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That no one is even mentioning enervation makes me think no one really think of this as a valid AM necro tactic.
IMO no AM necro thread is complete without a review of enervation, which is a powerful spell to have as a SLA.
Both energy drain and enervation have NO save, it need not be heightened, it won't matter that AM has less DC that PM.
Negative levels effectively reduce the targets saving throws so the DC difference is also out of the picture.
Energy drain is a valid tactic at the high levels, in amrath, in IQ, in dreaming dark, in epics, in the cove, etc.
Otherwise the devils and quori and epic minion save half the time, unless you have a good build of course.
Draining everything on sight do take a bit of sp, hence the SLA makes sense.
So the 'low cost' is in relation to the actual cost of energy drain, obviously you can get more bang for your buck if you are nuker specced under the u9 changes.
The metamagic won't really matter, nor the DC, nor the sp spent to get the SLA.
Furthermore it matters for saving the lv IV slot, because there are 'better' spells to prepare at lv IV.
Is enervation really an underdog or it's all just fuzz?