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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Stuck on loading screens all the time

    I've been having a problem where my game seems to be completely unable to load certain areas for long periods of time. For example, just today i tried to go into house K, but i was stuck on the loading screen until the connection was lost. This seems to happen in all sorts of places, House P, the Marketplace, just random places. When i kill the client and restart it up, i still can't load the area when i try to log onto my character. If i switch to a different character i still can't load the area that the other one was in. If i switch to an entirely different server i STILL can't load the area that's causing the problem. I reinstalled yesterday and that didn't fix it either.

    I have no idea what to do.

    I should mention that the areas do load eventually, after many tries, or just quitting and doing something else for a while, but it's pretty much making the game unplayable.

    I should also mention that this doesn't happen on other computers when i use this account, just my own.

    Dxdiag says theres nothing wrong. I could paste the whole thing here but it's really long and i dont know how to do that little window thingy that people do.

    I've tried resetting the graphics to default, it didn't work.

    Reinstalled again, and used a different userpreferences.ini and its still happening.
    Last edited by ChairMaster; 03-20-2011 at 08:17 PM. Reason: adding on more stuff that i did that didn't work

  2. #2
    Community Member jarod225's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    same problem here.and i also got hanged after the character selected screen,
    from 2011.3.11,seems this problem happend to many people,maybe it's time for turbine to do some deep work.
    maybe something wrong with the lasted u8 patch.hope a hotfix can fix this problem.
    25 toons now!
    i love pike,but i love solo also....
    in quest when i'm moving,i'm a zerger;if i stop ,i will pike....

  3. #3
    Community Member kelryonlor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default same prob

    i believe im having the same issue. Started day before yesterday ((sunday)) and i was loading from one area to another and the game just stuck. I could'nt even alt+enter to minimize and close. I had to cnt+alt+delete to bring up my task manager and close it from there and reboot. Now today i start the launcher, select my world and i get stuck on the loading screen at "loading new game data". this has never happened before and nothing on my computer has changed. I hope they fix this soon.

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    got the same thing for months i doubt they gonna fix it they dont even know its there probably..

    the only thing that helps for me is to reboot my router and then wait for a minute or 2 for it to fire up and then i am able to login again and play normally for another few hours..

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