I must say that one more time: I like the changes. Made them in DnD style, and there will be no problem at all. In other words: don't make other WoWish MMO.
But my biggest concern is that this thread show us how many Arcane Casters in DDO are whiny, not patient and using only 2-3 spells from all available.
I don't know that there are so many uncreative Wizards around...
I hope that, these grumbling players are only 3-5% of all players in game, and rest are more creative...
Waiting for more info Torc![]()
We have been withholding belief that somehow a reflex save works vs. many meter wide fireballs or columns of flame 90 meters wide from Firestorm/Flamestrike, but you don't think a reflexy type can tippy toe around a wall despite where it shows his icon? You people have a bunch of other spells to get to complaining about if you're into using real life comparisons.
Casual DDOaholic
Last edited by zalendar; 03-22-2011 at 03:09 PM.
I wanted friendly fire long time ago it never happen, the devs even mention why there is no friendly fire long ago.
WoF does not cause fear effect on enemies in PnP, but if it needed in DDO to keep them out of the wall, Iam for it.and also the enemy would either run in fear.
That is the DDO AI problem, see above.Even better or run around it and then it would be totally usless.
You the one that is weak for even saying 1)that Iam mad at the change which Iam not, I just don't like the way they went about it.Please stop trying to use the PnP theory to be mad at the WoF change its just weak.
2) and name calling.
Last edited by Bladedge; 03-22-2011 at 03:07 PM.
I actually like that part. It's infinite spell points when someone is in the "what the hell amd I doing here?" phase of play and it's unlimited Wings of Faith/Air Savant jump/Archmage SLA.
It's not enough to make anyone actually want to wait around for the spell points in order to take on a significant chunk of a quest with those "free" spell points, but it is enough that you can dump everything you have at a boss even if you end up completely dry and then get back your free/nearly free abilities to help you get to the next shrine.
Exactly, at least ypu could only apply the metas that affect the spell to the SP cost rather than a blanket affect for all spells weather or not the meta works with the spell...
What a bunch of **** is all I gotta say. between this ant the TWF changes the devs really are trying to ruin the game, you can tell most do not play or play to little to know whats going on.
Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..
I may have overreacted with my first post, I have always complained about never being asked to do anything but firewall that thing! Perhaps this is a change for the better.![]()
Longer cooldowns on death effects are not fun. Wail was a TON of fun. It used to be the one spell I really looked forward to getting on my caster just so I could go "wheeeee!" in vale and shroud. The sound effect and visual effect made it more fun than any other spell. Once every 30 seconds now? You're kidding right? Right?
Wail, finger, nuke, wail, finger, nuke... Now I might just not carry it anymore on a wiz/rog and tell people I'm not killing trash in part 1 shroud, I'm nuking portals and they can go kill their own trash, because I needed the spell slot for some useful debuff that's way less fun but I can cast over and over.
Everyone and their dog has those event scimis anyway right?
Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.
I'm not sure about that. It's supposed to be a helpless state until attacked. That's a cheap and quick +50% damage bonus compared to hypno or fascinate if that is in the implementation.
If. I don't recall the last time I tried sleep. Maybe I'll go play with it a bit after work.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zonbLF-NMZgOriginally Posted by Turbine
Yep. I always carried portal beaters anyway.
This "Now I might just not carry it anymore" is the hidden cost or action efficiency and simple hot-bar planning. The things people use, gravitate towards keys. The things that are rarely used get placed on more extraneous bars.
If I have to debuff/CC all the time and there isn't a good mechanism to chain those together, I won't. I blast. If I have to wait a long time before casting that other spell, I'm not going to watch the timer, I'm going to blast. Especially if blasting is boosted.
Or really, depending on how the preview looks on Lamania, TR my wizard to a Bard. Then again half the bard songs are bugged right now.
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
I'm not sure what this post is based on but spell damage dice is not changing.
Traditionally in DDO Direct damage or "instant" damage spells use "loaded" dice, where we give you half the value and then roll the second half.
Example: Lightning bolt does a d6 per level, but actually roll 3+1d3 per die. So the average tends to be 5. This prevents you from rolling a ton of 1s and getting a crappy lightning bolt.
Now Dots typically roll true dice: 1d4 will really be a range of 1 - 4.
But anyhow, the base method of how we do spell damage dice isn't changingBeen that way awhile.
Perhaps so. But if sleep gives us sleep and ignore or sleep and get +50% until a break on hit effect I can see sleep being useful as an actual bard area helpless effect spell. That's something we didn't have before. Sounds expensive to abuse.
I would be curious about changes to deep slumber too.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zonbLF-NMZgOriginally Posted by Turbine