I want to start off by saying I enjoy the Smuggler's Rest event alot. The gear is great, and the crafting really cool by allowing you to increase an item for each level you can aquire it.
My wife and I have two major issues and a few minor suggestions as well.
First major issue.: Compasses to access CC should be BOUND TO ACCOUNT not to character!! There is really no reason for them to be BTC. Why are they BtA!?!?!
Second major issue: The drop rate for compasses seems to be really screwy. You can have one character that you run for an hour or so and have like 10+ compasses. Then you get on a different toon that you would rather use in CC becuse of duoing or whatever reason and after 4+hrs you only get 1 or 2. This would be fixed by fixing First major issue.
Suggestions: Allow for exchange of doubloons from one type to another. 10 copper per 1 silver, 10 silver per 1 gold, and in the reverse direction as well.
This could also apply to gem stones... but I doubt that would happen, as it take 3 of one to exchange for one of the same level... not sure how to do level gem exchanges...
You could always do a spring event to added shock damage (Spring storms) and a summer event to add fire damage to weapons similar to Risia Ice games... and you can only allow one type of elemental damage to be added to a weapon... no putting icy burst and shocking burst to a weapon with acid on it. Just one addition, cold, fire, or electrical... and if you try to add a different one, it overrides the first.
Where is the love for a bow in the events? No bows have been done for these events... and on that note... something a bit more set for a bard.... or an outfit for a monk?
Thanks for the fun events and the work that goes into them. Please keep up the hard work you put into the game... just wanted to throw a few ideas out there!