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Thread: SLA's

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default SLA's

    Was wondering people's thoughts on the spell like abilities (im sure its out there, but my search-fu is rather weak). I am currently running an archmage build and wanted to possible grab two sets of the SLA's, one topping out on tier 4, the other tier 3.

    Was thinking the first school will be evocation. I Like the Magic Missle/Gust of Wind/Chain Missle/Fireshield combo. Force damage always lands, and the fire/cold shield is always a nice damage reducer in certain instances.

    If (am I'm not 100% decided on this) I wanted to add a second school, I would be considering either Illusion or Transmutation. Illusion (thru tier 3) adds: Invisibility/Blur/Displacement; Transmutation adds: Jump/Knock/Haste. The tier 3 sla's on both are really attractive to have.

    Any thoughts on what path might be better to take? Or is it better to just concentrate on one school?
    boo-tai jung-tzahng-duh
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  2. #2
    Lord of Dragons Maatogaeoth's Avatar
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    How would you gain access to a second school of SLA? Does having GSF in another school unlock them? My AM is only level 16, but I only have access to one set of SLA spells.

  3. #3
    Community Member Manko-ALE's Avatar
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    Default my experience as an archmage

    i'm at 17wiz/2 rogue and i took the double evocation line with maxed force enhancements.

    i solo A LOT! the mm and chain missiles are so great! the arcane bolt and blast are excellent as well but i find some stuff saves on those. the force damage is really cheap spell point wise. i never run out of spell points. actually , the buffs you are referring to in the other areas wind up being situational.(usually for bosses only)

    what's crazy is i'll be down to 300 spell points and still not be concerned about going further or getting through a tough fight.

    i go through most dungeons or slayers just using the evocation sla's.(also if you need rapid massive damage , the cold spells are mostly evocation as well.

    i guess a question is how is your style? if you find yourself in groups that want all your buffs all the time , it may be worth it to go the buffage line. but i don't think it's worth the cost.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maatogaeoth View Post
    How would you gain access to a second school of SLA? Does having GSF in another school unlock them? My AM is only level 16, but I only have access to one set of SLA spells.
    from what I saw on the planner, only the spell focus feat was required, not the greater spell focus

    you take the sf feat for the two schools you want, and the greater for one of them
    boo-tai jung-tzahng-duh
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manko-ALE View Post
    i'm at 17wiz/2 rogue and i took the double evocation line with maxed force enhancements.

    i solo A LOT! the mm and chain missiles are so great! the arcane bolt and blast are excellent as well but i find some stuff saves on those. the force damage is really cheap spell point wise. i never run out of spell points. actually , the buffs you are referring to in the other areas wind up being situational.(usually for bosses only)

    what's crazy is i'll be down to 300 spell points and still not be concerned about going further or getting through a tough fight.

    i go through most dungeons or slayers just using the evocation sla's.(also if you need rapid massive damage , the cold spells are mostly evocation as well.

    i guess a question is how is your style? if you find yourself in groups that want all your buffs all the time , it may be worth it to go the buffage line. but i don't think it's worth the cost.
    Thanks for the input Manko.

    I am currently running with three to four others right now... I havent been doing a lot of buffing, mostly dropping haste since I hit level 5.
    boo-tai jung-tzahng-duh
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  6. #6
    Community Member evilgardengnome's Avatar
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    I'm running a WF Illusion AM. I solo alot and find I can zerg through alot. Invis., blur, summon monster (highest your comfortable carrying) then run. Once you get a DA lay down a wall of fire and re-invis. MOBs see your monster and attack it in the fire as you zerg away. Repeat as needed.

  7. #7
    Community Member Manko-ALE's Avatar
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    Default interesting tactic

    that whole pop a monster with firewall and re invis sounds kind of fun. if the wall persists after your summoned has died , will the mobs still come after you although you are a mile away?

    regarding the sla's , they cost feats and ap's to get , blur and invisibility are kind of cheap to scroll or just to use spell point wise. i'm not sure i want to use those build resources on those abilities.

  8. #8
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
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    If you want to try something freaky, do necromancy to 4 and evocation to 3. And pick up Enlarge. Trust me, it's hilarious while it works.

  9. #9
    Community Member Ashbinder's Avatar
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    Extra fun: Wizard Past Life feat on an evocation build. You'd be amazed how handy those 10 free MMs are.
    Moved to Guild Wars 2

  10. #10
    Community Member evilgardengnome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manko-ALE View Post
    that whole pop a monster with firewall and re invis sounds kind of fun. if the wall persists after your summoned has died , will the mobs still come after you although you are a mile away?

    regarding the sla's , they cost feats and ap's to get , blur and invisibility are kind of cheap to scroll or just to use spell point wise. i'm not sure i want to use those build resources on those abilities.
    Usually the MOBs do not chase you. The summon will only fight for so long, when you get to far away it will pop back to you just like a hireling. I don't always get alot of kills but i get enough to keep the DA away.

    You are correct that blur and invis are cheap. I chose illusion to get PK. I like the idea of a cheap death spell. I plan on respecing or rolling other wizards to try out the other SLA's.

  11. #11
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Have you considered going with something else as your main and evocation as your secondary? From what I understand about the Force specced archmage builds the fun part is the force enhancements with the SLA force missle.
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  12. #12
    Community Member MindCake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pape_27 View Post
    How often do you cast fireshield?

    Extended fireshield spell is 35 SP.
    SLA is 100SP purchase, and 10SP per cast. It becomes cheaper than the spell only if you cast it more than 4 times per rest.
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