I've googled it a bit and looked at the wiki, done some of my own testing and looked over the forum.... and...
....I'm still at a loss as what DoT effects stack and which don't :P , and I keep finding conflicting information. So I'd love all my fellow wizard/sorc brethren endlessly if I could get a final word on a few things!
1: Which "Persistant" AOEs stack with each other and with other DoT effects. (Such as Burning blood's fire portion with Firewall or incindary cloud? Acid Arrow stacking with acid fog? Or does one "over-write" the other?)
2:I favor a playstyle where I curse/exhaust my target then do DoT effects to conserve SP while I CC/reactive buff/selectively nuke. It's why I'd be overjoyed to have a definitive "stackable damage effect list"
3: I hear tell that ice storm is an underdog ability for this placestyle since it's the only "Ice" DoT. But I also hear it puts out firewalls which wouldn't make me any friends outside of solo play.