmg (61 Base + 6 Bloodstone x3 = 201 + Sneak)
    Crit Rate with a Epic Thornlord is (including IC Ranged) 17-20
    With Haste (Pots), Fighter Haste Boost 1 and Manyshot you will see some Vorpal Strikes
    and will have a more than solid Burst DPS

    Melee DPS (With Metaline Handwraps and both ToD Rings)
    Wpn +5
    Str +18
    Power Attack +5
    Shintao's +2
    Rams +2
    Ship +2
    Bard +9
    Fav Enemy +6
    Sneak +36 (see Ranged above)

    Non Static
    Monk Level 12 2d6 (7)
    2d6 Holy Burst (7)
    1D6 Shocking Burst (3.5)

    Melee dmg will be around 100 dmg per swing, not including Touch of Death and
    Fists of Darkness. You got umarmed attack speed and (being in Wind Stance) a 7.5% to
    Doublestrike. While you wont see high crit numbers you got a more than solid dps with
    nice bursts

    Please give me your oppinion.

    Edit: Just noticed someone has posted a similar build; feel free to comment anyways

  8. #8
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    I was going to make a more involved comment, but everything is so up in the air at the moment with the uncertainty of what U9 will bring, that it's hard to give a good response here.

    All I can say, really, is that you should read up on U9, and keep a close eye on how it develops.

    These are rough estimates, but at the moment 40 DC stunning fist is achievable, slightly over that with fighter past lives and Yugo pots. Mid thirties DC Curse of the Void. You can get 32-36 WIS before Yugo pots with 5 lvlups depending on tomes and amount of epic gear. Add ship buffs, but I personally don't like to include them. Might be able to squeeze out a point by slotting gear differently (ie +7 WIS instead of +6). These values (~40DC fort, ~35DC will) work sufficiently in the current state of the game.

    If you want to go into epics, these numbers will mean nothing when U9 goes live. Non-epics you'll be fine. But since this build is so extremely back loaded, and really only plays like it should when it's at level 20, I'd like it to be epic viable.

    Ki generation will also take a huge hit. This further discourages the use of Stunning Fist (which will be comparatively weaker in DC and effect), Curse of the Void, and, sadly, Abundant Step. Even getting to use ToD enough will be a struggle.

    As I see it, WIS based will be out of the question come U9. I will rethink things, but something like your original concept will probably be the way to go. It looks like this build will lose a lot of fun and versatility next patch. Hopefully the DPS doesn't take as big a nose dive. It will hopefully retain enough of it's spirit and "feel" to not make me want to TR.

    We'll see what happens.

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