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  1. #1
    Lamannia Coordinator Thoon's Avatar
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    Default Feedback - Quest - In The Flesh

    Who is behind it all? Help Chronicle Reporter Hector Hyssop wrap up the story!

    Once you've found out what is going on in the Saltire District, investigated Creative Objects Storage and Blode's Curio Shop, find Chronicle Reporter Hector Hyssop to find out who is behind the madness!

    After running this new quest, please use this thread to provide feedback on this quest.

    In addition to forum feedback, we are also looking for your feedback in an online survey. The survey should will only take a few minutes. When giving the survey feedback we request you run the quest with a level appropriate character, generally 14 - 18 in this case, if at all possible. To participate in the survey browse to the URL (
    Last edited by Thoon; 03-24-2011 at 08:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    Think it's bugged.
    Went through,killed everything, saw the latest fashions and killed them.
    Had Yaulthoon make everything go black, woke up somewhere where Giant Yaulthoon just kinda stands over me.
    There isn't anything I can find to interact with, and he's not doing anything.

    This is on normal btw.

    Ok I recalled out, reentered and it worked.
    The first time when blacked out and summoned to the other realm I tried moving as soon as I got there, encounter didn't start.
    The second time I didn't move until Yaulthoon started his dialogue and everything went fine.

    Great end fight btw.
    Last edited by Khurse; 03-26-2011 at 10:15 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    Also, quest seems to give one chest on normal,two on hard, and three on elite.

    On elite though, you get a chest within a chest? Both give items, just seems odd that this wasn't caught.
    Or could be intentional I guess.

  4. #4
    Community Member TDarkchylde's Avatar
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    By the time you get to this part of the chain, you really start to feel immersed in the story. You don't just want to complete, you want to make someone pay for doing something so demented to innocent people.

    In the two parts where you end up having to wait for Taken to swarm in before you face the names, it seems to drag a little before the name finally shows. One less wave would make things feel less like a timesink at those points.

    The endfight is very imaginative. It reminds me more of something out of a Megaman game and less like something out of a RPG. I approve.
    .: Sarlona - High Lords of Malkier : Reaper Life 1, 2 , 3, and 4 alumnus : My Twitch : Trans and Proud : (she/they please) :.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    I agree. I ran the whole chain last night from start to finish (4 quests). There was a thunderstorm going on IRL which REALLY helped to set the atmosphere for the chain, and I highly enjoyed it. I think my guildies were disappointed because I didn't log onto the live server all night. The whole chain is highly imaginative, and well executed. The crowning boss fight wasn't difficult, but I was over level on a capped pale master. I can see that if the damage ramps up how things could get hectic fast.

    One thing - the boss (when he was damageable) seemed to be immune to ice storm but not firewall. WAI?
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
    Concentrated power is the enemy of liberty - Ronald Reagan

  6. #6
    Community Member Alanim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khurse View Post
    Also, quest seems to give one chest on normal,two on hard, and three on elite.

    On elite though, you get a chest within a chest? Both give items, just seems odd that this wasn't caught.
    Or could be intentional I guess.

  7. #7
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khurse View Post
    Think it's bugged.
    Went through,killed everything, saw the latest fashions and killed them.
    Had Yaulthoon make everything go black, woke up somewhere where Giant Yaulthoon just kinda stands over me.
    There isn't anything I can find to interact with, and he's not doing anything.

    This is on normal btw.

    Ok I recalled out, reentered and it worked.
    The first time when blacked out and summoned to the other realm I tried moving as soon as I got there, encounter didn't start.
    The second time I didn't move until Yaulthoon started his dialogue and everything went fine.

    Great end fight btw.
    The same thing happened to me. I put in a ticket and bug reported the issue.

    GM reply to close the ticket stating that they only deal with stuck characters and code of conduct issues on Lamannia. Kind of disappointing to miss out on the chest and 10K xp after an hour of play but such is life.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hambo View Post
    The same thing happened to me. I put in a ticket and bug reported the issue.

    GM reply to close the ticket stating that they only deal with stuck characters and code of conduct issues on Lamannia. Kind of disappointing to miss out on the chest and 10K xp after an hour of play but such is life.
    I had a similar experience. I used D-Door as soon as the mind flayer appeared, but before he started talking to go use the shrine just prior to that room. Came back in and had no action from the boss. D-Doored again and it fixed itself on re-entry.

    Is that ghostly Pykzyr(sp?) supposed to just sit in fire wall/acid fog etc. while a caster is just out of the room around the corner beyond the traps (if they spawn?). Well, that guy wasn't too bright while he was alive either, the ramp in the room he spawns in makes him almost as stupid there aslo.

    I enjoyed the quest. Would love to see the royal Taken get up and do something though. The puzzle in the hidden room is unique. Not too easy, not too difficult especially with the hint from the mind flayer! Although I've learned to check for a pre-set wheel after one difficult run. . .

  9. #9
    Hero RandomKeypress's Avatar
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    Doomsphere fight seemed broken - it kept to its area. If you don't have an arcane to dump a pile of AoE DoTs on it, you can just park a healer out of sight and wail on it with the mellee - pop back out for restoration as required. When I was soloing it and running low on restoration scrolls, I just ran in, did some damage until I died, ran back, got raised and then ran back in again. That shouldn't be a successful strategy.

    When you're near the final fight, there's a balcony overlooking the garden. You can jump over the balcony into the pond, but I couldn't find any way out of the pond once I was in there. Will raise bug report tonight.

    End fight was not hireling friendly. It worked okay for me on entry, but the mindflayer preferred to attack my hireling with the globes, so I had a hard time directing them into the coccooons. Oh, and is there any way to dodge / block / avoid that highly irritating area level drain attack?

  10. #10
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RandomKeypress View Post
    Oh, and is there any way to dodge / block / avoid that highly irritating area level drain attack?
    There was a level drain attack? Oh wait, I was on my pale master... ;-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
    Concentrated power is the enemy of liberty - Ronald Reagan

  11. #11
    Community Member Khurse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RandomKeypress View Post
    Doomsphere fight seemed broken - it kept to its area. If you don't have an arcane to dump a pile of AoE DoTs on it, you can just park a healer out of sight and wail on it with the mellee - pop back out for restoration as required. When I was soloing it and running low on restoration scrolls, I just ran in, did some damage until I died, ran back, got raised and then ran back in again. That shouldn't be a successful strategy.

    When you're near the final fight, there's a balcony overlooking the garden. You can jump over the balcony into the pond, but I couldn't find any way out of the pond once I was in there. Will raise bug report tonight.

    End fight was not hireling friendly. It worked okay for me on entry, but the mindflayer preferred to attack my hireling with the globes, so I had a hard time directing them into the coccooons. Oh, and is there any way to dodge / block / avoid that highly irritating area level drain attack?
    There is one place where there is no wall if you're in the pond.

  12. #12
    Community Member KreepyKritter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RandomKeypress View Post
    Oh, and is there any way to dodge / block / avoid that highly irritating area level drain attack?

    Yes plz.

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  13. #13
    Hero RandomKeypress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KreepyKritter View Post

    Yes plz.
    D'oh! And I had my clickie too. <sigh>

  14. #14
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
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    Default bugged

    he bugged out on me in the end fight. i couldnt break any of the pods. so just kept getting hammered so i recalled out

  15. #15
    Community Member Vengeance777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khurse View Post
    Think it's bugged.
    Went through,killed everything, saw the latest fashions and killed them.
    Had Yaulthoon make everything go black, woke up somewhere where Giant Yaulthoon just kinda stands over me.
    There isn't anything I can find to interact with, and he's not doing anything.

    This is on normal btw.

    Ok I recalled out, reentered and it worked.
    The first time when blacked out and summoned to the other realm I tried moving as soon as I got there, encounter didn't start.
    The second time I didn't move until Yaulthoon started his dialogue and everything went fine.

    Great end fight btw.
    Encountered the same bug. Spawned in the end fight with just the Mindflayer staring at me. None of the imprisoned people were around and no DM text. Finally ddoored and ran back and it worked. People spawned and DM started talking.

  16. #16
    Community Member redgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arkonas View Post
    he bugged out on me in the end fight. i couldnt break any of the pods. so just kept getting hammered so i recalled out
    lol wai

    this was a fun and straight foward made several runs wish their were puzzels or something but my runs had no bugs...

  17. #17
    Community Member Alanim's Avatar
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    I liked this quest, it had a very unique feel about it, and the boss fight was very fun, although at the end with the prismatic eye lasers, that was frustrating getting negged to uselessness and being unable to finish it.

    I also kind of like that if you wiped(even if you res cake) the entire encounter starts over again. with full hp.

    The doomsphere doesn't move, I was on my ranger so I finally found a use for ranger summons with this quest...

    *summons pet* *sit behind pet* *plinks doomsphere with arrows while the pet takes all the blows*.

    I also would have liked the big-optional boss to be the "Royalty in Repose", that's actually what I thought I was going to fight, when I seen the beholder I was like "***? a doomsphere? COME ON".

    Found a way out of the pond, but it was VERY VERY VERY easy to miss. I was looking for quite awhile.

  18. #18
    Community Member altrocks's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Vengeance777 View Post
    Encountered the same bug. Spawned in the end fight with just the Mindflayer staring at me. None of the imprisoned people were around and no DM text. Finally ddoored and ran back and it worked. People spawned and DM started talking.
    Had the same happen on my Lvl 20 Water Savant Sorc. Dimension Door and returning to the fight seemed to be the only way to start it up. Perhaps you could make the Mindflayer interactable, so you have to talk to him to start the fight, similar to Finding The Path? It was very frustrating. Had to come to this thread to figure out how to work around it.

    Also, as others have suggested, let us fight the Royalty in Repose! The Doomsphere fight is bugged for now. Doesn't move past the warning sign. I just let it burn up in AOE acid fog, stood just around the corner, never tried to attack me. Even my hirelings just stood there and yawned.

    The waves of Taken in the middle of the quest, before you can go up the ramp, seems a little long time-wise. Maybe drop the delay between waves by 50% or eliminate a wave or two.

    The feel of the quest was, again, awesome. This whole quest chain had an excellent atmosphere around it. As I said in the "Missing" feedback thread, it has a very Call of Cthulhu kind of feel to it. Investigation, terrible creatures and aberrations, madness. It's exactly what Xoriat quests should be like. Excellent work!

  19. #19
    Community Member andbr22's Avatar
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    For sure last boss was epic, and fun to fight (well not got him buged). He seeomed to have high AC (at casual i got hit by 7 neg levels (out of 20) and while moving during shooting i started to miss quite often)
    I didn't understand optional puzzle (I think I got it solved (got message from this mind eater that it took me a bit too long - booooowwring), but didn't got any reward).

  20. #20
    Community Member I_Bob's Avatar
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    Level 18 cleric. Normal.

    Really loving the story. Really need to waste the sucker that’s doing all this to these people.

    I really liked that the Taken were behind display glass, but would have liked to be able to break it myself.

    Would’ve liked the royal Taken be a mini boss. That would have livened things up a bit.

    The beating heart thing was cool. It needed to do something, like start sucking Constitution points as players stand there, and /or run past. It then shoots out “blood vessels” to keep attacking the players withing range or something. I expected it to do something - it is a cool addition to the displays and should take some figuring to get past.

    The groups of Taken seemed to be stronger in this one, that’s a good thing.

    Read the forums so I didn’t move when I first entered the final boss and all started well. I didn’t read how to handle the final boss so it took a bit to figure it out and that was fun. Love that it’s not just hacking away but need some strategy.

    End rewards - nowhere near level appropriate. Needs fixing.

    Over all, a great new series that will be run a lot at the start because they are fun and atmospheric! But then will they will wane in popularity as optimal methods are employed and there is little challenge (except the last one) and no loot worth running them for. Which is too bad as these are some of the best you all have turned out.

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