Download Links: (Or use the internal updater) - Main - Mirror 1 - Mirror 2
.NET 2.0 is required for this to run properly. You can obtain it from:
As you all know this happens on my free time. If you like what you see, and are getting some enjoyment/good usage out of the game guide, I've added a donations link which you can use to do just that. This is by no means a requirement, but would be a nice gesture. The company shows as SecretSide, and the transaction shows as DDO Game Guide Donations. Thanks everyone for the support!
I have to give a huge shout out to:
These guys did some amazing work on the planner this round. Crim, on web page updates, Ras on the new update 7/8 crafing and epic ingredient file, Curiious on the quest walkthroughs, and Kambuk on all the beta testing he did for me. Without them, this release would not have been possible.
Special Notes:
- This version requires flash for one small piece of it. It doesn't break the game guide if you don't have it installed. The new reaver puzzle practice, won't work without it. Install the plugin for flash to internet explorer, even if you don't use it as your default browser, as that is the back end browser that gets used within the game guide.
- Raid Timer Auto Update has arrived. You can now enable the raid timer to auto update your timers via Check the settings out to enable it. It'll be listed under "Settings\Options\Auto Raid Timer". There is a help file under "Help\Raid Timer" that can walk you through all the settings.
- You must set your characters to "Public" in my.ddo in order to use the auto update feature. A tutorial on how to do this is in the "Help\Raid Timer" file.
- The "GET END REWARD" will only work for 2 Days 18 Hours of finishing the raid. The auto timer only grabs that much history, so can't re-flag you as needing the end reward if it doesn't know about it. It will remain Orange and stating GET END REWARD as long as you don't close and open the game guide. It recalculates that particular status each time its opened.
- NEW Reaver Puzzle Practice Added. This is under the puzzle tab, and labeled "Reaver Practice" in the drop down.
- NEW Sora Katra aka Lordsmarch Plaza Crafting added. (Thanks to Rasczak For The Addition!!)
- NEW Added boot ingredients to the ingredients tab.
- NEW Added in a check to see if you have internet. It will replace the donate button with text stating "No Internet Connection".
- NEW Tool tips have been added for every item on the Raid Timer Screen.
- NEW You can disable tool tips in the "Settings\Options\General" screen.
- NEW The layout of the Raid Timer screen has been updated.
- NEW New Tutorial on the Raid Timer added. This includes how to use the Auto Raid Timer feature.
NEW Raid Timer Specific Additions:
- You can shut the Auto Raid Timer update on or off in the settings. By default it is off.
- After adding a my.ddo Logon to the Auto Raid Timer, if you hit Apply or Ok, it will check to make sure that Logon exists.
- Time between checks for the Auto Raid Timer are (10, 15, 30, 60) minutes, and selectable in the settings.
- Multi-Account ability with auto raid timers. Please note, the more accounts you have in it, the laggier it will feel when it is checking the timers, once every 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes depending on your setting.
- The Auto Raid Timer will turn itself off if you lose internet connection. It will restart checking when the internet comes back.
- You can match your currently custom raid names, with those from My.DDO, so they will work with the Auto Raid Timer. This is done from "Settings\Options\Auto Raid Timer".
- After you have completed matching your custom raid names to those from my.ddo, a button will become available to add the remaining my.ddo raid/quest names to your selectable list.
- You can now mass add all timers for raids only, for a particular character. This can be done from the "Settings\Options\Raid Timer" menu.
- The Time Left column on the raid timer has had its format adjusted. It will show in text its a RAID, or EPIC, and state TIMER UP, or GET END REWARD.
- The GET END REWARD only works for raids. The status color for this is Orange.
- Added in the ability to backup your raid timers file. Its under "Settings\Options\Auto Raid Timer"
- Added in the ability to restore your raid timer backup files. "Its under Settings\Options\Auto Raid Timer"
- Character names are not case sensitive. The Auto Raid Timer will work as long as the spelling of the character name is correct. Only enter the First Name.
- Update character will ask if you want to update the old name with the existing one if a duplicate is found. This will leave both names in the selectable list. If a duplicate is not found, it will just update the name to the new one. This will update all associated timers if any exist.
- Update Raid/Quest Name for raid timer. This will update all associated timers with this new raid name. This does not handle duplicates like the Character update option. It just won't let you do it.
- Maximum Raid Timers has been increased from 200 to 1000.
- Maximum selectable raids has been increased from 50 to 100.
- You can now multi select in the raid timer. Updating does not work with this, but deleting timers does. You can mass delete timers now. Click on one, then hold the shift key, and click on another to select a range, or hold the control key and select individual ones you want to remove. DO NOT HIT RESTART TIMER or it will auto restart all timers selected. Don't say I didn't warn you.
- Seconds removed from the raid timer. The countdown still includes it, but everywhere else its removed.
- Resized columns in the Raid Timer to better fit the longer names of the actual my.ddo raid/quests.
- Duplicate names are no longer allowed in the raid timer character selections. If there were duplicate before it will remove them.
- Duplicate names are no longer allowed in the raid timer raid selections. If there were duplicate before it will remove them.
- Duplicate raid timers are no longer allowed.
- Blank character/raid timer combo's are no longer allowed to be added to the raid timer list.
- When selecting a raid timer, that has a raid or character that is no longer in your selectable list, it will blank out the respective drop down.
- Moved the raid timer import features to "Settings\Options\Raid Timer".
- I put a warning if you happen to have a RAID TIMER, with an actual my.ddo raid name, then have a custom raid, and a RAID TIMER for that custom raid with the same character as the my.ddo actual raid/timer combo, and then update that custom raid to that my.ddo raid in the settings, you will get a warning that a duplicate will occur. I don't delete anything as one or the other may have the accurate raid completion count, I leave that up to you to decide which one to keep. You may have to read that a few times to understand what I'm saying
- On Timer Reset, the timer list will auto sort by time left, and bump to the top of the list. This only works for Auto Raid Timers. This is a selectable option under "Settings\Options\Auto Raid Timer".
- my.ddo quests that are epic only for raid timer purposes, when you select one of those quests while adding a character, it will auto flag it as epic. You can manually unflag it still, but really there is no reason to do that. I'm leaving it in there for those that can't use my.ddo, so they can flag their custom quest names as epic if they so choose.
- Force my.ddo button is now available on the main raid timer screen. It will do exactly that, skip your auto update setting and attempt to update.
- Added in a time zone button to the raid timer. This is for informational purposes only, and can help me debug issues later if you happen to have them.
- You can now disable all the main crafting tab, which will remove itself and everything underneath it.
- Updated Reaver Puzzle Solver to include Update 8 Colors, and Number Scheme.
- Definitive Loot List Revamped. Loads 10x faster, and has more content within. Thanks JJFlanigan for letting me use a modified version of the thread view output.
- The Donate Button would have a red X in it if you didn't have an internet connection. It will no longer do this.
- Changed the Donate button to an image that can be clicked as a link, and not just a web page. This makes the look of it more consistent between OS Versions.
- Reworked how I stored ingredient information. Array's are now dynamic and it allows you to modify your ingredient files. Future updates will possibly have extra programs available so you can modify it from the planner itself. If you do decide to modify them, please be aware that first column in the file is extremely important. You must keep the numbering convention the same, and not duplicate a number. That column is what is referenced for your save files, so if you modify it incorrectly, what loads from the save file may not be correct. Also, I'm not checking to see if you did change your ingredient files, so the next version will overwrite them and could render your save files useless. I haven't figured a way yet to check if you did change your files, I've looked into it, and so far, its not going to be easy. Note, this is not the case for certain things, like your raid timers, item tracker, and quest listings, those are still all static array's, and they cannot be modified.
- "Settings\Options" screen completely revamped.
- Updated epic general output to no longer state a 3 to 1 trade in ratio for dungeon to raid tokens. Its 1 for 1.
- Disabling the wiki/compendium/loot tabs no longer gives a performance boost. It will always load as fast as it can now even with them enabled. I've changed how the wiki/compendium/loot pages load. It will be on the click of the tab when it initially loads. Note, you'll get a little lag when initially clicking these tabs, but that's just the time it takes to load the page.
- Changed the default for Wiki and Compendium to enabled on a new install.
- Checking off "Always On Top" in the options does it now at runtime and no longer requires a restart of the program.
- Enabling or Disabling tabs in the options does it now at runtime, and no longer requires a restart of the program.
- Enabling or Disabling the main raid timer countdown no longer requires a program restart.
- All lag between loading the Mini Puzzle solver, then closing it, has been fixed.
- Updated the epic ingredient file to include everything to date (Update 8). (Thanks to Rasczak For The Updates!!)
- Updated Epic output to state Dungeon Tokens and Raid Tokens are BTA, and not BTC.
- Add the version number to the end of the quests backup file, so they'll keep a history with every release of the previous versions quests.
- Moved all quest backup files to the Data\Backup folder.
Bug Fixes:
- Greensteel Short Sword ingredient needs to formula were reversed. Ingredient totals listed for formula 1, were for formula 2, and vice versa. The formulas were still correct. Thanks Simon for the catch!
- Greensteel Necklace ingredient needs to formula were not correct. The formula was correct, but the Gather These Materials was not.
- Balloon pop up's and beeps were broken when it was updated to handle epic quests. All fixed.
- If you noticed, the program would remember your window location, but do a jump before heading to it. That's been fixed, it'll load exactly where you had it last.
- All time completions will no longer allow things other than numbers in it.
- If you had nothing in your ItemChar.txt file, it would show the used count as -1 for characters, there should be a (.) by default in the file.
WebPage Updates:
- Dragon Crafting with eldritch/sovereign rune types and what they mean etc. Layout updated and spelling errors taken care of. (Thanks Crimsonrellik!!)
- Alchemical Crafting page. Spell checks and layout updated.(Thanks Crimsonrellik!!)
- Dreamforge crafting page layout updated and spelling errors taken care of. (Thanks Crimsonrellik!!)
- Updated Dreamforge Crafting page to reflect the binding status of those craftable weapons.
- The layout for the Loot tab has been adjusted to use the same fonts as the Dragon Crafting, Alchemical Crafting, etc. I re-wrote the program that creates this to add in the new font.
- Samius sent me an explanation on how to do the reaver puzzle manually. I'm going to add this to the bottom of the reaver puzzle solver, and the bottom of the reaver puzzle practice.
The below is all in no small part to CuriousGIS! He's added quite a few of the lower level quests to the walkthrough section.
Level 1 Quests:
- Hall of the Mark
- Heytons Rest
- Necromancers Doom
- Redemption
- Sacrifices
- Stopping the Sahuagin
- The Cannith Crystal
- The Collaborator
- The Grotto
- The Store Houses Secret
Level 2 Quests:
- Arachnophobia
- Bringing the Light
- Durks got a Secret
- Garrisons Missing Pack
- Haverdasher
- Information is Key
- Miserys Peak
- Missing in Action
- Protect Baudrys Interests
- Recovering the Lost Tome
- Retrieve the Stolen Goods
- Stealthy Repossession
- Stop Hazadils Shipment
- The Kobolds New Ringleader
- The Millers Debt
- The Smugglers Warehouse
- The Sunken Sewer
- Walk the Butchers Path
Level 3 Quests:
- An Explosive Situation
- Where Theres Smoke...
- Endgame: Marguerite
- First Strike
- Home Sweet Sewer
- Kobold Assault
- Redfang the Unruled
- Return to the Sanctuary
- Setting the Wards: The Lower Cathedral
- Setting the Wards: The Patriarchs Crypt
- The Captives
- The Cloven-jaw Scourge: Blockade
- The Crypt of Gerard Dryden
- The Friars Niece
- The Hobgoblins Captives
- The Kobolds Den: Clan Gnashtooth
- The Kobolds Den: Rescuing Arlos
- The Old Archives
- The Sacred Helm
- The Swiped Signet
Level 4 Quests:
- Come Out and Slay
- Stand Your Ground
- Dirty Laundry
- Endgame: The Archbishops Fate
- Freshen the Air
- Irestone Inlet
- Proof is in the Poison
- Repossession
- Rest for the Restless
- The Bookbinder Rescue
- The Cloven-jaw Scourge: The Caverns of Shaagh
- The Depths of Darkness
- The Depths of Despair
- The Stormreaver Fresco
- Venns Trail: Clan Tunnelworm
- Venns Trail: Venns Fate
- Whisperdooms Spawn
- Yarkuchs War-plans
Level 5 Quests:
- Archer Point Defense
- A Small Probelm
- Brood of Flame
- Ghost of a Chance
- Guard Duty
- Halls of Shan-To-Kor
- Partycrashers
- Prove Your Worth aka Rackams Trial
- The Chamber of Insanity
- The Deadly Package: Agent of the Darguul
- The Deadly Package: The Stronghold Key
- The Depths of Discord
- The Depths of Doom
- The Lair of Summoning
- The Legend of Two Toed Tobias
- The Mystery of Deleras Tomb
- The Snitch
- The Stones Run Red
- Tomb of the Burning Heart
- Tomb of the Crimson Heart
- Tomb of the Immortal Heart
- Tomb of the Sanguine Heart
- Under the Big Top