Not going to create a new thread regarding monks getting shafted by U9 due to changes to stun, since there's already one and I completely agree.

What I want to ask here is : Can you fix Dark Monks in U9 ?

- Nyoko's Ring/Necklace is **** compared to Shintao's kit. (Sneak attack bonus? Meh.. there are so many other options like Tharne's, new gauntlets from Cove, cove hat, etc) And it doesn't have a special bonus if you have Ninja Spy PrE.

- Ninja Spy PrE is pretty Meh now compared to the upgrade to Shintao. (You get 3d6 sneak + small Ki increase while sneaking) compared to all the nice stuff Shintao got like bypassing every DR, Jade prison, ranged stun, etc.

- Dark move finishers are complete **** and useless against the mobs you'd like it to work on.

All Bosses are immune to Dark finishers, and most are also immune to elemental vulnerability enhancements (required for Touch of Death). And the mobs not immune to the finishers are usually dead before you can pull it.

I have to admit I'm not a expert at Finishers, but when most of the time it doesn't work I'm not trying to improve at something useless... Then again, I might be doing something wrong here, but that doesn't change the fact that they don't work on most Red and not at all with Purple.

Compared to light moves, while being more defensive in nature, have their uses (remove curse, restoration, etc). Healing curse works on everything, and I heard a light monk rescently saying one of their debuff (dont remember which) worked on Harry in Shroud...