Ran this bad boy on Elite, with a golden hireling party, and man, that was a tough battle. Although mostly because the computer AI was failing at pretty much every turn.
On a good note, the mini-beholders in that one part really spiced the quest up.
the "Doomsphere" or "Undead Pykyzl" has VERY MAJOR quirks in him.
He's a doomsphere and HE IS NOT classified as undead, he does not have a incorporeal miss chance.
What are his DC's? 1? Because I never failed them. ever.
all the NEW beholders CANNOT fire a prismatic spray correctly, it's a complete miss EVERY TIME.
He DOES NOT move, ever... EVER.
In front of the "boss room" or "show room" there's a frozen unactivated mind flayer. he never activates, but he's not required so not much a deal.