Who cares if someone is losing renown every day. If you don't like it, don't play DDO. If someone wants to lose renown every day, cool beans.
You seem very cranky today.
Anyway, if someone wants to be in a guild with 1000 different accounts, that's fine. They'll just have to deal with the renown loss that comes with that kind of bloat. I happen to prefer to think of DDO as a place to run fun quests and get to know good people instead of just racing to 100 so you can "win" with your guild. My guild has stalled at 63 for a while now because of decay. That's okay. I could jump ship and join a guild that is rediculously active. Instead, I stick with the people that I've grown to really like because they're my guild. The fact that they're also a bunch of good players with steadily improving new players mixed in is also a nice bonus.
A guild with 1000 accounts that don't know each other and doesn't have any significant sense of internal community isn't going to do any of those players any good.
Community Member
Well Said keybreaker - the issue here is quality not quantity. I personally like the fact that smaller more active guilds are showing well. The whole mega-mind guild put down too many of the smaller great guilds that were out there. They had a huge jump in renown because of thier recruit anything tactics but now you see where activity and quality of activity is winning out over sheer mass.
OP /NOT Signed.
Archangels (Thelanis)
Ravaclese | Harvesterr | Garrret | Barrith | Kaduceus | Rhyythms | Empti | Onanka | Nukkuls| Nemisys | Syckness | Wheredhego
Sorry Shade one of the few times I have to disagree with you.
/Not Signed
I don't see the logical connection here. If your large guild has every amenity you need, and you are comfortable with the level of guild activity and social level... then isn't the current system working well?
No one ever said that every guild MUST make it to level 100. Depending on size and activity, every guild will reach a break even point where renown gain matches decay. If this break point is "comfortable" then that's great! If the guild wants more levels, then you have many options: be more active, encourage more renown generating activity, choose more renown over vendor trash, reduce the size of guild, etc.
Of the approximately 50,000 small guilds only a tiny fraction of 1% have made it to the highest levels. Over 80% of the large guilds are over level 50. The data does not support your speculation.
Also, no one required all players in large guilds to focus exclusively (or nearly exclusively) on the event for the entirety of both runs. If a guild really cared about renown, contingency plans for continuing to gain renown would have been made. If a guild didn't really care about renown... then why care about renown?
Keybreaker, Exalted Tyrants
seems to me that the current decay system is to encourage GMs to recruit with care rather than use a big numbers means we are better system. I like the current system. I don't think it's broken it all. I think the decay is doing what it was intended to do. Mainly keep large crappy guilds from dominating the servers and allowing a small close knit well managed guild to be viable.
no, its not. There are more "Small and medium" guilds that have reached my level and higher, dont have to deal with the Renown Decay I do. The system is NOT equal. Whats the point of having a 100 level system if most guilds simply cannot make it to level 100? Renown decay makes no sense in the system. base lost renown on Failures.. Base it on Deaths... base it on aythingbut an arbitrary number based on how many accounts are in your guild...
"Reduce Guild Size"
No one ever said that every guild MUST make it to level 100. Depending on size and activity, every guild will reach a break even point where renown gain matches decay. If this break point is "comfortable" then that's great! If the guild wants more levels, then you have many options: be more active, encourage more renown generating activity, choose more renown over vendor trash, reduce the size of guild, etc.
See there. Thats where the BS starts.... It even being a "Reasonable Option" is offensive. Sorry friend that I've gamed with for 5 years. Ya just dont generate enough renown, I can do better without ya... Bye!
Not sure when or where "Level 50" came to mean anything at all....Personally, I feel Level 70 should be the breakpoint.... Significantly different numbers if you use 50 instead of 70....
Of the approximately 50,000 small guilds only a tiny fraction of 1% have made it to the highest levels. Over 80% of the large guilds are over level 50. The data does not support your speculation.
Who are you kidding? Turbine is always vague when it comes to letting people know if evens will come back. there is no option for anyone who wants to participate.
Also, no one required all players in large guilds to focus exclusively (or nearly exclusively) on the event for the entirety of both runs. If a guild really cared about renown, contingency plans for continuing to gain renown would have been made. If a guild didn't really care about renown... then why care about renown?
Remove guild levels and those silly buffs. They are bad for the game.
If large guilds were just as active as the small guilds, then they'd be level 100 already.
Using hyperbole when you're arguing facts takes away whatever credibility you think you have with your argument. The maximum renown amount for a level 100 guild is 50 million.Small guilds pull ahead by millions and billions of renown points due to the design.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
So on Khyber -
8 Guilds above 70
4 are large (out of 16) 25%
3 are small (out of a bazillion) <1%
1 is a mix (was large to 45 then shed like 200 members to be small)
the 3 guilds just under the 70 barrier ALL LARGE
Large guilds have an inherent advantage in this system and by sheer momentum will attain a much higher average guild ranking that 80% of the small guilds in DDO.
Thats NOT what I'm talking about...
I'm talking about
On Khyber..
Speaking in terms if Guild Size...
Top 10. Only 3 are l70+
Top 25 brings that number up to 4.
The system encourages small guilds and discourages people from assembling large guilds.
Sarlona: 3 of the top 5 are Small
Argo: 3 of the top 5 are Medium
Ghalanda: 1 Small in the top 5
Khyber 3 out of top 5 are Small/Medium
Cannith 4 out of 5 Small/Medium
Thelanis 3 of the top 5 small/Medium
Orien 5 out of 5 small/Medium
Ghallanda really skews the numbers there, but if you cant see the trend.....
I also see people counting the thousands of players that form their own 1 man guild.. Most of which dont even play anymore...
I have read through maybe half of this thread and have seen opinions for both sides. Yet, there is really only one major thing that comes to mind immediately, what difference does it make if a guild is in the top 5 or 10 of any server?? You get no bonus for this, I dont think, so why worry about it?? Like so many things in this game, to me, if all comes down to someone wanting to say they are the best or have the best gear or they are the most uber or whatever.
My guild is very, very small and we like it this way. We are very laid back in terms of how much time we play because real life is taking precedence over everything. My opinion is that the guilds who have the big memberships did so on their own choosing, so they could have all the airship can give. So do the other guilds as well but they shouldnt be punished because they arent as active or whatever.
The system is working the way it should and there shouldnt be any changes to it, in either way.
Actually , if anything, small guilds need a better bonus.
My small guild hasn't even hit 25 yet, and i am running all kinds of renown.
It is taking forever for my guild with my 5 chars to level the guild up.
its very easy for the large guilds to farm mass renown despite their decay. They have all the great ships with all the big buffs.
show some more love for the small fish in the sea why don't you
Past Lives : 18pal/2rogue, 20fighter
*A lady asked me one time if I could call her a cab from here.......so I didn't move and said "Your a cab"*
I agree with this.. just cause me and my roomate play entirely too much we should have to join one of the "invite every nonguilded player in harbor" guilds to get shipbuffs instead of the aforementioned play too much in our own guild?
And its not like it goes up that fast.. specially in the 40s (TRing and goin back to the 50 (200) bonus all the time might be why it seems to go slow tho)..
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
You're both right. Although as mentioned before, we can only guestimate guild size (modified account size) based on number of toons, but in the top 10 (indeed top 11) guilds on Kyber... only 2 appear to be small guilds.Code:1. WanderLust 80 26006434 90 2. Prophets of the New Republic 79 24867038 183 3. Elite Raiders 77 23624912 174 4. The Helpers Guild 75 21112848 624 5. Ransack 75 21925985 516 6. Forgotten Souls 73 19527245 331 7. The Free Companions 71 17961502 556 8. Dragonblood 70 17425199 70 9. Loreseekers 69 16878793 867 10. The Dragon Order of Arcanix 69 16448835 584 11. Mature Adventures Club 66 14690830 861
You can fudge the numbers/sample all you want... but you can't create a bias that doesn't exist.
Last edited by Keybreaker; 04-06-2011 at 12:39 AM.
I actually think that the numbers represent our server quite well. Our server is majority Small and medium guilds--Most of the Large guilds are in the Top 50. The large guilds that are not in the top 10, well its because of who they are, and how they play--some are very casual fun guilds that like to take an hour or so to run a shroud on normal.
The small and medium guilds that are in the top 25 are comprised of some of the best players on the server. A couple of the large guilds in the top 25 are very hot and cold-running something with their members could rock, or it could take you 10 - 15 mins longer, or joining their raids always has a chance of failure. And one Large Guild in the Top 25 , is just GOd awful, its a newer guild that mass recruited, and tho they leveled fast, they have stopped, and believe me they deserve what they are getting--they are so crazy bad I have had to leave quests and reform, and I don't usually do something like that.
Some of the small guilds on our server specifically are working only for renown. .. . While Ive grouped with people from the larger guilds who never take renown for their end rewards.
I think we need to look at overall percentages on our servers ( ie how many small, medium, large guilds), and look at it that way, and not at small samplings. If all the large guilds on Sarlona were stuck 10 pages in, Id think it a bigger problem, but they are not.
Now that said, I think the Decay does need to be reduced for large guilds
Last edited by moops; 04-06-2011 at 01:34 AM.
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels