Ive just learned that
Vampiric StoneDust Handwraps: Stone Prison effect does not Stack with Great Bold Trinket's: Shocking Blow effect
In case your wondering both of these effects are "On Vorpal Strikes"
now Ive tested and know for sure that Jedz Tetka: Water change: Sed-zik stacks with the Stone Prison Vorpal Stikes but not the Great bold Trinket: Shocking Blow when equipped first
In fact this might be easier
GBT: Shocking Blow + JT: Water Change = All Effects proc
GBT: Shocking Blow + JT: Water Change + VSdH: Stone Prison = no Shocking Blow (last equipped fires)
GBT: Shocking Blow + VSdH: Stone Prison = Stone Prison (last equipped fires)
VSdH: Stone Prison + GBT: Shocking Blow = Shocking Blow ((last equipped fires)
I also did some tests with Enlightened Vestments: Banishing Fists and it worked with all combination's, but yielded the same results which leads me to believe
Stone Prison and Shocking Blow are on the same Channel and cannot work at the same time (this includes both shocking blow from Charged Gauntlets and Greater Bold Trinket)
Now I'm only using the Vampiric Stonedust Handwraps so I cant confirm the same for other weapons carrying the Stone Prison effect but if you can please post if you have notice this with other stone prison weapons.
there are plenty of things that dont share channels
P.S. what other "On Vorpal Strike" effects share a channel? Ive been told there is issue with the Assassinate ability that rogues can get and handwraps although it may just be the Vampiric Stonedust handwraps