I got an idea in my head, and now I am not sure where to do with it.
I normally play barbarians in ddo, so spellcasting is not something I know much about.
I was thinking of the iron/steel/mith/addy companion line, and thats what got me wanting to play a caster.
Anyone have more information on the companion? Like what are the stats of the companions, are they good at all?
I was thinking of it being focused on solo, but still able to add to a group when it has to.
I am still by all concerns, a noob in ddo, and as such, have no clue about anything.
I was also thinking of doing the whole 2 levels of rogue, so wizard is what I think would be, but then again, I have no clue on what to do. ^^
So, what do you all think?
Or should I go rogue with a few levels of wizard/sorceror for the self/companion healing and buffs? What one would be more solo-friendly?