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This is just a point by point breakdown of how various responses to these changes are overwrought. Hopefully I can address certain misinformation and/or misconceptions associated with the change.
1: Firewall's nerfed to uselessness!
This one's untrue. The two changes to firewall make it less effective in certain situations (when you need more than 30 seconds of the burn, and if you kite back and forth across the wall). It's still effective for these tasks, but you'll have to cast it more frequently (as its shorter) and some mobs may save when they cross the wall (but they still can't save if they just sit in the wall, and most evasion mobs are archers that stand still, so they'll still burn the same).
The damage nerf is small: primarily, this will make doing things with firewall a bit more expensive.
2: We can't kite tower anymore!
Any AoE with any effect will get the Shadow aggro - you can kite them with cloudkills, fog spells, glitterdusts, and anything else. The opportunity for the shadows to evade firewall on elite isn't a threat - just cast a different spell, and there's so many you surely have one of the others that suffices.
3: We can't deal damage anymore!
Firewall will be a little less effective in some situations, but other spells are going to be a lot more effective. They'll be cheaper and mob HP are being lowered and their damage is being increased (by the new enhancement lines and prestiges). You'll be in a position where you can blow up even epic mobs with chain lightnings or delayed-blast fireballs, and you won't always have to use firewall to deal efficient damage. The point of the spell changes is to bring more parity to damage:mana ratio, not to significantly change the damage dealt by those spells. The enhancements change every spell (with more damage, and resistance bypass).
4: X tactic I use isn't good anymore!
This is probably true. This isn't a caster nerf: in fact, its an attempt at a gigantic caster buff, which requires firewall to not be the only spell you ever cast for damage.
However, what's happening with casters and spells is the most radical change to the way a class is intended to be played on DDO that has ever happened. They aren't only changing spells or enhancements or adding abilities, they're changing every single thing that factors into how you play your caster: the damage you deal, your spell dcs (to a lesser extent), the sp your spells cost, the Hp and saves of the monsters you cast it at, and the things that increase the damage dealt to those foes (like spells doing 50% more damage to held targets).
Arcane casters right now use a very small toolbox - mass hold, web, flesh to stone, wall of fire, symbol of persuasion, polar ray, and in nonepic content, instant death spells. What spells you want, and what you use for a given monster is going to change radically in this mod. These changes aren't just about your effectiveness, they're about changing your gameplay experience. Casters are going to be radically different than they are today, with more varied play between specs (different elements), different classes (wizard and sorc), and different content and preferences.
If you're not comfortable with that, it might be a good idea to find another class or another game.