There has been talk of DDO having scrolls be named after the areas they are dropped from, Ex: Desert Scroll, Fens Scroll, Chronoscope Scroll, etc...

So based on the scroll that it has dropped from can be used to make any epic item as long as you have the basic item, shard, and seal. As well as this your scrolls that are already named that you have pulled will not change to the area scroll and become WORTHLESS, unless of course someone is looking for that certain item (but still don't expect them to trade 22 flawless reds for your Marilith scroll, you'll be lucky if they pay 1 large scale).

So as a server we should decide a server wide ballpark prices for the area scrolls. Would like to see the opinions of a fair amount of players so we can decide the basic prices for the scrolls.

My Thoughts on pricing the scrolls as below are this...
Chronoscope: 3 flawless red scales for one
Desert: 1 flawless red scale and 1 large scale for one
Red Fens: 1 flawless red scale for one
Sentinels of Stormreach: 1 large scale for one
The Vault of Night: 2 flawless red scales for one
Phiarlan Carnival: 1 large scale and 1 large stone for one
Thank you for putting your opinions here, if you think I am horribly wrong then go for your own rankings, if you think I am right I would quote it and type /signed