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Thread: Nerf Stick

  1. #1
    Community Member Trapdoor's Avatar
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    Default Nerf Stick

    Hi All.
    I for one have invested hundreds and hundreds of dollars into this game. And what do i get for it.

    1) Casters get nerfed by programming changes that do not allow the said casters to buy very important scrolls such as Cloud Kill, Firewall, Solid fog, other such things.

    2) Casters get their spells nerfed, Firewall for example, A crit firewall doesnt last the length of the spell, which is rediculous! and against the laws of physics, each tic has a chance to crit ? Really? now, i have to wait the entire length of the spell for those crits to tic every so often, Instead of burning my mana to get that crit firewall, to solo eye of the titan end boss and other.

    3) now! they plan on nerfing firewall again and making mobs running through get a save?

    Anyone Agree!??!?!? Put your name to this and tell the devs what to fix in this game that they are maybe unknowingly making less enjoyable for people.

    Last edited by Trapdoor; 03-24-2011 at 08:10 PM. Reason: less dramatic
    Vorpalsword , Yamantaka , Battlelord , Deathsbreath
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    'Loot Gods - Where the Sacrafices just keep coming...'

  2. #2
    Community Member twix's Avatar
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    /not signed

  3. #3
    Community Member mikejaz's Avatar
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    Default Nerf stick

    Well said! I agree 100%

  4. #4
    Community Member Dawnsfire's Avatar
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    Default Nope

    I am waiting to see how it all works on Lam. I think a lot of the doom is very premature.

    /Not signed . . . yet

    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    I’m only nerfing you now so I can buff you later.

  5. #5
    Community Member Asketes's Avatar
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    best of luck where you decide to end up.

    Last edited by Asketes; 03-25-2011 at 07:07 AM.
    (Perma) - Khyber - Official Helpers Guild Noob
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Grease is an extremely valuable party buff.

  6. #6
    Community Member Kaeldur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trapdoor View Post
    Hi All.
    I for one have invested hundreds and hundreds of dollars into this game. And what do i get for it.

    1) Casters get nerfed by programming changes that do not allow the said casters to buy very important scrolls such as Cloud Kill, Firewall, Solid fog, other such things.

    2) Casters get their spells nerfed, Firewall for example, A crit firewall doesnt last the length of the spell, which is rediculous! and against the laws of physics, each tic has a chance to crit ? Really? now, i have to wait the entire length of the spell for those crits to tic every so often, Instead of burning my mana to get that crit firewall, to solo eye of the titan end boss and other.

    3) now! they plan on nerfing firewall again and making mobs running through get a save?

    4) Sounds to me like Turbine has gotten all the rotten programmers from EQ and made them hit this game with the nerf stick so that people will go to LOTR. Not me... Give me my money back and let this dead horse get flogged again and again by poor management.

    Anyone Agree!??!?!? Put your name to this and tell the developers what to fix about this game that they are ruining.

    Wait... are you serious or did I fail a /sarcasm roll ?

  7. #7
    Community Member oberon131313's Avatar
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    Having more fun now than I was when Firewall Scrolls were buyable.

    Adumbrate, Sienn, Selket, Synaxis, Ognwe-, Halpin, Sivva, Bigstick, Jemus, Colichemarde
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga
    His pant muscles aren't as big as ours...

  8. #8
    Community Member Trapdoor's Avatar
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    Default sigh

    well for those of you who /not signed, you obviously dont play much, either that or you play big barbs who it doesnt affect, but i tell you this, BARB NERF is coming bud, just like those nerfers want you to think your safe, then bamn, youll be whining and no one will care , coz you were warned...

    You have been warned!

    AND MASS HOLD = NO AUTO CRIT!!!!!!!! (another nerf coming soon)
    Vorpalsword , Yamantaka , Battlelord , Deathsbreath
    Guild Leader of: Loot Gods.
    'Loot Gods - Where the Sacrafices just keep coming...'

  9. #9
    Community Member Maitland's Avatar
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    I think i am gonna wait and see before i start yelling DOOOOOMMM!!!
    Roll with the punches Holmes./notsigned

    Officer of the Truth Seekers,Bluntt
    Bluntt,Proud Officer of the Truth Seekers
    Adapt or Die,or be a ddo'er and /whine
    Blunttphorse,Madkill,Mait Manic,Ewak,Holmez,Rollin,Axeme Acers

  10. #10
    Community Member oberon131313's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trapdoor View Post
    well for those of you who /not signed, you obviously dont play much, either that or you play big barbs who it doesnt affect, but i tell you this, BARB NERF is coming bud, just like those nerfers want you to think your safe, then bamn, youll be whining and no one will care , coz you were warned...

    You have been warned!

    AND MASS HOLD = NO AUTO CRIT!!!!!!!! (another nerf coming soon)
    Adumbrate, Sienn, Selket, Synaxis, Ognwe-, Halpin, Sivva, Bigstick, Jemus, Colichemarde
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga
    His pant muscles aren't as big as ours...

  11. #11
    Community Member Kaeldur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trapdoor View Post
    well for those of you who /not signed, you obviously dont play much, either that or you play big barbs who it doesnt affect, but i tell you this, BARB NERF is coming bud, just like those nerfers want you to think your safe, then bamn, youll be whining and no one will care , coz you were warned...

    You have been warned!
    So who doesn't agree with you is dumb? I don't have a single barbarian. Maybe I don't play much according to you, because you seem too steamed up about this. First of all try using other spells, wizards and sorcerers get a bunch of spells, not only one, try using them.

    And are you really talking about "law of physics" in DDO/D&D/Fantasy? I mean... really? And what does "law of physics" have to do with firewall crits? I guess I missed Newton's formula on critical firewalls. Maybe that was in Physics II?

    I'll just stop here, not worth discussing all the points of your OP.

  12. #12
    Community Member broolthebeast's Avatar
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    it happens in every mmo. Players devise a single tactic that is very effective and devs counter it with changes to the game. am I happy about them? not really. Just means my sorc will no longer be my main toon and probably only used to scroll farm.
    Leader of the Force Addicts // Established 12/20/2011
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  13. #13
    Community Member Trapdoor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaeldur View Post
    So who doesn't agree with you is dumb? I don't have a single barbarian. Maybe I don't play much according to you, because you seem too steamed up about this. First of all try using other spells, wizards and sorcerers get a bunch of spells, not only one, try using them.

    And are you really talking about "law of physics" in DDO/D&D/Fantasy? I mean... really? And what does "law of physics" have to do with firewall crits? I guess I missed Newton's formula on critical firewalls. Maybe that was in Physics II?

    I'll just stop here, not worth discussing all the points of your OP.
    (cough cough) yes well, newtons formula on ddo is physics isnt for the feint of heart.... i think it was something like that. and so on...
    Vorpalsword , Yamantaka , Battlelord , Deathsbreath
    Guild Leader of: Loot Gods.
    'Loot Gods - Where the Sacrafices just keep coming...'

  14. #14
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trapdoor View Post
    1) Casters get nerfed by programming changes that do not allow the said casters to buy very important scrolls such as Cloud Kill, Firewall, Solid fog, other such things.
    While I'd put more scrolls in, that isn't a serious problem

    2) Casters get their spells nerfed, Firewall for example, A crit firewall doesnt last the length of the spell, which is rediculous! and against the laws of physics, each tic has a chance to crit ? Really? now, i have to wait the entire length of the spell for those crits to tic every so often, Instead of burning my mana to get that crit firewall, to solo eye of the titan end boss and other.
    There is no "mana" in this game. But ignoring that, did you really just try to apply the laws of physics to MAGIC fire? I assume then you are also complaining that magic fire doesn't light you on fire and doesn't hurt your party as well?

    3) now! they plan on nerfing firewall again and making mobs
    running through get a save?
    I think its a bit of an overnerf, but it certainly was overpowered before.

    4) snipped
    Yes, making personal attacks against Turbine staff will help you get your way.

    Goodbye and enjoy your next game.

  15. #15
    Community Member SynalonEtuul's Avatar
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  16. #16
    Community Member Hirosue's Avatar
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    I don’t like the look of the changes at all.. It looks to me like change for the sake of change. And of course these changes follow the major nerf to caster in the last mod.
    The last MOD saw casters get shafted by the changes to air elementals / mephitis and a few other mobs. Having dancing sphere , cloud kill, acid fog, mind fog and firewalls dispelled by air elementals and of course not forgetting the joy of other party members calling air elemental pets.

    And of course dont foget the nerf to fogs that we all complained about and were ignored. i.e acid fog / solid fog not slowing mobs .

    Now we see what is probably the main mid level (8-14) sorc/wizzy spell – firewall getting severely nerfed i.e no longer subject to extend meta magic and mobs get a reflex save vs it too.
    I understand that spell costs are set to be lowered . but to what effect ? yay cheaper firewalls for all- shame they are 50% less duration and mobs get reflex save though.

    Perhaps it isn’t all bad though. As this new mod has made my mind up for me to True res away from sorc for good.

    p.s to the OP , Barbarian class got its nerf a very long time ago when critical rage was replaced with frenzied beserker.
    Last edited by Hirosue; 03-24-2011 at 07:55 PM.
    "Player testers have done an excelent job and I really do appreciate the testing done by the players that report the issues which then get ignored ......."

  17. #17
    Community Member stoolcannon's Avatar
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    I'm most definitely not thrilled with the change to firewall but I do have to disagree and say that it does make sense that it wouldn't be a crit every tick from a certain perspective. Fires flare up now and then and die down a bit other times, a flare up could be considered a "crit". Just a logical way to rationalize the changes.

    As for a reflex save when moving through, that also makes just as much sense as a reflex save from lightning bolt, fireball or meteor swarm.
    Captain's Crew: (TR) Dingalbarian - Horc Barb20 - THF, Dingaladin - Human 18/2 Paladin/Monk - TWF, Lamepolicy - Squishy Drow - Wiz20 Archmage

  18. #18
    Community Member SynalonEtuul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirosue View Post
    Now we see what is probably the main mid level (8-14) sorc/wizzy spell – firewall getting severely nerfed i.e no longer subject to extend meta magic and mobs get a reflex save vs it too.
    I understand that spell costs are set to be lowered . but to what effect ? yay cheaper firewalls for all- shame they are 50% less duration and mobs get reflex save though.
    Firewall is being increased in cost. More importantly, this update is the biggest improvement to casters since prestige enhancements and you're whining about one spell that despite getting nerfed is still very good? Ridiculous.

  19. #19
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trapdoor View Post
    Hi All.
    I for one have invested hundreds and hundreds of dollars into this game. And what do i get for it.

    1) Casters get nerfed by programming changes that do not allow the said casters to buy very important scrolls such as Cloud Kill, Firewall, Solid fog, other such things.

    2) Casters get their spells nerfed, Firewall for example, A crit firewall doesnt last the length of the spell, which is rediculous! and against the laws of physics, each tic has a chance to crit ? Really? now, i have to wait the entire length of the spell for those crits to tic every so often, Instead of burning my mana to get that crit firewall, to solo eye of the titan end boss and other.

    3) now! they plan on nerfing firewall again and making mobs running through get a save?

    4) Sounds to me like Turbine has decided that maybe ddo isnt viable any more and made programmers hit this game with the nerf stick so that people will go to LOTR. Not me... Give me my money back and let this dead horse get flogged again and again by poor management.

    Anyone Agree!??!?!? Put your name to this and tell the devs what to fix in this game that they are maybe unknowingly making less enjoyable for people.

    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  20. #20
    Community Member Trapdoor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoolcannon View Post
    I'm most definitely not thrilled with the change to firewall but I do have to disagree and say that it does make sense that it wouldn't be a crit every tick from a certain perspective. Fires flare up now and then and die down a bit other times, a flare up could be considered a "crit". Just a logical way to rationalize the changes.

    As for a reflex save when moving through, that also makes just as much sense as a reflex save from lightning bolt, fireball or meteor swarm.
    Understandable, but to introduce these changes after YEARS of play??? that just doesnt seem right... they should have thought of it many years ago or at least in the first 6 to 12 months, same with the scrolls and such.... otherwise /shrug, i just dont know what to think.... it really makes me think that they wont stop there and just change stuff to influence their player base, if the nerf trolls complain enough, things get nerfed, if the hard core players complain about the nerfs, more nerfs
    Vorpalsword , Yamantaka , Battlelord , Deathsbreath
    Guild Leader of: Loot Gods.
    'Loot Gods - Where the Sacrafices just keep coming...'

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