When Archmage was released, there was much discussion about how it made sorcerers useless. With the release of Update 9, sorcerers will be even more useless. Lets break it down a little.
Sorcerers: 7
Wizards: 12
Right there that should say most of the argument. Yes Wizards must take five spellcasting-oriented feats and in fact Mental Toughness is required for Arch Mage. But any sane sorcerer will also want pretty much the same list of spellcasting-oriented feats that a wizard would such as;
So there's three feats. Of course since we're only working with a D4 hit dice, toughness is pretty much mandatory so that's four. There are only three feats left for a sorcerer to take, and yet the wizard still has eight. What's left for a sorcerer to take? You got it, more spell casting feats such as
Spell Penetration
Greater Spell Penetration
Spell Focus
Greater Spell Focus
Mental Toughness
Improved Mental Toughness
While the sorcerer can only take three of the above feats, the wizard can take all of them. Before anyone decides to yell that I didn't mention about the bonus human feat, even with one extra feat sorcerers are still far behind wizards for feats.
And now with the Savant prestige coming out, sorcerers will be forced to take spell focus evocation or conjuration. This is a feat that almost no sorcerer has any use for and diminishes the sorcerers ability.
Wizards come out on top.
While this is all fine and good because it's the nature of the wizard to have more feats and metamagics, now we're going to see how this affects sorcerers and makes them lackluster in game now and even more so in U9.
Spell Points
Before archmage, wizards worked with around 1900-2000SP for the most part. With the release of archmage, there are wizards with darn close to 2500SP. An equally geared sorcerer will have around 2900SP. To save some spell points, sorcerers can take a few enhancements to reduce their SP usage per spell but wizards get the same enhancements. There has been no increase and will be no increase to the sorcerer spell point pool with the U9 prestige enhancement.
Wizards come out on top again with a gain in SP with their prestige enhancement.
Due to the amounts of feats a wizard can take, and the bonuses to dc's granted by the archmage prestige enhancement, wizards have a higher DC in their chosen school. A wizard also has enough enhancements to easily take two schools and have high DC's in both lines.
Wizards yet again come out on top.
Originally Posted by Attropos
So now sorcerers will get increased damage for their element, but highly decreased damage for their opposing element. Since ice is the element of choice in DDO currently, we'll see weak firewalls. Assuming the sorcerer capstone is staying the same, now a wizard firewall and sorcerer firewall will be about equal until we realize the next part.Originally Posted by Spiderwight
Currently many sorcerers cannot reach the same DC's and spell penetration that a wizard can simply due to feat starvation. While I'm aware that multiple TR's can alleviate this issue, it still stands that sorcerers come out on the bottom of the pile here.Originally Posted by Eladrin
Why am I talking about helplessness? Because now a high dc wizard can walk into an epic quest, throw a mass hold and do 50% more damage on those mobs thereby surpassing what a sorcerer is able to do.
So now wizards will have higher damage on their firewalls in epics because there is no reason to not hold mobs and firewall them and the wizard takes no penalty in any silly opposing element.
Wizards = win
Where is the benefit for sorcerers in any of this line of prestige enhancements? MOAR DAMAGE! Big deal. Sorcerers used to be the big damage dealers when it came to spell casting, and still will be for one single school. But with the release of savants, wizards have become even more powerful in their utility.