Seeing as i am WAAAAAAAY to lazy to separate all this into different areas and whatnot you can just read teh whole list....
Krozneks Cruelty
Winters Wrath
Kundarak Delving Suit
Robe of Dissonance
Sacred Helm
Vulkoorim Pendant
Illusionists Robe
Stinkpelts Hide
Ring of Venom
Spiked Turban
Staff of Inner Sight
Golden Greaves
Hruvayahs Medallion
Hyena Claw Necklace
Silken Mail
Spectacles of Spirit Sight
Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
Cloak of Silver Concord
Accepting the usual Visa/Mastercard/Amex
Also reds, larges(in desperate need of them), other scrolls, plat in some cases...also strings of prayer beads
Pm me via here or in game
Metacarpal, Cervical, Coccyx, Manubrium- the 4 i am normally on...