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  1. #1
    Community Member talyor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default helpless change: no more hit on 2 or higher

    Maybe i read it wrong but the way i understand it is eladrin said that helpless mobs lose thier dex bonus and recieve a -4 ac penalty. That means they can still have a meaningful AC at least to us casters that depend on our holds to hit mobs and there will be very little use for our whoo whoo sticks as they only have a chance of working on a crit and since autocrits have been removed and AC will still be present on mobs what will we do? its not very mana effeicient to hold a mob and kill it with spells for the 50% extra damage. at the very least incease the number of spells that count towards helplesness. add at the very least add all of the dance spells as well.

  2. #2
    Community Member Malithar45's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    As of now its not very SP efficient to burn down things, but they're doing a major pass on spells, altering not just the damage they're capable of but their costs as well.

    There's still a lot left to be seen as to what all this update will change, but its looking like now burning down mobs with spells won't be so bad, given some of the costs we've seen as well as the reduction of epic mob HP by 50%.
    Since it actually works now: Malothar

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