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  1. #61
    Founder Blackbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tkrenaud View Post
    This is the suggestion section isn't it? As far as I know you are allowed to post ANY suggestion however silly or ludicrous it may seem to others. While I can agree with some of the thoughts expressed (though a bit too harshly), did it ever occur to you that maybe Seliana isn't as knowledgable as you might be in Eberron history? Perhaps she actually realized midway through posting that what she was asking was probably not feasible and thus tapered her request back a bit (started requesting Arcane Healing spell for women and ended asking for different appearance in warforged characters).

    It seems to me that people are picking apart the words rather than the general idea expressed. If I understood her problem correctly: she likes to play female characters, she likes to play sorcs, and she is having a hard time keeping her health at the level that warforged sorcs do (through reconstruct etc). She then posited possible solutions to HER problem, some radical, some not so radical.

    Since this is the forum for suggestions and ideas, if you do not like her idea and feel it necessary to respond, perhaps you should explain why you think it is wrong in a rational manner. e.g.: the history of warforged makes it so, sorcs are powerful in other ways and thats why they don't have arcane healing for non-wf, have you tried a hireling, etc.

    I'm not sure that phrasing your objections to the original suggestion in an abusive or angry manner is going to get your point across any more acutely (if at all).

    Despite popular belief, some people do play this game as it was originally intended: a fantasy role playing game. As such they may want to make their character as closely as they can to their envisioned character. I personally suspect that giving sorcs an arcane healing spell for use on non-wf would severely unbalance the game, but she is certainly entitled to her suggestion. She is certainly not alone in her desire to make her character appear in a certain manner as evidenced by the recent armor kits and the changes made to docent appearances in the past. Personally I don't place much thought on what my character looks like after character creation, but that does not entitle me to rebuke all who do.

    I am reluctant to post much on the forums as they seem to have become less of a community and more of an area dominated by harshness. I suspect I am not alone in that belief. Do you really want to discourage people from expressing their ideas? What if someone has an innovative idea that you (or all of us) DO agree with but is afraid to express it? We all lose then.
    Did I say she wasn't allowed to post her suggestion? No. But when you post your suggestions on a public forum you are opening yourself up to critiques and criticisms of your idea. Last time I checked, everyone wasn't required to agree with people on the forums. I criticized this suggestion because it is based solely on gender, a basis I find it abhorrent to make classifications based on. Guess I'm not entitled to *my* opinion or to be offended at the suggestion that the game that I've played for the last 5 years needs to be changed to accommodate my gender. Sure, I have made suggestions about being able to dye my WF pink (and got mad when they got rid of pink docents) but that's no different that requesting armor kits and certainly doesn't affect fundamental game balance or mechanics.

    If she changed her mind halfway through her post, there are means to edit what you have previously typed (i.e. backspace or "edit" if you already clicked "post"). Either way, she wanted a game mechanic changed because she didn't like the way something looked. It doesn't matter what the Eberron history is of it. I wouldn't have even clicked on a post suggesting different body types for WF. But, I did click on a post entitled "petition for an arcane healing spell for women".
    Last edited by Blackbird; 03-21-2011 at 02:22 PM.
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  2. #62
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gobbothegreen View Post
    If you can't deal with there being no option for true self healing on sorcs besides wf thats your problem.
    It's her problem, and the fact that Turbine could get her to pay for them to resolve the problem means it's their opportunity.
    You shouldn't demand that turbine changes the artstyle of the game and the story behind wf's just to make the race appeal slightly more to you.
    The aesthetic objections to warforged really shouldn't be a point for argument. There's a hypothetical product: Additional appearance options for warforged. Some people want to buy this product. Other people do not want to buy this product. If enough people want to buy it, Turbine can make a profit on developing it.

    Personally, I support the OP. I'd love being able to make aesthetic decisions independent of gameplay-optimization decisions. "Robo-midget" and "robo-elf" would have to have all the usual warforged penalties for it to be fair, of course (including -2 charisma); I want to buy aesthetic flexibility, and I expect no gameplay advantages for doing so.

    And anyway, if this kind of option makes nerdy, aesthetically-inclined women play DDO more, well... let's just say I think of them as a traditionally underrepresented demographic.

  3. #63
    The Hatchery bigolbear's Avatar
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    I see no reason why diferent warforge body types should not be added (scout models, heavy models etc)
    I also see no reason why a female body chasis should not exist.
    If these were added id make them cosmetic options available via the store - id probably end up buying a heavy , and a scout model.

    however adding a healing spell for any arcane would be a bad move, even self only.

    Im sory but if your not happy with the look of your character that is your problem, not the games. many guys choose to play female characters so why not expand your mind a bit and play a male. Your character isnt you and no one will think you look like a big huking statue in real life because your playing one in a game.
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  4. #64
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    Turbine should just put Vampiric Touch in the game...

    Level: Sor/Wiz 3
    Components: V, S
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Touch
    Target: Living creature touched
    Duration: Instantaneous/1 hour;
    see text
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: Yes

    You must succeed on a melee touch attack. Your touch deals 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 10d6). You gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you deal. However, you can’t gain more than the subject’s current hit points +10, which is enough to kill the subject. The temporary hit points disappear 1 hour later.

  5. #65
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    /not signed

    Sorry, you want the benefits of a race you should play that race. The fact that ther is no varriation between stock Male and Female WF is by design and fall perfectly within the setting. WF don't have gender, they are all made from the same molds as it were, with minor changes to the facial appearence. The only reason they should even have a choice of gender is because many seem to develope attitudes/preferences that would emulate one gender od the other.

    There have been a few cases of a WF making extreme changes to their actual structure to mimic gender traits, but not enough to warrent this exception to the rule in DDO.

  6. #66
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    House Cannith (claims to have) built the Warforged that we use, it would only stand to reason that human-esque aesthetics would apply to feminizing the Warforged.
    Why? Cannith built them as instruments of war not for dinner parites. They were built to be physically impossing and more combat functional. Asthetics like more curvature and simulated breasts would serve NO purpose in making them better war machines, and the extra time/effort for such would be uncalled for.

    Now, the Warforged Scouts were not built so impossing, they were meant for stealth, but still now need for gender specific alterations to the base design.

  7. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by toughguyjoe View Post
    This I agree with.

    Heck a feminine model would be kinda cool.

    Ghoste needs some hawt Fembots!
    My daughter just started playing DDO. She likes warforged, but she also likes "prettier" things. This would be perfect for her. Plus I would be able to bring along sorc hirelings instead of cleris in our parties.
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  8. #68
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    New models for WF would be cool, but it'd be an Art Team issue, not a Dev issue.

    As such, I'm /signed to this idea, as it won't pull away from Dev time making more awesome packs for us to play

    Quote Originally Posted by Druxan View Post
    Turbine should just put Vampiric Touch in the game...

    Level: Sor/Wiz 3
    Components: V, S
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Touch
    Target: Living creature touched
    Duration: Instantaneous/1 hour;
    see text
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: Yes

    You must succeed on a melee touch attack. Your touch deals 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 10d6). You gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you deal. However, you can’t gain more than the subject’s current hit points +10, which is enough to kill the subject. The temporary hit points disappear 1 hour later.
    PM Monk gets even better? YES PLZ!
    Last edited by Blank_Zero; 03-21-2011 at 02:51 PM.
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  9. #69
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingTurtle View Post
    If I made robots, they'd all have the smooth female shape (much like how sports cars do), rather than the fugly angular top-heavy male shape.
    First, not robots! Animated Metal, Stone, and Plant Matter not gears and microchips.

    Secondly, If I were designing a construct for mass production , to be used as implements of war, I'd not bother varrying their structure to invclude non-benificais elements. Their design would be dicatated by simplicity and functionality. After the war their creation was outlawed on Korimvare when they were declared to be sentient and given the right to self-determination.

  10. #70
    Community Member andbr22's Avatar
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    Ugh... The image would be more disturbing for me than normal looking female WF, or ever dwarf female...

    Some lore. WFs was forged for war (on other continent that finished with destruction of one Country, WF got independednt after war, and after that they could choose their gender (and were no longer produced)). They were THINGS -> golem, that served, but had some autonomic functions (AI). Why would they need to be produced in form of male or female (The only reaon i thnik they would need female model is some crazy Gnome and his sex-toy (IT IS WRONG...))...

    To think about female WF the closest thing that come to mind is one of Terry Pratchett books (with Lipwig) where you got Golem in the dress... Quite amusing...

  11. #71
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    I would suggest removing genders somehow from Warforged entirely.
    If life is meaningless, nothing you do matters. However, if life is meaningful then everything you do matter, something that places such a terrible burden on people that I think they are unwilling to bear it.

  12. #72
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drakos View Post
    Why? Cannith built them as instruments of war not for dinner parites.
    Because the Treaty of Thronehold had them emancipated from a purely military subservient function.
    They *were* instruments of war. Now they are people. And they are free to choose whatever they want to look like.



    Or in other words, as other users already mentioned, it would make sense lore and rule wise for Warforged to get "modification" kits.
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  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by testing1234 View Post
    after this is done some of them modify their bodies for different reasons, one of them being better to fit into a human society.
    just look at the lord of blades im certain you wont claim he was built with all his blades all over him.
    I would almost bet that he has level of the Warforged Juggernaut PrC. That PrC gives you spikes that increase your slam damage.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rickpa View Post
    Warforged are as complex and varied as any other sentient beings, and just as docents can modify their body characteristics and appearance, it makes sense that those who choose would look in such a way as to reflect their feminine self-image, can do so.... even beyond the color pink.
    In the lore, Doccents don't change their appearence. Doccents are just intelligent magic items that the WF can allow to opperate their bodies.

  15. #75
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    House Cannith (claims to have) built the Warforged that we use, it would only stand to reason that human-esque aesthetics would apply to feminizing the Warforged.
    Warforged were made for war, and supposedly new warforged have not been made in a very long time. if its a race, its a dying race.

    house Cannith hopes to aspire to the point of old glory, where they can be allowed or be capable of creating new warforged, THEN we might see more clandestine (and female shaped) warforged.

    Also, I'm not sure if Turbine is allowed to change WotC's cannon on the Eberron info, i think thats keeping female warforged out of ddo more than imagining and creating female warforged.
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  16. #76
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    Not sure about the canon argument.

    We already have canon-breaking items and RL references - from hats to cosmetic kits to NPCs.
    Would WotC even care - especially considering DDO is clinging onto a discontinued system, and had they their way with DDO 2, they'd make it 4th ed anyway?
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  17. #77
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaolaolint View Post
    It's seems no one read what she wrote. All she's asking for is the female WF to look feminine. Reading some of these posts all I see is reading comprehension fails
    No she asked for "Arcane to have a healing spell for Women". She said she woul be happy with a female looking WF.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veileira View Post
    Warforged scout models are not in the game. They're more slender, still androgynous, but could be "female" wf. It wouldn't change the story at all to include them.
    WF scouts are also small creatures like Halfling sized.

  19. #79
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alabore View Post
    Not sure about the canon argument.

    We already have canon-breaking items and RL references - from hats to cosmetic kits to NPCs.
    Besides, I don't think female warforged even break canon. As far as I know, the rules don't say that there are no female warforged. Despite what certain unimaginative people have said in this thread, I think there HAVE to have been female warforged.

    DDO takes place in a magical world, where your physical strength and agility are determined by numbers on a page, NOT by your apparent physical dimensions. A male human barbarian with his big muscular arms has exactly zero advantage over a female human barbarian with her fine stick-like arms.

    Warforged were designed by extremely smart people. They no doubt knew the rules; they knew that the combat characteristics of their creations would be completely unaffected by whatever aesthetic decisions they made.

    They no doubt also knew something of humanoid psychology. There are any number of assignments where a warforged would have to have a positive social interaction with a particular humanoid. For such assignments, it makes the most sense to send a robot shaped in a way that would appeal to that particular humanoid. That could mean sending a manly-man warforged to deal with a sexist male captain; it could also mean sending a frail-looking lady warforged to a paladin with a penchant for protecting the weak. If I were building my warforged army, I would include every race and gender I ever expected to encounter on my warpath. After all, it would affect neither their cost nor combat functionality, and it would increase their non-combat usefulness.

    Of course, if someone can cite a piece of Eberron canon that explicitly says there are no female warforged, I guess we'll have to go with that (even though that would make the canon painfully implausible). Failing that, though, DDO is actually unrealistic right now by not including warforged of every race, size, and gender.

  20. #80
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    Please remove the easy button from DDO,, it is way too easy as it is

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