Vorpalsword , Yamantaka , Battlelord , Deathsbreath
Guild Leader of: Loot Gods.
'Loot Gods - Where the Sacrafices just keep coming...'
Turbine said that the earlier change to firewall, i.e new crit per tick chance. was made to stop player from throwing down lots of firewalls and then fishing for a critical firewall.
The players most likely response to the 50% reduction in duration and reflex save chance is going to be a return to the very behaviour the devs dont appear to like.
That is caster throwing down multiple FW in a chain over and over and kiting mobs through them , And while the jury may still be out on the overall impact of the changes casters are getting. One thing is certain is that customers playing sorc/ wizzy are fed up with the continual changes to the class and spells.
"Player testers have done an excelent job and I really do appreciate the testing done by the players that report the issues which then get ignored ......."
Did you seriously bring up the laws of physics in a game that uses various types of magical spells?
While I'm not too crazy about all the changes, I'm happy that there are changes to a lot of spells that were just useless when you were at a level that you could cast them...HD dependent spells for example.
I'm looking forward to having many other spells having their damage upped also.
Firewall kiting is really boring but other spells were not as good. Now they have been changed to be more useful and less costly to use.
They could probably change metamagics a little but I'm going to wait until I try things out for myself before I start to cry about it.
Also...applying the laws of physics to magic is a complete and total failure. Really, just really.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
The COSTs of single-target spells (e.g.: "the spells that are actually fun to use") are being decreased, making it cheaper to spam chain lightnings or DBFs than it is to drop max/emp'd firewalls. And because hurling large amounts of energy at people is more fun than just setting the floor on fire and running in and out, I am in favor of this change.
What about them nerfing mass hold to Non Auto Crit? that will be fun wont it ? Kind of like taking away the paralize auto crit... where does it end... k, ill fill you in on a little secret.... if someone was immobile, it shouldnt be auto crit, it should be Auto Death..... after all, your standing there, looking at a HELPLESS target, how hard is it to just casually walk up and slit the mobs throat? hard!!!! you have to slash and hack and slash and hack for 10 minutes to kill them? wow.....
Vorpalsword , Yamantaka , Battlelord , Deathsbreath
Guild Leader of: Loot Gods.
'Loot Gods - Where the Sacrafices just keep coming...'
Adumbrate, Sienn, Selket, Synaxis, Ognwe-, Halpin, Sivva, Bigstick, Jemus, ColichemardeOriginally Posted by Gunga
IM(very humble)O, firewall was overpowered. Any 7th level wizard or 8th level sorcerer without firewall was undoubtedly questioned as to why. If one spell (which leads to one specific tactic) is considered a must have, then it is probably too good. I'm eager to try out new tactics with new spells on my arcane casters!
Your mileage may vary...
Yes but the point is this. Why bother to nerf Firewall at all. It’s a great spell and loved by many casters.
If the idea is to bring more variety and new tactics to the game. Then all that is really needed is to increase the other spell type’s damage.
The reason why mid level casters have relied on Firewalls is because they had to. None of the other spells available to them were particularly good.
If that is being changed. I.e. lower spell point cost and more damage, then why bother to nerf firewall at all?
They have introduced competitive spells. So let the players who love firewalls continue to use them and give some useful and varied alternatives to the other caster who are sick of it
Last edited by Hirosue; 03-24-2011 at 09:29 PM.
"Player testers have done an excelent job and I really do appreciate the testing done by the players that report the issues which then get ignored ......."
Held monsters will take 50% more damage from all sources, including magic. You could mass hold some mobs then lay a FW down on them, and it will be doing more damage on them than it does now. This combined with epic monsters' HP being reduced and buffs to and lowered SP cost of many damage spells, nuking is back on the table in epic content and even better in normal content.
Arbitrary blanket immunities being removed means instant death spells can be used again - necromancy just got a lot more powerful as well. Now it should rival enchantment in usefulness. It'll even do more damage on a failed save.
Many spells that were previously useless have been increased in power. Power word kill will be able to deal with many otherwise difficult orange nameds, especially those without SR, or could be used to thin out the most dangerous monsters in a given encounter (like spellcasters). Circle of death is like a mass enervation/death effect. Who knows how the symbol spells have been buffed?
We even get a tiny mana regeneration effect.
Community Member
On behalf of Turbine, I apologies that from the start they have not been able to develop the most perfect, balanced game system where all classes/races/gear/ combinations of all 3 cater to every single player just nicely.
Turbine should be ashamed of themselves for not coming up with a perfect game system, just like WOTC had with the very first edition of D&D. Or the economists who should have come up with the perfect economic systems since the dawn of trade. Or politicians who ..
Community Member
My point is that it isnt necessary or desirable to introduce change by swinging the nerf bat.
if you change a system of gameplay that has been in existance for a number of years you are going to inevitably irritate and frustrate a lot of your player base/customers.
If they want to bring more variety by making other spells do more damage that is great. But dont do it by nerfing an old favourite that has been around for a long time.
And dont do it a few months after nerfing casters fogs disco balls cloud kills and firewalls
"Player testers have done an excelent job and I really do appreciate the testing done by the players that report the issues which then get ignored ......."
Community Member
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not signed.
Casters, as they currently are, are extremely 1-dimensional. The efforts of Turbine to make more than a limited few spells useful are to be applauded.
Until the PREs came out you wonder why there there so few Wiz around? Because there was no real need to change spells. (aside from casting time etc).
Why not at least test it out before the Doom and Crying?
I am puzzled by some of the changes (nerf Enlarge?) but am hopeful that casters will be a little more fun to play soon.
My [Fi'Wall] burns at both ends;
It will not last the [fight]
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends--
[Let's not get too uptight!]
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
Community Member
can't the doom wait thill it hits lamaland plz
you don't know.
for all you know there is a new spell coming that looks like a fire wall casts like a firewall and does x10 dmg you don't know what will happen.
in the off chanse they didn't include "the not a firewall" spelll well then you need to buy a keybord with more then 1 button
Virt II makes elujin smile !