WB bandy, if you need anything to start over, LMK, i'm aiming to liquidate by April
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
wow some good peoples coming back, maybe its time for the thornfist clan to return, hiya bandy
akla thornfist lev 17fighter- healalot thornfist lev 19cleric- aklasek thornfist 13fighter 4 paly- healthis thornfist lev 17 32pt cleric- seakla lev 8 rogue, proud member of unbreakable
Cake meh!
And welcome back Bandy
The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular
Remember when everyone on Argo had some Pryde in them??