yes, popular topic, but seemingly so far has spent so much time getting knocked down as me.
this should also close up all earlier misconception threads that fill the forum and man, were they numerous?
whirlwind effect, DC of 20, STR check, fail, knockdown (and sometimes around)
so, you have str mod of 28, +9 bonus, get beaten around.
someone has str mod of 22, gets beaten around.
someone else, has str of 21. doesn't. what is the logic?
and by doesn't, i mean, does NOT. 100% of time, total, absolute immunity!!
game REFUSES to try to.
actually, str mod means nothing as far as that goes.
yes, none. you can have 30 str and still get beaten around the bush, if..
your base+tomes eaten+level ups+enhancements are not over 20 (not sure of ALL enhancements, i don't have a million alts.)
20 total, you get knocked.
21 elementals do not try.
if you have 20 or below, ingame and in combat log, lot of whirlwind effects are tried.
if you have 21 or over, none.
which likely results in something in code, about not trying if it is useless:
DC of 20, minimum roll of 1, 21, if str this or over, don't try, can't succeed.
even if DC is for str BONUS, not base.
so far, that seems to work as far as i've managed to test and get it tested.
let the bug be fixed and knocking down resume!! air elementals are weak if they don't push you around a bit. this ignore me completely thing is not appealing.
and no, this is not applicaple to trips, stomps, marilith freight trains or tail swipes.
This is as far as i know, ISOLATED case, dealing with air elementals and their knockdown aura and why you, you and you are knocked down and you are not.