And by Lich I mean pure lich, with lots of DEATH SPELLS. They are a useless class in Epic quests. IMO they would mostly Pike.
Liches are by far the most powerful Undead in Ebberon. A 9 TR with FIGHTER 3, BARB 3, WIZ 3, makes a very powerful LICH.
So I just wanted to say that and get that off my chest. Thank you for reading this.
I had a quick brainstorm and thought since a WIZ 3 has a chance to hit high spell pen and high DC, why not just raise the deathspell dc on EPIC very high, and only a WIZ 3 could have a slight chance of Killing an EPIC, but not all of them of course. RATS and such and lower classed vermin or even a few other low class things on the monster scale in EPIC quests.