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  1. #1
    Community Member Meat-Head's Avatar
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    Sep 2010

    Default Melee Cleric- Criticism Welcome!

    Hello DDO Brethren and Sistren,

    After a good deal of preliminary input, I have landed closer to a build for my very first TR. Currently, he's a capped pure cleric healer/caster. I want him to hit stuff with an axe instead of a cometfall in his next life.


    Decent DPS (I know it won't be top notch)
    Ability to raid heal (important goal to me)
    Non WF FVS (I know the build, I know it's good, I just don't want it at this time. This build should have better DPS anyway via Divine Might; also the only builds that really directly benefit from a cleric past life are a cleric or a pally.)

    Another small point is that this char will use a greataxe. Carnifex in early levels, MIN2 in later levels. I know a Falchion would be better. But it's a flavor thing. His name is Kashil (Hebrew for Axe). If Dorf really would be better, I'd like to hear it.

    Feat order is prolly not optimal- suggestions here are appreciated.

    Lastly, skills. Points are SCARCE. The playstyle would be IN COMBAT as much as possible and healing via Rad Serv and Quickened Cures (regaining SP through Con-Op/Torc). Should I just put points in Concentration for scroll healing OR go intimidate? It would maximize the THF glancing blows AND SP procs. COuld be kinda kewl.

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.8.1
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 20 True Neutral Half-Orc Male
    (2 Fighter \ 18 Cleric) 
    Hit Points: 296
    Spell Points: 1174 
    BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
    Fortitude: 17
    Reflex: 6
    Will: 13
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (34 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             18                    26
    Dexterity             8                    10
    Constitution         15                    17
    Intelligence          6                     8
    Wisdom               11                    14
    Charisma             15                    20
    Tomes Used
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
    Balance               0                     1
    Bluff                 2                     5
    Concentration         2                     3
    Diplomacy             2                     5
    Disable Device       n/a                   n/a
    Haggle                2                     5
    Heal                  0                     4
    Hide                 -1                     0
    Intimidate            4                    18
    Jump                  4                     8
    Listen                0                     2
    Move Silently        -1                     0
    Open Lock            n/a                    n/a
    Perform               n/a                   n/a
    Repair               -2                    -1
    Search               -2                    -1
    Spot                  0                     2
    Swim                  4                     8
    Tumble               n/a                    n/a
    Use Magic Device      n/a                   n/a
    Level 1 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Cleric
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Two Handed Fighting
    Level 2 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Power Attack
    Level 3 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
    Level 4 (Cleric)
    Level 5 (Cleric)
    Level 6 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
    Level 7 (Cleric)
    Level 8 (Cleric)
    Level 9 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Handed Fighting
    Level 10 (Cleric)
    Level 11 (Cleric)
    Level 12 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
    Level 13 (Cleric)
    Level 14 (Cleric)
    Level 15 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Handed Fighting
    Level 16 (Cleric)
    Level 17 (Cleric)
    Level 18 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Level 19 (Cleric)
    Level 20 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
    Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant I
    Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant II
    Enhancement: Orcish Extra Action Boost I
    Enhancement: Orcish Extra Action Boost II
    Enhancement: Orcish Melee Damage I
    Enhancement: Orcish Melee Damage II
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack I
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack II
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack III
    Enhancement: Orcish Strength I
    Enhancement: Orcish Great Weapon Aptitude I
    Enhancement: Orcish Great Weapon Aptitude II
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Improved Heal I
    Enhancement: Improved Heal II
    Enhancement: Improved Intimidate I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic I
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic II
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic III
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic IV
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot I
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot II
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot III
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot IV
    Enhancement: Cleric Charisma I
    Enhancement: Cleric Charisma II
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom I
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Might I
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Might II
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Might III
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Vitality I
    Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning I
    Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning II
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Turning I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery II
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    First, Meat-Head is exactly correct...

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Meat-Head View Post
    Hello DDO Brethren and Sistren,

    After a good deal of preliminary input, I have landed closer to a build for my very first TR. Currently, he's a capped pure cleric healer/caster. I want him to hit stuff with an axe instead of a cometfall in his next life.


    Decent DPS (I know it won't be top notch)
    Ability to raid heal (important goal to me)
    Non WF FVS (I know the build, I know it's good, I just don't want it at this time. This build should have better DPS anyway via Divine Might; also the only builds that really directly benefit from a cleric past life are a cleric or a pally.)

    Another small point is that this char will use a greataxe. Carnifex in early levels, MIN2 in later levels. I know a Falchion would be better. But it's a flavor thing. His name is Kashil (Hebrew for Axe). If Dorf really would be better, I'd like to hear it.

    Feat order is prolly not optimal- suggestions here are appreciated.

    Lastly, skills. Points are SCARCE. The playstyle would be IN COMBAT as much as possible and healing via Rad Serv and Quickened Cures (regaining SP through Con-Op/Torc). Should I just put points in Concentration for scroll healing OR go intimidate? It would maximize the THF glancing blows AND SP procs. COuld be kinda kewl.

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.8.1
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 20 True Neutral Half-Orc Male
    (2 Fighter \ 18 Cleric) 
    Hit Points: 296
    Spell Points: 1174 
    BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
    Fortitude: 17
    Reflex: 6
    Will: 13
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (34 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             18                    26
    Dexterity             8                    10
    Constitution         15                    17
    Intelligence          6                     8
    Wisdom               11                    14
    Charisma             15                    20
    Tomes Used
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
    Balance               0                     1
    Bluff                 2                     5
    Concentration         2                     3
    Diplomacy             2                     5
    Disable Device       n/a                   n/a
    Haggle                2                     5
    Heal                  0                     4
    Hide                 -1                     0
    Intimidate            4                    18
    Jump                  4                     8
    Listen                0                     2
    Move Silently        -1                     0
    Open Lock            n/a                    n/a
    Perform               n/a                   n/a
    Repair               -2                    -1
    Search               -2                    -1
    Spot                  0                     2
    Swim                  4                     8
    Tumble               n/a                    n/a
    Use Magic Device      n/a                   n/a
    Level 1 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Cleric
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Two Handed Fighting
    Level 2 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Power Attack
    Level 3 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
    Level 4 (Cleric)
    Level 5 (Cleric)
    Level 6 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
    Level 7 (Cleric)
    Level 8 (Cleric)
    Level 9 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Handed Fighting
    Level 10 (Cleric)
    Level 11 (Cleric)
    Level 12 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
    Level 13 (Cleric)
    Level 14 (Cleric)
    Level 15 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Handed Fighting
    Level 16 (Cleric)
    Level 17 (Cleric)
    Level 18 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Level 19 (Cleric)
    Level 20 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
    Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant I
    Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant II
    Enhancement: Orcish Extra Action Boost I
    Enhancement: Orcish Extra Action Boost II
    Enhancement: Orcish Melee Damage I
    Enhancement: Orcish Melee Damage II
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack I
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack II
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack III
    Enhancement: Orcish Strength I
    Enhancement: Orcish Great Weapon Aptitude I
    Enhancement: Orcish Great Weapon Aptitude II
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Improved Heal I
    Enhancement: Improved Heal II
    Enhancement: Improved Intimidate I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic I
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic II
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic III
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic IV
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot I
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot II
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot III
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot IV
    Enhancement: Cleric Charisma I
    Enhancement: Cleric Charisma II
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom I
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Might I
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Might II
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Might III
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Vitality I
    Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning I
    Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning II
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Turning I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery II
    That is very close to my horc battlecleric who is at lvl 14/2 right now except I maxxed him to twenty strength but he is a second tr. It has worked really great though most recently Im finding myself often having to turn off my power attack (with 2 levels of horc pa enhancement) which cripples me alot in vale and even orchard quests (tho more often on elite).

    There are two reasons. One is when raid bosses become much more difficult to hit even though I have divine power giving me the same bab as a fighter, 35 strength (need to redo enhancements or get better dt armor to even this) plus divine favor and prayer and recitation. Two is on many mobs when I dont have my buffs running (if I have used up all my sp). Saying that I havent been using a +6 strength item relying on divine power for the +6 (I'll remedy this).
    **********KNIGHTSOFSHADOW ***********
    CUDGOCleric 16/ Fighter 2 TR2 AXEFISTBarbarian 20
    CELESTERAFvS 20 FEYNASorc 17 CUDGERogue 17

  3. #3
    Community Member Famodius's Avatar
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    My suggestion for you is that ditch Maximize and go for Extend instead. Since you won't be casting spells much, and your DC is suffering. Once you get the Heal spell, you will be over healing yourself with Empower Healing anyways.
    Extend will let you have a longer Divine Favor/Divine Power/Recitation, it will save you sp in the long run.
    Put skill points into concentration instead, so you can have close to no-fail self heal while you're in combat.
    Quicken heals puts too much stress on your blue bar since you don't have much sp to start with.
    Take Quicken at level 18 since you should be only using it for raids heals.

    If you're suffering from hitting bosses you should really ditch your tier 3 PA and put more AP in to haste boost or weapon aptitude. Or even ditch Orcish PA altogether and get more toughness/action boost/haste boost.
    Last edited by Famodius; 03-21-2011 at 03:06 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    If you are going to use only Carnifex and MinII greataxe, drop improved critical and get extend. If you want to use other weapons too (Lit2, eSOS), drop GTHF and get extend. It is soooo convenient, and sp saver

    Do not drop maximize - your BB even with dumped wis will be good eneough with maximize, extend and quicken.

  5. #5
    Community Member Meat-Head's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    Good call on the extend. It WILL make a difference on those short buffs.

    I had heard about the to-hit probs. If THAT is the case, then I wonder if dropping the Orc PA stuff and going Dorf makes more sense.

    Imp Crit might be ok to drop.. But, eventually I'll want a LitII. Also, there may be some bane weapons I'll want situationally. SOmething to think about tho for sure.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    First, Meat-Head is exactly correct...

  6. #6
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    Half orc ovedamages dwarves even without power attack ench - they get +4 dmg with 2handers (matches dravnem ench) and then they get +4 str. To hit issues are common in middle level range - when you will hit cap and get some nice gear, they will disapear and you will be able to take power attack ench again (this is my experience from playin WF FVS )

  7. #7
    Hero Propane's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    A few comments to chew on…
    1) I would take the 2nd fighter at 14 (instead of 2), you will get RS1/RS2, Heal, Raise dead, etc earlier – that one level will seem like a lot

    2) I would put a little more into WIS, you want to be able to do runes in Vons, etc…14 should be plenty

    3) It looks like you dumped Concentration – I would consider not doing this… you will need concentration to cast from scrolls and quicken burns through a lot of spell points… don’t want to leave it on all the time..

    4) I would get Extend for sure.. but I would drop the IC-S or GTWF and keep maximize
    Sarlona - Guildmaster - Brotherhood of Redemption - - 2016 & 2017 Players Council --- Alts: Acetylene, Antimematter, CNG, Dilithium Crystal, EMF, EMPulse, Exothermic, Geothermal, Hexane, Hexyne, Hydropower, JA, Kerosene, LPG, Natural Gas, Nuclearpower, Propane, Solarpannel, Tidalpower, WASOB, Waulter, Windpower, Woodpile

  8. #8
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    Interesting way of going about this. I'm thinking of something similar (posted in the Character builds forum if interested) but like the discussion here and wanted to say that this is very good advice for someone rolling up a Cleric of this sort. Wish I could add but there is nothing I can think of that hasn't been said.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLegendOfAra View Post
    Welcome to Argo, where our end game players are constantly striving for new and exciting ways to make themselves more gimp, and continually working towards progressively more pointless goals.
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  9. #9
    Founder unfiguroutable's Avatar
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    Default not a fan but

    Horc is making this look pretty good. I don't usually like melee clerics but I'd roll with ya to see this one in action.

  10. #10
    Community Member Meat-Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Propane View Post
    A few comments to chew on…
    1) I would take the 2nd fighter at 14 (instead of 2), you will get RS1/RS2, Heal, Raise dead, etc earlier – that one level will seem like a lot

    2) I would put a little more into WIS, you want to be able to do runes in Vons, etc…14 should be plenty

    3) It looks like you dumped Concentration – I would consider not doing this… you will need concentration to cast from scrolls and quicken burns through a lot of spell points… don’t want to leave it on all the time..

    4) I would get Extend for sure.. but I would drop the IC-S or GTWF and keep maximize

    I agree completely with #1 and #4. In fact, when putting this into the planner, I wasn't even thinking about order of feats or levels. Just wanted to see the end result. I would definitely postpone the 2nd fighter level.

    As far as #3.. You're probably right. I was just fantasizing about intim.. I'll stick to concentration.

    #4.. I don't think I want to afford that at the cost of other stats.. Enuf wis monks out there to get wis runes. :0)
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    First, Meat-Head is exactly correct...

  11. #11
    Hero Propane's Avatar
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    Here is what I rolled up for my Horc - 18cl/2ft (low level now - no TR)...

    Abilities Base Stats
    (34 Point) (Level 1)
    Strength 18
    Dexterity 8
    Constitution 16
    Intelligence 8
    Wisdom 14
    Charisma 10 (12 with TR)

    Have a good one!
    Sarlona - Guildmaster - Brotherhood of Redemption - - 2016 & 2017 Players Council --- Alts: Acetylene, Antimematter, CNG, Dilithium Crystal, EMF, EMPulse, Exothermic, Geothermal, Hexane, Hexyne, Hydropower, JA, Kerosene, LPG, Natural Gas, Nuclearpower, Propane, Solarpannel, Tidalpower, WASOB, Waulter, Windpower, Woodpile

  12. #12
    Community Member Meat-Head's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Propane View Post
    Here is what I rolled up for my Horc - 18cl/2ft (low level now - no TR)...

    Abilities Base Stats
    (34 Point) (Level 1)
    Strength 18
    Dexterity 8
    Constitution 16
    Intelligence 8
    Wisdom 14
    Charisma 10 (12 with TR)

    Have a good one!

    Yeah, the reason I don't dump cha like that is Divine Might. It appears to be forgotten on clerics. You need 18 base CHA to get DMIII. But it's +6 damage per swing and doesn't lower your to-hit. Going without it is like going without power attack. It might be crazy for a melee cleric to overlook- no offense. :P
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    First, Meat-Head is exactly correct...

  13. #13
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Problem with DM is it only lasts a minute and it chews into your TUs, which cuts into the number of RS auras & bursts. I haven't played a high-lvl battlecleric with DM before, so maybe this isn't really an issue; but I know on my paladins I always feel like I want more TUs for extra DM. I wouldn't want to have to choose between DPS or heals for them.

    Also, unless I'm mistaken, PoL & PoIL boosts your RS auras & bursts as well as your healing spells, so you may want to max those out. That's certainly more useful than +110 SPs from EotZ, IMHO.

    That said, I had a similar build idea, but with a barb splash for the +10% run speed & +1 barb PA enh:

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.8.1
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 20 Chaotic Neutral Half-Orc Male
    (2 Fighter \ 1 Barbarian \ 17 Cleric) 
    Hit Points: 300
    Spell Points: 972 
    BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
    Fortitude: 18
    Reflex: 5
    Will: 12
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             18                    28
    Dexterity             8                    10
    Constitution         14                    16
    Intelligence          8                    10
    Wisdom               12                    14
    Charisma             14                    16
    Tomes Used
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
    Level 1 (Barbarian)
    Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
    Level 2 (Cleric)
    Level 3 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Level 4 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Level 5 (Cleric)
    Level 6 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
    Level 7 (Cleric)
    Level 8 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Level 9 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
    Level 10 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Level 11 (Cleric)
    Level 12 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
    Level 13 (Cleric)
    Level 14 (Cleric)
    Level 15 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Handed Fighting
    Feat: (Selected) Two Handed Fighting
    Level 16 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Level 17 (Cleric)
    Level 18 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Handed Fighting
    Level 19 (Cleric)
    Level 20 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack I
    Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant I
    Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant II
    Enhancement: Unyielding Sovereignty
    Enhancement: Follower of the Sovereign Host
    Enhancement: Orcish Extra Action Boost I
    Enhancement: Orcish Melee Damage I
    Enhancement: Orcish Melee Damage II
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack I
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack II
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack III
    Enhancement: Orcish Strength I
    Enhancement: Orcish Strength II
    Enhancement: Orcish Great Weapon Aptitude I
    Enhancement: Orcish Great Weapon Aptitude II
    Enhancement: Orcish Great Weapon Aptitude III
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Improved Heal I
    Enhancement: Improved Heal II
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life II
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life III
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life II
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life III
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic I
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic II
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic III
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic IV
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Toughness I
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Might I
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Might II
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Vitality I
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Turning I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery II
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery III
    I would've liked to max out HO Extra Action Boost & Scroll Mastery, but I can't decide what I'd be willing to sacrifice for either. If you liked living dangerously, you could swap Toughness for another metamagic (e.g., Extend for longer buffs, Empower for better Cures & RS bursts); this would also free 4 enh pts for something else (e.g., W&S Mastery IV). Instead of barb, you could take a monk or even wiz splash for an extra feat; the latter would also let you use arcane wands for free.

    EDIT: I focused on cleric lvls & metamagic feats first and back-loaded the THF feats; but it's also possible to take both ftr lvls at lvls 9 & 10 to get THF, ITHF, Imp Crit Slash, and +1 STR enh; bump up GTHF to lvl 15; and push Maximize back to lvl 18. Basically it's up to you whether heals or melee DPS are more important while leveling.
    Last edited by unbongwah; 03-22-2011 at 10:59 AM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  14. #14
    Community Member Meat-Head's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Problem with DM is it only lasts a minute and it chews into your TUs, which cuts into the number of RS auras & bursts. I haven't played a high-lvl battlecleric with DM before, so maybe this isn't really an issue; but I know on my paladins I always feel like I want more TUs for extra DM. I wouldn't want to have to choose between DPS or heals for them.

    Also, unless I'm mistaken, PoL & PoIL boosts your RS auras & bursts as well as your healing spells, so you may want to max those out. That's certainly more useful than +110 SPs from EotZ, IMHO.

    That said, I had a similar build idea, but with a barb splash for the +10% run speed & +1 barb PA enh:

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.8.1
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 20 Chaotic Neutral Half-Orc Male
    (2 Fighter \ 1 Barbarian \ 17 Cleric) 
    Hit Points: 300
    Spell Points: 972 
    BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
    Fortitude: 18
    Reflex: 5
    Will: 12
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             18                    28
    Dexterity             8                    10
    Constitution         14                    16
    Intelligence          8                    10
    Wisdom               12                    14
    Charisma             14                    16
    Tomes Used
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
    Level 1 (Barbarian)
    Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
    Level 2 (Cleric)
    Level 3 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Level 4 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Level 5 (Cleric)
    Level 6 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
    Level 7 (Cleric)
    Level 8 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Level 9 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
    Level 10 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Level 11 (Cleric)
    Level 12 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
    Level 13 (Cleric)
    Level 14 (Cleric)
    Level 15 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Handed Fighting
    Feat: (Selected) Two Handed Fighting
    Level 16 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Level 17 (Cleric)
    Level 18 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Handed Fighting
    Level 19 (Cleric)
    Level 20 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack I
    Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant I
    Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant II
    Enhancement: Unyielding Sovereignty
    Enhancement: Follower of the Sovereign Host
    Enhancement: Orcish Extra Action Boost I
    Enhancement: Orcish Melee Damage I
    Enhancement: Orcish Melee Damage II
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack I
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack II
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack III
    Enhancement: Orcish Strength I
    Enhancement: Orcish Strength II
    Enhancement: Orcish Great Weapon Aptitude I
    Enhancement: Orcish Great Weapon Aptitude II
    Enhancement: Orcish Great Weapon Aptitude III
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Improved Heal I
    Enhancement: Improved Heal II
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life II
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life III
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life II
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life III
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic I
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic II
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic III
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic IV
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Toughness I
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Might I
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Might II
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Vitality I
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Turning I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery II
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery III
    I would've liked to max out HO Extra Action Boost & Scroll Mastery, but I can't decide what I'd be willing to sacrifice for either. If you liked living dangerously, you could swap Toughness for another metamagic (e.g., Extend for longer buffs, Empower for better Cures & RS bursts); this would also free 4 enh pts for something else (e.g., W&S Mastery IV). Instead of barb, you could take a monk or even wiz splash for an extra feat; the latter would also let you use arcane wands for free.

    EDIT: I focused on cleric lvls & metamagic feats first and back-loaded the THF feats; but it's also possible to take both ftr lvls at lvls 9 & 10 to get THF, ITHF, Imp Crit Slash, and +1 STR enh; bump up GTHF to lvl 15; and push Maximize back to lvl 18. Basically it's up to you whether heals or melee DPS are more important while leveling.
    Ooh.. Not gonna lie, I like the barb 1 splash. Run speed is.. well, I like it.

    Also, I'd heard about ppl going down the POL/POIL path for aura/burst. It's DEFINITELY interesting.. Again, with my goal of raid healing tho.. I'm worried about SP. But You may be TOTALLY right that the output would be better. I may need look up some math on that. It has potential.

    As far as DM eating TUs.. You're right. BUT, as a TR my passive cleric level gives me 2 more. PLUS, a high cha will give me more. As a dorf healer right now I have like 11/12. I almost never use them all. (often only half between shrines) On this build I would have something like 18 TUs give or take. I can live with that I think.

    In fact, the 2 TUs on a cleric past life is one of the reasons why I figured I'd TR as either a cleric or a Pally. I mean it just doesn't help anywhere else. The +1 DC to conjuration is pathetic. It helps cometfalls that's about it.. And with a low wis, it won't matter anyway.
    Last edited by Meat-Head; 03-22-2011 at 01:19 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    First, Meat-Head is exactly correct...

  15. #15
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    If you're worried about SPs, you should look into crafting a Concordant Opposition item before TRing. After all, you'll be wading into the thick of things, I presume you're gonna take a fair number of hits anyway.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  16. #16
    Community Member Meat-Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    If you're worried about SPs, you should look into crafting a Concordant Opposition item before TRing. After all, you'll be wading into the thick of things, I presume you're gonna take a fair number of hits anyway.
    I have EVERYTHING for my ConOpp goggles tier3 EXCEPT a sup shard. I had one.. I musta sold it or something..

    Also, I will get Torc before TRing.. I hope. If I don't have it by my 20th DQ2.. then I may just go for it anyway. I'm not THAT patient.

    With those 2, I SHOULD be ok.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    First, Meat-Head is exactly correct...

  17. #17
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    If you do have both (do they stack?), that's all the more reason to max out PoL & PoIL rather than EotZ, IMHO. Why worry about upping your max SPs when you're constantly regenerating them? OTOH, getting the most bang-for-your-buck per cast/charge outta your healing seems essential, esp. if you plan to use both DM & RS abilities.

    Another idea: any chance you will pull a +3 CHA tome before TRing? Then you could start CHA 15 and still get DM III. If you were also lucky enough to pull a +3 STR tome, you could start STR 19 + 5 lvl-ups + 3 tome + 2 HO enhs + 1 ftr enh = STR 30.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  18. #18
    Community Member Meat-Head's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    If you do have both (do they stack?), that's all the more reason to max out PoL & PoIL rather than EotZ, IMHO. Why worry about upping your max SPs when you're constantly regenerating them? OTOH, getting the most bang-for-your-buck per cast/charge outta your healing seems essential, esp. if you plan to use both DM & RS abilities.

    Another idea: any chance you will pull a +3 CHA tome before TRing? Then you could start CHA 15 and still get DM III. If you were also lucky enough to pull a +3 STR tome, you could start STR 19 + 5 lvl-ups + 3 tome + 2 HO enhs + 1 ftr enh = STR 30.

    Oh they stack baby! Yessir.

    I did my 20th Shroud today.. Passed on a CHA, STR, AND WIS +3 for the cleansing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    First, Meat-Head is exactly correct...

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