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  1. #21
    Community Member Alanim's Avatar
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    Ran this bad boy on Elite, with a golden hireling party, and man, that was a tough battle. Although mostly because the computer AI was failing at pretty much every turn.

    On a good note, the mini-beholders in that one part really spiced the quest up.

    the "Doomsphere" or "Undead Pykyzl" has VERY MAJOR quirks in him.

    He's a doomsphere and HE IS NOT classified as undead, he does not have a incorporeal miss chance.

    What are his DC's? 1? Because I never failed them. ever.

    all the NEW beholders CANNOT fire a prismatic spray correctly, it's a complete miss EVERY TIME.

    He DOES NOT move, ever... EVER.

    In front of the "boss room" or "show room" there's a frozen unactivated mind flayer. he never activates, but he's not required so not much a deal.

  2. #22
    Hatchery Founder
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    Coldin's Avatar
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    I also ran into the bug at the end. Got teleported into the Mindflayer's mind, and then nothing happened. After I recalled out, and then ran back in, it worked fine.

    My biggest complaint with this quest? It's too dark! I could barely see half of the quest because of the really dim lighting. Maybe if it was done for scares I could forgive it, but it more just seemed like someone forgot to pay the electric bill.

    I liked looking at the exhibits, and thought it added a nice creepiness to the quest. You do just know they're going to break out and attack you.

    The waves of mobs that come in the art exhibit felt a bit long. That could be just because I was solo though. It just didn't feel very interesting. The fight after the fashion show felt a bit similar. Just fighting waves of enemies for the sake of fighting waves of enemies.

    Regarding the Fashion Show, I really liked the premise of it. I actually think it's a missed opportunity. I would have loved to hear the mindflayer go on with commentary on his flesh-crafting while we're fighting off the waves of enemies.

    The very end fight was very well done I think. It required a bit more thinking than most fights, or at the very least more movement. It's probably beyond the scope of the engine, but it would have been neat if the players could have enlarged themselves to fight the Mindflayer at the end...or in the mindflayer himself shrank as he got weaker.

    I'd say this was the second best quest out of the 4 available. A nice neat conclusion to the story arc, with some room for more development in the future.
    RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
    Member of the DDO Player Council

    Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
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  3. #23
    Community Member Synnestar35791's Avatar
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    Default New Material

    I had tried to make a reply, but the topic generation in-game with MyDDO window - out-sized the mini-screen.

    Anyway, The drawings are great, the animations work well, the final fight with the mind-flayer took a few to figure out, but it is an interesting twist.

    All in all , seems like it will be nice material.

    Aren't we all a little TAKEN?

  4. #24
    2015 Players Council Claver's Avatar
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    Default Job Well Done Turbine!!!

    Very Good Work!!! I grade this one A-; my favorite of the series. The creative attention to detail (flesh on display, fashion show) make for a memorable quest that is distinct from other quests already in the game.

    ENVIRONMENT: The manor had a similar asian design to pre-Titan quest but the design wasn't identical (important). A nice reference to the apparent style preference for mind flayers. I really liked the atrium layout with plants in the middle. Having a two layer balcony dungeon is a very clever design to facilitate solo play - keep the encounters tough and people can always feather fall over the railing if they are by themselves and need to retreat.

    The various flesh sculptures on display were an excellent idea - especially when you put them in domestic situations - asleep at a desk, etc. I very much liked the Taken who was praying to some kind of deity. I couldn't get him to turn around; nor could i break that window. Not sure if he counted against the optional total of Taken to release.

    The Fashion show was also an excellent idea - very creative. I enjoyed all the mental broadcasts from the mind flayer. Perhaps some tongue and cheek announcements could be added to the fashion show as each model displays her gown.

    CHALLENGE/BOSSES: The challenge was perfect. Not to hard, not too easy. I died twice in quest plus bug at end (Solo on Normal with level 18 Sorcerer switch to Fire Savant). If I'm not dying several times the first time I solo a quest I've never run then something is wrong. The next time through will always be easier because you know what to expect (like don't forget to equip your deathblock when facing Tharaak hounds), where to buff up and lay down your AOE.

    The first living beholder pyyrr was very easy but I may have got lucky. I prepped him with fire vulnerability then one shotted him with the Fire Savant ability that deals 2000 points of damage. When I encountered his ghost as a doom sphere i was not so lucky. It looked like it was going to be an endless battle of attrition and i was losing levels and constitution faster than he was taking damage so i eventually gave up. Glad he returned to home base.

    The final boss encounter with the giant mind flayer looked interesting but I think it might be bugged. I couldn't deal any damage to the mind flayer. My Hezerou initially attacked but then just stood still even when I summoned new versions.

    I assume you have to destroy the people in the brain pods to lower the shield around the mind flayer but I couldn't deal the pods any damage either. Not sure if i was supposed to make the mind flayer shoot his own pods. It was late, my wife had turned off the light, so I was under pressure to bring the encounter to a close - one way or another.

    The end boss eventually killed me after i tired of healing myself. His damage wasn't too bad so the encounter didn't feel unfair.

    AWESOME TOUCH on death in the mind flayer's mind. As you look towards the sky from your soul stone you see giant ethereal tentacles. Very, very cool! It's the little details like this that make me want to keep playing. Thank you for painting in the corners of your world.
    Last edited by Claver; 04-03-2011 at 10:20 AM.

  5. #25
    Community Member Wurmwood's Avatar
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    Looky what I found

  6. #26
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    End fight bugged on me aswell

  7. #27
    Community Member Neema_Flameheart's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    Had the same problem with the end boss fight, also when fighting the dead Pykzyr my hireling couldn't enter the room, as if there was an invisible wall. Not much of a problem, since Pykzyr couldn't exit as well and I just stayed behind the corner healing him to death XDDD

  8. #28
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    I really enjoyed this as a finale. I wish there were more traps, but given this is the guys home, I can understand if it doesn't have many.

    The beholders were my biggest concern. The first one takes forever to come out and the second one never leaves his cage. HP wise and ability wise, they are both good challenges.

    I liked the end boss fight. I was able to move around on the black screen without it breaking the fight. He did target my npc all the time until she died. I died trying to fight him, but he was very close to death. I think more bubble attacks would help with that, or starting his cone of level draining one 'step/phase' earlier would make it harder.

  9. #29

    Default In The Flesh ELITE end fight

    Props to that end fight! Tried short man elite last night and got pwned not once but twice!
    . ~ H A I L B O P . T R I A J A . D R A I S E N ~ .
    . ~ K h y b e r ~ .

  10. #30
    Community Member Racalin's Avatar
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    Sep 2008


    Hiya All

    Went through solo'd on different characters trying there abilities in the quests. The story line is good, as some have said makes you want to get the end boss. Graphics over all is good, had a shade line though in the part with the wheels. Reported that in, did anyone else have that hazy line?

    A side note not sure on solving the puzzle.

    The end fight is great, opens abilites from every class to make all usefull.
    Argo - Officer of House of Penton - Wilayreden 18 FVS - Solintinia 19 Cleric - Alkir 8/2 Rog/Rang - Theolean 17 Rang - Gchuk 14 Cleric - Katniip 8 Rogue - Igan 14 Fighter Canith - TwoLinger 16/1/1 Rang/Rog/Monk

  11. #31
    Community Member NinjaCereal's Avatar
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    Excellent quest series. I like this one better than the Lordsmarch chain.

    I like the Mindflayer's voice in this quest. With my speakers sitting behind me instead of in front it adds to the creepy atmosphere. Overall I think 'Missing' was the creepiest, this one just happens to have a puzzle.
    I like puzzles...

    Speaking of Missing I am playing through that one right now.


    With the sound turned up.

    And the lights off.

    And with a thunderstorm outside.

    Sarlona ~ Lrenaj Mornaur ♦ Lrel Jayden ♦ WeepingAngel

  12. #32
    Community Member Kalindush's Avatar
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    Only one word: Amazing!

    I will follow the Mind Flayer Xoriat Church until the end of my life!

    The story is excellent, the flavor is sweet like vanilla (I was tired of all that Shavarath-or-Pirates storylines), and Yaulthoon MUST WIN THE NEXT MONSTER MADNESS. He has all the charm and villany who Harry and Suulomades (Mwahaha, I will conquer your world because I'm a devil and I'm evil!) doesn't have.

    Fight in "In the Flesh" makes me feel like in a interactive museum. I could stop the quest many times just to see the "Art" of Yaulthoon. And his dubbing actor makes a great job.

    Great job!

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