Two words: Pale Master
If I made robots, they'd all have the smooth female shape (much like how sports cars do), rather than the fugly angular top-heavy male shape.
No to arcane healing spell and if they can add your female wf body without wasting def time why not but suspect it would be more trouble than it's worth
Last edited by Uska; 03-20-2011 at 12:44 AM.
Beware the Sleepeater
You are living constructs.
We didn't build you to complain about how you were built.
Back to work, creations. Minions. The Lord of Blades will not be coming to save you.
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As a woman who plays WF casters, I gotta /notsign the prospect of repair spells possibly applying to fleshies.
I'll /sign for a distinct "female" model Warforged body. I'm fine with the body shape being as it is, but waking up one day to find my toasters a little less angular and a little more streamlined would be a pleasant surprise.
.: Sarlona - High Lords of Malkier : Reaper Life 1, 2 , 3, and 4 alumnus : My Twitch : Trans and Proud : (she/they please) :.
.: Inamorata (Goddess of Sticks) / Signalmixer (Vorpal Queen) / Darkchylde-1 (Fiend Voodulock) / Groundloop : Plus so many others! :.
bards get arcane healing spells.
sorcs have high charisma right? so umd for scroll healing?
I've seen some female bodybuilders that look like warforges....![]()
Warforged self identify as male, female, and neuter, It makes sense that they would modify their bodies according to this. They are not robots, but sentient constructs with varying degrees of empathy and antipathy towards the fleshy races.
In Ebberon lore, some warforged go to great lengths to become more like fleshlings, even to the point of giving up the ability to be healed my arcane repair. Others fully embrace their construct side, and give up their ability to be healed by divine magic.
Warforged are as complex and varied as any other sentient beings, and just as docents can modify their body characteristics and appearance, it makes sense that those who choose would look in such a way as to reflect their feminine self-image, can do so.... even beyond the color pink.
If I understand the storyline correctly warforged come in all sizes and shapes and colors. The are, indeed, constructs made artificially to serve some specific purpose.
The warforged race has become sentient but does not reproduce. If there are warforged children it is only because they have been constructed in that form.
If we look at all the other player races we see that they have male and female members. It seems probable that in manufacturing warforged there would have been reasons to construct some that bear reasonable similarity to females in other races.
The reason is simplistic, actually. People tend to remember certain sizes, shapes and genders. There are places where female looking constructs could go where male appearing constructs would stand out.
And, there are always the perverts in any society that would simply want to create an army of female warriors for the perverse pleasure that it would give them.
Unless there is something inherent in the manufacturing process that prevents such construction it is unrealistic to think that no female looking warforged were ever developed.
In this situation it is not a gender issue per se. It is a functionality issue. How better to infiltrate than by appearing to be nothing more than a serving wench? How better to comfort a wounded warrior than by appearing to be a carrying nurse? How better to confuse and daze your enemy than by appearing to be a sexually exploitive strumpet?
The rationale for female anatomy on a warforged is certainly consistent with any society.
And, don't I recall a book cover or other artwork depicting female bodied warforged?
Just saying....
I'm female. I have 2 WF casters (one silver, one red (should have done light blue -- WF dye kits please)) and a WF barbarian (bright yellow). You want Turbine to change the game because you don't like the way WF look? Really? Isn't that a little absurd and selfish? If you don't like the fact that you can't reliably heal yourself, play a WF. This is a video game, what does it matter what you look like? Lots of people don't like to play certain races for whatever reason, some only place certain races. But, just because YOU don't want to play a race for some reason doesn't mean that the game should be changed to give you benefits of that race while not actually playing that race.
Want something to complain about how it looks? Complain about female armor kits (or half-elves, also ugly). I had to try on like 7 on my dwarven fighter to find one with PANTS! Yes, pants. No one, including myself, wants to see my dwarven fighter with heavy armor on top, french cut panties on the bottom (I was covering up Epic Cav Plate, which is also ugly).
Justice / Karisu / Melodi / Morgiana / Zoie / Dixee / Savanna / Silviah / Oliviah / Coreline / Serachi / Raevinn-= Pestilence =-Thelanis
This is... ridiculous to a point I didn't think was possible.
First: Do you know what classes are for?? You can't ask to heal with a sorc in a fleshy toon (warforged is another story and make sense) in the same fashion you can't ask a warrior to cast spells with no single level in any caster class.
You have warforged, take it or leave it, to heal with magic. You don't like their looks? Play a cleric... you self heal and can be very pretty in elf pants.
And I'm a woman and I like warforgeds... I would mind to have more means to make my characters unique but the devs have a lot of things more important to be working on... If I must to chose between new classes, quests, zones, craft, bug fixing and warforged femenine looks, I prefer the firsts over it.
You know, isn't only make a 3d model for female warforged, devs would have to make a whole new version of every docent in game, in every body type for warforged. That is a really mad work and complete unnecesary.
Si non confectus, non reficiat
Simbul’s synostodweomer
This spell could be added with out making it totally overpowered and target for self only can not heal other with it.
Name Synostodweomer
Alternate Names Simbul's Synostodweomer
School Transmutation [Positive]
Level Sor/Wiz 7
Recharge Time General
Version Magic of Faerun
Sources Magic of Faerun on page 119
Short Description Channel a spell into positive energy to cure 1d6/spell level.
Add it if ya can devs it would be useful.
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IIRC, there are WF with different builds. WF Titans and WF Scouts, for example.
Besides that, fleshy arcane self healing is available in DDO by being a Pale Master. In PnP, there were also spells which drained life from one target and into the caster, which could be implemented.
Last edited by azrael4h; 03-20-2011 at 11:43 AM.
Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...
Cthulhu 2020 Never settle for the lesser evil...
It's seems no one read what she wrote. All she's asking for is the female WF to look feminine. Reading some of these posts all I see is reading comprehension fails
Cannith. Loot. Shaolo (20) - Nicodemuss (TR) - Anathos (TR) - Shaoloalint (TR) - Melowdie (20) - Nicoheals (TR) and a bunch of others.
sounds like the WF I know. Fits lore perfect. They are big, ugly, and inhuman.
So your saying you want bigger mechanical breasts???
I'd buy that for a dollar
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