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Thread: Battle Cleric?

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  1. #1
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Battle Cleric?

    I've been toying with the idea of making a battle cleric. Have an itineration of one on Argonessen leveled to 4 from Veteran, but was really thinking about the stats today. Don't have a planner on this computer, but here's my ideas:

    My restrictions (since I will be rolling one up)

    Doable with 1000 favor (this gives only Drow and Veteran status)
    Monk is out
    Favored Soul is out
    Warforged is out
    Half Elf is out
    Half Orc is out.

    1) This would only truly work on a race that either has no base stat modifications or Drow. If you aren't using Drow, you'll need 32-point builds. If you can make it work on something with base stat modifications, it is possible but hard: Elf immediately comes to mind. Dwarves would have insanely difficult times with the CHA requirement. Warforged would have the same difficulty. Halflings would have strength issues. Being not VIP, I don't quite know all the classes.

    2) This is definitively not new-player friendly. I would actually recommend not doing this on anything that has not been TRed yet due to difficulties in statistics and heavy tome requrements. I recommend at least 10 tomes for the build, with at least 6 decently necessary.

    3) How you build this depends on what race you pick: I will list what I've thought through but you can take it how you wish.

    DROW: 28 point build

    STR: 16 <- You need the strength to swing. And hit. Hard. Four level ups into this.
    DEX: 10 <- 10 base from DROW. No points into it.
    CON: 12 <- 6 points, no less. More if you manage it.
    INT: 12 <- Skill points. Drop this if you don't want them.
    WIS: 12 <- Can be as low as 10 on a double TR. You need 19 with items, tomes, and enhancements. 12 is best on a first life.
    CHA: 16 <- 20 base CHA for Divine Might IV at level 20. +3 tome almost necessary for this; one level up makes this 20 with that. If you pass on a +4 CHA tome you don't need any level ups into it.

    Recommended: Tomes:

    +1 STR at L4
    +1 WIS at L4 (optional)
    +2 WIS at L7
    +2 CON at L7
    +2 STR at L7
    +2 CHA at L7 <- Not necessary at this level but highly recommended. You need it by L15 for DM3.
    +2 INT at L7 if you want the skill points.

    +3 CHA by L20, +4 CHA by L20 if you manage it.
    +4 STR when acquired; not mandatory but highly recommended.
    +4 CON when acquired; also not mandatory but highly recommended.
    +4 INT if passed down and you want the skill points. Not necessary.
    +4 WIS if you want the SP. +3 WIS if you don't need all 4 points.

    Any +2/+4 DEX tome is welcomed, but not necessary.

    Level ups:

    L4: STR
    L8: STR
    L20:CHA unless you have a +4 tome. STR if you have it.

    HUMAN: 32 point build

    STR: 16
    DEX: 8
    CON: 14
    INT: 12
    WIS: 10
    CHA: 16

    As can clearly be seen, Drow > Human at 28/32 point level. Drow gains an extra 2 points in Dexterity and Wisdom for a 2 point Constitution reduction. Keep in mind Intelligence can be taken as high or low as needed for your skill points.

    Tomes: Same as Drow.

    Planned Feats:

    L1) *Have to look this up*
    L3) Toughness
    L6) Empower Healing (to qualify for the Radiant Servant PrE, about the only healing end-game you'll be useful for)
    L9) Force of Personality (Your CHA will be so much higher than your WIS after items. If you don't like the sound of it, take something else)
    L12) Extra Turning (If you don't need this, take something else. I might pull this anyway; given a CHA going up to 30-32, you should have enough turns...)
    L15) Toughness (More HPs are always welcome)
    L18) Quicken (can be swapped with Toughness at L15 if wanted)

    Turns (to be used on Divine Might):

    16 CHA + 3 tome + 1 level = qualification for DM4 (20)
    20 CHA + 7 item + 3 exceptional + 2 enhancement = 32.
    32-10=22/2=11 modifier + 3 base = 14 turns without items or feats.
    +4 for Extra Turning feat = 18
    +(I think 4) from enhancements increasing turns = 22

    There are also items which grant more turns.

    Total consistent time in DM4 at L20: 43 uninterrupted minutes of Divine Might 4 before any break.

    AFTER 1 TR:

    DROW: 30 Point Build

    STR: 16
    DEX: 10
    CON: 12
    INT: 12
    WIS: 14 <- Two extra points over 28 point build here.
    CHA: 16

    Level ups the same.

    Feats the same.

    HUMAN: 34 Point Build

    STR: 16
    DEX: 8
    CON: 14
    INT: 12
    WIS: 12 <- Two extra points over 32 point build here.
    CHA: 16

    Level ups the same.

    Feats the same.

    Drow still wins over Human for higher DEX and WIS.

    2+ TR (the only point at which I recommend trying this build-even better with Completionist)

    DROW: 32 Point Build (Two versions of this build; take your pick: Version 3 is ONLY if taking Completionist affects base CHA-I do not know; if it does not, ignore V3 entirely)

    STR: 16/16/16
    DEX: 10/10/10
    CON: 14/12/14 <- V1's use of the four extra points over 28 point build.
    INT: 12/12/12
    WIS: 12/15/14 <- Two extra points in V2 over 30 point build.
    CHA: 16/16/14 <- V3: Assuming Completionist affects base CHA, 14 + 1 level + 3 tome + 2 feat = 20 requisite.

    HUMAN: 36 point build

    STR: 16
    DEX: 8
    CON: 14
    INT: 12
    WIS: 14
    CHA: 16

    Feats/Tome requirements the same.

    Final notes:

    1) This build would be very intensive. You would definitively need to use a planner to plan this out fully; I did not because I did not have access to one when thinking of this and because it is something you should plan out yourself to your playstyle. If you want a battlecleric do you want something that can fight well with DPS or do you want something that would prefer to splash? This is only a pure-DPS non-splashed Cleric. You may want to use this for ideas and take it your own way.

    2) This build is NOT FOR NEW PLAYERS. The only reason I am trying it on a first-life Drow is because I want to have some fun with it; If it does hit L20 it would be TRed into another Battlecleric. I would personally recommend getting at least two past lives, or even better Completionist, before even attempting this. It is very stat, tome, and gear-dependent. Making sure you have the requirements as early as possible is very key. DM4 is the ONLY thing you can postpone (or skip entirely if this is just to get a Cleric past life for a Completionist journey) as it is L20 and requires at minimum a +3 CHA tome to work efficently. While a +4 would work even better, it is not necessary.

    3) KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Yes, this re-interates #2, but I cannot stress enough... Be willing to tell people you're not a healer, you're DPS. You won't be able to cast pretty much anything efficently, your SP will be low, and your HP will need several items to bring it up. Your SP will pretty much just buff everyone. Perhaps a quickened Heal on yourself when soloing, or a quickened Mass Cure every now and then. You will be using Concordant Opposition a lot.

    Good luck. If you have comments, or have tried/are trying/will try something along these lines, PLEASE let me know what works about it and what doesn't.

    Two things I do not want left here (and my automatic responses to them as they will inevitably come)

    1) Your build skills suck. Implies to me you think you are better than I am; this is my first try at posting any builds here. I am new to designing builds for people in general, you were new as well once.

    2) Clerics cannot be DPS with melee. Implies you did not read the thread. Please do so then post a revised opinion. If you mean they cannot be DPS with melee and heal, you still did not read the comments: I said this is not meant to DPS and heal...

    Other than that, post away!
    Last edited by Habreno; 03-21-2011 at 09:50 PM.
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