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And in your little fake situation: the Wizard should open by casting Hypnotize, then haste&range the melee, followed by casting hold person on the first target (not sure if hold person works on giants tho, I'd have to test that), then cast a melf's acid arrow. (Really weak not taking acid line BtW if you are going to take Conjuration anyway), and then if Hold did not stick, cast an Otto's on the Second to prep it for beat down, and cast melf's again, At this point you should be casting Hypnotize again and most likely, the majority of the mobs are dead, and easy pickens for the Melee to take down, perhaps another melf's and hold/ottos just to finish off whatever else remains, and the fight is done. That is if you decided to go all CC spec with a conjuration focus. Now, if the only spells you can think to cast are Charm or FW while giants are coming at you in Redwillow, then your better off casting FW, along with haste/rage, and letting the rest of the party carry you though the zone. The reality is, If you are going to play an odd-ball caster, learn how to play it, and stop whining when people tell you you're doing wrong, they might very well be right.